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45 Hindu prisoners at Tihar keep Ramzan fast

You can go ahead read Marxist historians like Romilla Thapar. I prefer a nationalist like Sita Ram Goel.
OK, forget history, you should first relearn how to understand written english.

Sure genius. We are all so impressed with your knowledge that we are going to read all the books that you have suggested.
"Rudra Abhishekam" - True - Rudra means that. But then schools often pray in a more compact framework due to time constraints. I don't know, but may be that was the reason.
Also there is nothing called Hindu prayer - its all our culture. You can call it Hindu, Sanatan or Hindutva. :)

:lol: ......are you actually suggesting that 'Rudra Abhishekam' will be done in a Saraswati temple due to 'compact framework due to time constrants' ? ......You said you are not a bengali ........I am really interested in know where you are from ? Do tell.

About the 'Hindu prayer' are you repeating my own statement , Back to me ? :cheesy: ...........this really takes the cake.

BTW the stotra's in Hinduism is NOT our Culture. They are 'hymns' to God. It is indeed part of our 'Religion'. They are more Tantrik in nature than Vedic. It forms a small part of our culture, but has a much bigger share in religion.
Don't know; did not study in that school.
I second your statement on Hindu prayer.
:lol: ......are you actually suggesting that 'Rudra Abhishekam' will be done in a Saraswati temple due to 'compact framework due to time constrants' ? ......You said you are not a bengali ........I am really interested in know where you are from ? Do tell.

About the 'Hindu prayer' are you repeating my own statement , Back to me ? :cheesy: ...........this really takes the cake.

BTW the stotra's in Hinduism is NOT our Culture. They are 'hymns' to God. It is indeed part of our 'Religion'. They are more Tantrik in nature than Vedic. It forms a small part of our culture, but has a much bigger share in religion.
Hindus can follow Muslims easily, but Muslims can't follow the Hindus, as there is a chance of committing the sin of Shirk (equate any other things to Allah)

Anyway, this is good, here I did Iftar with my Hindu friends several times
Good to see people putting aside their differences and promoting tolerance.
Don't know; did not study in that school.
I second your statement on Hindu prayer.

Listen friend you have indicated elsewhere you are a kashmiri pandit or maybe just a normal Kashmiri Hindu ?

I take it you do not have much knowledge of Hinduism.

Rudra Abhishkem can Never be done on any other deity other than Shiva. It is usually done on a Shiva Lingam. This is usually done in Shravan month of the Hindu calendar. (I hope you know what Shravan is...)

Usually in a Saraswati temple, Saraswati Homam is done. During Mahanavami, which is the last day of Navratri, Saraswati pooja is done.

There is No way it can be interchanged. Its like singing Christmas hymns in a Mosque during Id.
Indeed Great Knowledgeable Brahmin. ........ please enlighten us poor ignorant hindus, as to which puranas mention Saraswati as unmarried ? :cheesy:

It is Hindus like you who make our religion a mumbo jumbo rites performing mythology which focuses more on the personal attributes of each deity mentioned instead of the overall message projected in the scriptures. In fact you maybe overall equated to those mullahs in Islam who selectively quote edited passages of the Quran in order to justify their hatred and violence in the name of Islam. Stop nittpicking and look objectively at the scriptures. All the deities and the types of rituals you so painstakingly dissect are small pieces of the whole. The messages projected are small components of a complete moral and universal lesson. If you believe that Saraswati or Durga are multi handed Goddesses looming over the universe in the form depicted in pictures and murtis then you are more ignorant than those Muslims who take the trouble of mocking those images. As for those 45 Hindus who maintained a fast in solidarity with their Muslim inmates, good for them. They have understood the universal message of our scriptures
It is Hindus like you who make our religion a mumbo jumbo rites performing mythology which focuses more on the personal attributes of each deity mentioned instead of the overall message projected in the scriptures. In fact you maybe overall equated to those mullahs in Islam who selectively quote edited passages of the Quran in order to justify their hatred and violence in the name of Islam. Stop nittpicking and look objectively at the scriptures. All the deities and the types of rituals you so painstakingly dissect are small pieces of the whole. The messages projected are small components of a complete moral and universal lesson. If you believe that Saraswati or Durga are multi handed Goddesses looming over the universe in the form depicted in pictures and murtis then you are more ignorant than those Muslims who take the trouble of mocking those images. As for those 45 Hindus who maintained a fast in solidarity with their Muslim inmates, good for them. They have understood the universal message of our scriptures

It is your ignorance which is speaking and quite frankly its a bit like the emperor wearing no clothes, but continuing to be pompous in his own belief.

Have you actually read any 'scriptures' ? which ones have you read ?

You appear as one of those 'I know it all' because I am a 'Hindu' without actually knowing anything about it, and you continue to fill the gaps in your knowledge with your imagination and call it Hinduism.

You have a patched up knowledge of Hinduism collected from google, discussions, hear says, imagination and claim to be 'Non Ignorant' hindus. Worse you prance about displaying your ignorance for all to see.

You fantastic conclusion is that those 45 criminals serving time in Jail has understood the ultimate message of Hinduism because they have decided to fast with their cell mates. :cry:

I don't know weather to laugh or cry.

You have asked me to look 'Objectively' at the 'scriptures'. Which 'scriptures' did you have in mind ? :azn:
I know that. 'Rudra' name itself points to that. I am not denying that Rudra Abhishekam and Saraswati Hom are different. Point is this is not Islam that if you don't do this you get killed or commit sin. Btw Anantnag itself is named after the Lord. :)
Listen friend you have indicated elsewhere you are a kashmiri pandit or maybe just a normal Kashmiri Hindu ?

I take it you do not have much knowledge of Hinduism.

Rudra Abhishkem can Never be done on any other deity other than Shiva. It is usually done on a Shiva Lingam. This is usually done in Shravan month of the Hindu calendar. (I hope you know what Shravan is...)

Usually in a Saraswati temple, Saraswati Homam is done. During Mahanavami, which is the last day of Navratri, Saraswati pooja is done.

There is No way it can be interchanged. Its like singing Christmas hymns in a Mosque during Id.
It is your ignorance which is speaking and quite frankly its a bit like the emperor wearing no clothes, but continuing to be pompous in his own belief.

Have you actually read any 'scriptures' ? which ones have you read ?

You appear as one of those 'I know it all' because I am a 'Hindu' without actually knowing anything about it, and you continue to fill the gaps in your knowledge with your imagination and call it Hinduism.

You have a patched up knowledge of Hinduism collected from google, discussions, hear says, imagination and claim to be 'Non Ignorant' hindus. Worse you prance about displaying your ignorance for all to see.

You fantastic conclusion is that those 45 criminals serving time in Jail has understood the ultimate message of Hinduism because they have decided to fast with their cell mates. :cry:

I don't know weather to laugh or cry.

You have asked me to look 'Objectively' at the 'scriptures'. Which 'scriptures' did you have in mind ? :azn:

Okay great Brahmin. You seem to be immersed in your profound knowledge of our religion. A mullah of Hinduism is not worth debating since you will question whether I use a thulsi instead of a lotus flower for certain rituals and thereafter point me to some insignificant scripture which chastises the use of one or the other flower. Your ego is inflated in your alleged indept knowledge of inconsequential rituals or pooja. "Lust, ego and anger oh Arjuna, these are 3 keys to the gates of Hell". {Bhagvad Gita}. Go realize the totality of the message instead of each dissected paragraph. In that way you will not make a mockery of your religion.

PS. My guru is quite well versed to teach me that my religion doesn't require me to be bigoted and biased towards the manner in which another prays. Laugh or cry you may but those 45 inmates did indeed prove themselves to be good Hindus. Or do you consider it "haram" that they embarked on a fast as prescribed in the Quran ?
I have kept RAMZAN fast once along with friends when I was in boarding.

all the muslims who come acrosspeople like you would laugh at them in their hearts.Being a hindu u may be thinking that islam is also a way to reach god but islam or christianity wont preach such tolerance.no matter how good u r if u r not muslim u will end in hell.mohammad said even his uncle (who brought him up when there was no one to look aftermohammad)would go to hellsimply bcoz he didnt accept islm
Absolutely correct. The moderate Muslim will chuckle and say, Mashallah! An extremist would say, Let's convert this idiot! If you have done fasting for your own health that is one thing. But to earn the Certificate of Secularism if you did something... well I have nothing to say. :what:
all the muslims who come acrosspeople like you would laugh at them in their hearts.Being a hindu u may be thinking that islam is also a way to reach god but islam or christianity wont preach such tolerance.no matter how good u r if u r not muslim u will end in hell.mohammad said even his uncle (who brought him up when there was no one to look aftermohammad)would go to hellsimply bcoz he didnt accept islm

"Bagal may chori, moo may ram ram"
Remember this oh ye confused ones. No matter how you sympathize, love and talk about 'aman', this is all that you are going to get. One thing good about most Muslims is that they are clear in their thinking. We are not.
Bagal may chori, moo may ram ram.
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