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45 Hindu prisoners at Tihar keep Ramzan fast

Sir, what is shrek?

In Islam, shirk (Arabic: شرك‎ širk) is the sin of idolatry or polytheism, i.e. the deification or worship of anyone or anything other than the singular God (Allah)

In Islam, shirk (Arabic: شرك‎ širk) is the sin of idolatry or polytheism, i.e. the deification or worship of anyone or anything other than the singular God (Allah)


Oh icic. But then sir, why is the kaaba worshiped? Is that not idolatry?
Oh icic. But then sir, why is the kaaba worshiped? Is that not idolatry?

good question, Kaaba is not worshiped, if such is done, it will be great sin, but when worshiping before kaaba, the worshiper keeps Allah in mind to whom he worships, not kaaba.
good question, Kaaba is not worshiped, if such is done, it will be great sin, but when worshiping before kaaba, the worshiper keeps Allah in mind to whom he worships, not kaaba.

Oh so the kaaba is basically a symbol for allah? Im not a hindu so I dont know but arent the idols they worship symbols for their gods also?
Oh so the kaaba is basically a symbol for allah? Im not a hindu so I dont know but arent the idols they worship symbols for their gods also?

Kaaba is not any symbol of Allah, Allah has no symbol, Kabba is a place of historical value.

Yes Hindu people do worship symbols for their gods, that is their imaginative symbol, Allah has no symble, nor do Muslims worship Allah in any other way/form.

You will get very clear idea here: http://www.kalamullah.com/Books/Fundamentals Of Tawheed.pdf
Kaaba is not any symbol of Allah, Allah has no symbol, Kabba is a place of historical value.

Yes Hindu people do worship symbols for their gods, that is their imaginative symbol, Allah has no symble, nor do Muslims worship Allah in any other way/form.

You will get very clear idea here: http://www.kalamullah.com/Books/Fundamentals Of Tawheed.pdf

I have just read a bit. Some parts are quite enlightening while some are quite strange. For example, E=MC^2 is shirk? Such theory is a universal truth how can he say that.
Salute the devotions of the Mohammedans to the Supreme Lord. :tup:

You would sound more believable if instead of using a derogatory and pejorative term " Mohammedan " you address them as "MUSLIMS".

We Muslims detest being called Mohammedans because we do not worship Muhammed ( PBUH ), as CHRISTIANS worship CHRIST.
I have just read a bit. Some parts are quite enlightening while some are quite strange. For example, E=MC^2 is shirk? Such theory is a universal truth how can he say that.

which page? anyway, if you read randomly from middles, you might not get clear idea
which page? anyway, if you read randomly from middles, you might not get clear idea

Sir it was end of page 51- early 52. Yes you may be right but I was just searching for shirk. It's actually a pretty interesting book. For example, in the Koran it states everyone is born a muslim, this is printed into them in the 2nd trimester. Only parents change the religion of the child. I am reading on Islamic view of Karma now. Btw do you believe in karma just in the most basal level?
You would sound more believable if instead of using a derogatory and pejorative term " Mohammedan " you address them as "MUSLIMS".

We Muslims detest being called Mohammedans because we do not worship Muhammed ( PBUH ), as CHRISTIANS worship CHRIST.

there is a calcutta based reputed football club called mohammedan sporting... is this offensive thing relatively new?
some pakistanis also say mian is offensive term.. where as in india its not.
Sir it was end of page 51- early 52. Yes you may be right but I was just searching for shirk. It's actually a pretty interesting book. I am reading on Islamic view of Karma. Btw do you believe in karma just in the most basal level?

please no sir,

Since I believe in Allah's existence, I believe we will be punished/rewarded in our hereafter,

Karma is a little different thing, it is believed by the Hindus/Buddah that what ever they have today, is due to their past life, but there is no previous life activity for Muslims believers. Allah created us, now trialing us, and will reward/punish us in hereafter, there is no incarnation/previous life activity as believed by the Muslims. There is no circle of life as hindus believe, but just creation of human, trial of human and endless the hereafter. Muslims will not born again, but will be brought into alive from the death before dooms day for sending to hereafter
please no sir,

Since I believe in Allah's existence, I believe we will be punished/rewarded in our hereafter,

Karma is a little different thing, it is believed by the Hindus/Buddah that what ever they have today, is due to their past life, but there is no previous life activity for Muslims believers. Allah created us, now trialing us, and will reward/punish us in hereafter, there is no incarnation/previous life activity as believed by the Muslims. There is no circle of life as hindus believe, but just creation of human, trial of human and endless the hereafter. Muslims will not born again, but will be brought into alive from the death before dooms day for sending to hereafter

Sir, then what is the reason in Islam why some are born superior to others? Some men are born with supreme wealth, beauty and intelligence while others are born into poverty? Why are some born physically disabled? I cannot think of another reason besides karma. Please do not take it that I am try to convert you or insult you I just like to get different perspectives.
I have just read a bit. Some parts are quite enlightening while some are quite strange. For example, E=MC^2 is shirk? Such theory is a universal truth how can he say that.

This equation tells that the energy can not be create/destroyed but converted, which means that energy has no begin or end. But Allah said only he has no begin and end, so thinking about anything as having same attribute as ALLah is shirk or big sin
This equation tells that the energy can not be create/destroyed but converted, which means that energy has no begin or end. But Allah said only he has no begin and end, so thinking about anything as having same attribute as ALLah is shirk or big sin

you believe in such thing.. did not expect from you... what about you @BDforever
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Sir, then what is the reason in Islam why some are born superior to others? Some men are born with supreme wealth, beauty and intelligence while others are born into poverty? Why are some born physically disabled? I cannot think of another reason besides karma. Please do not take it that I am try to convert you or insult you I just like to get different perspectives.

I tried to be atheist, but got no reason. you can read my post in this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/225668-global-religious-landscape-pew-forum-3.html

Allah said he never discriminates, the created human differently for trial, like how a rich behaves to poor, if a rich behave badly, he will be punished in the hereafter, and how a poor keeps faith being a poor on Allah, if the poor can keep the faith even after for his suffering, he will be rewarded, these discrimination are just done for sake of trial, and Allah will never do any injustice.

there are many things that you might know through study on Islam.
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