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45 Hindu prisoners at Tihar keep Ramzan fast

Okay great Brahmin. You seem to be immersed in your profound knowledge of our religion. A mullah of Hinduism is not worth debating since you will question whether I use a thulsi instead of a lotus flower for certain rituals and thereafter point me to some insignificant scripture which chastises the use of one or the other flower. Your ego is inflated in your alleged indept knowledge of inconsequential rituals or pooja. "Lust, ego and anger oh Arjuna, these are 3 keys to the gates of Hell". {Bhagvad Gita. Go realize the totality of the message instead of each dissected paragraph. In that way you will not make a mockery of your religion.

PS. My guru is quite well versed to teach me that my religion doesn't require me to be bigoted and biased towards the manner in which another prays. Laugh or cry you may but those 45 inmates did indeed prove themselves to be good Hindus. Or do you consider it "haram" that they embarked on a fast as prescribed in the Quran ?

.......I guessed as much you will end up quoting the Bhagavad Gita. That too wrong :lol:

This is what the Gita ACTUALLY says.

"krodhad bhavati sammohah, sammohat smriti vibhramah, smriti bhramsad buddhi naso, buddhi nasat pranasyati "

It translates as ....

"Anger leads to delusion, and delusion leads to bewilderment. When man is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost, everything is lost".

There is No talk of 'Ego' or 'Hell' :azn:

In any case the person who is attempting to showcase his ignorance and calling others names is the one who is slave to his own 'Ego'. I hope you do realize that.

I am still waiting for you to answer my questions.
I know that. 'Rudra' name itself points to that. I am not denying that Rudra Abhishekam and Saraswati Hom are different. Point is this is not Islam that if you don't do this you get killed or commit sin. Btw Anantnag itself is named after the Lord. :)

Indeed. Did you know in Kerala, the temple where Billions of $ worth of Gold was discovered is called Anantha Padmanabha temple ?

From kerala to Kashmir .................
.......I guessed as much you will end up quoting the Bhagavad Gita. That too wrong :lol:

This is what the Gita ACTUALLY says.

"krodhad bhavati sammohah, sammohat smriti vibhramah, smriti bhramsad buddhi naso, buddhi nasat pranasyati "

It translates as ....

"Anger leads to delusion, and delusion leads to bewilderment. When man is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again.

There is No talk of 'Ego' or 'Hell' :azn:

In any case the person who is attempting to showcase his ignorance and calling others names is the one who is slave to his own 'Ego'. I hope you do realize that.

I am still waiting for you to answer my questions.

Well since we aren't allowed to debate religion on this forum great Brahmin, please refer to Gita Verses 13.12 and 16.22. Therein you will find those verses I quoted. Pity that you also dwell in ignorance. End of discussion :)
Well since we aren't allowed to debate religion on this forum great Brahmin, please refer to Gita Verses 13.12 and 16.22. Therein you will find those verses I quoted. Pity that you also dwell in ignorance. End of discussion :)

:lol: ........unfortunately for your my naked emperor, non of the verse you quote says this ....

""Lust, ego and anger oh Arjuna, these are 3 keys to the gates of Hell".

Sadly for your Chapter 13 of the Bhagwat Gita deals with the nature of Consciousness and not on nature of religion. Chapter 16 of the Gita deals with the 'Devine and Demonic Nature of Man', it only explains this nature, its choices and results. It does not advice.

My sincere advice is to actually go read some scriptures...........its a lot better than going to Jail, fasting and claiming to understand the 'message of Hinduism'.
:lol: ........unfortunately for your my naked emperor, non of the verse you quote says this ....

""Lust, ego and anger oh Arjuna, these are 3 keys to the gates of Hell".

Sadly for your Chapter 13 of the Bhagwat Gita deals with the nature of Consciousness and not on nature of religion. Chapter 16 of the Gita deals with the 'Devine and Demonic Nature of Man', it only explains this nature, its choices and results. It does not advice.

My sincere advice is to actually go read some scriptures...........its a lot better than going to Jail, fasting and claiming to understand the 'message of Hinduism'.

Okay genius you forced my hand.

trividham narakasya idam dvaram nasanam atmanah kamah krodah tatha lobha tasmat etat trayam tyajet

Now go dissect that. If you try to interpret Sanskrit into the truest form of English then I truly do pity you. I read scriptures. Perhaps so should you. Read to learn the message. Don't become immersed in it for personal ego. Namaste am out of this discussion
Okay genius you forced my hand.

trividham narakasya idam dvaram nasanam atmanah kamah krodah tatha lobha tasmat etat trayam tyajet

Now go dissect that. If you try to interpret Sanskrit into the truest form of English then I truly do pity you. I read scriptures. Perhaps so should you. Read to learn the message. Don't become immersed in it for personal ego. Namaste am out of this discussion

:lol: ......you are truly a fool and I kind of feel sad for you.

I do understand sanskrit and the literal translation of what you have written is ....

"Three things that can destroy your soul and lead you to hell is Lust, Anger and Greed, hence one should avoid all three"

You are just repeating yourself. ....... still No 'EGO' :wink:
.......I guessed as much you will end up quoting the Bhagavad Gita. That too wrong :lol:

This is what the Gita ACTUALLY says.

"krodhad bhavati sammohah, sammohat smriti vibhramah, smriti bhramsad buddhi naso, buddhi nasat pranasyati "

It translates as ....

"Anger leads to delusion, and delusion leads to bewilderment. When man is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost, everything is lost"

There is No talk of 'Ego' or 'Hell' :azn:

In any case the person who is attempting to showcase his ignorance and calling others names is the one who is slave to his own 'Ego'. I hope you do realize that.

I am still waiting for you to answer my questions.

Read the bold part above

:lol: ......you are truly a fool and I kind of feel sad for you.

I do understand sanskrit and the literal translation of what you have written is ....

"Three things that can destroy your soul and lead you to hell is Lust, Anger and Greed, hence one should avoid all three"

You are just repeating yourself. ....... still No 'EGO' :wink:

Now you concede on hell. Go on, you will find ego there as well ;)
Read the bold part above

Now you concede on hell. Go on, you will find ego there as well ;)

I have. Now going back to your original post. ....... are you claiming that those criminals in prison has given up their lust, anger and greed ?

They are locked up and their choices is not voluntary.

Giving up food only during lunch is neither renouncing Lust, Nor Greed (unless you find Jail food yummy never ending buffet) nor Anger.

If you are commenting on me, I have neither demonstrated anger, lust nor greed.

Looks like you are blabbering .......trying to salvage some pride (ego).
I have. Now going back to your original post. ....... are you claiming that those criminals in prison has given up their lust, anger and greed ?

They are locked up and their choices is not voluntary.

Giving up food only during lunch is neither renouncing Lust, Nor Greed (unless you find Jail food yummy never ending buffet) nor Anger.

If you are commenting on me, I have neither demonstrated anger, lust nor greed.

Looks like you are blabbering .......trying to salvage some pride (ego).

In a nutshell, they are fasting. They are fasting to earn the blessings of the Almighty. They are controlling their lust, their anger , ego (which you dispute is stated in the Gita). They are doing so by fasting. Now who's blabbering ? :)
In a nutshell, they are fasting. They are fasting to earn the blessings of the Almighty. They are controlling their lust, their anger , ego (which you dispute is stated in the Gita). They are doing so by fasting. Now who's blabbering ? :)

Can you understand English ? Verse 21 of chapter 16 which you have wrongly quoted says one should avoid ANGER, LUST and GREED.

Where did you see EGO in it ? You neither understand english nor sanskrit and now you are pretending to be knowledgeable in Hinduism.

As per Gita which you have quoted, the 'Almighty' does not 'bless' anyone if they renounce lust, anger and greed. People just control their 'Demonic nature' when they do that. You then have to accessing your 'Divine nature' to start realizing the truth.

Those prisoners are doing neither. Not going to Africa is not the same as Going to Delhi.

Since you quoted the Gita to justify the act's of the prisoners are 'devine' ....let me share another quote from the Gita for your benefit.

1. aśāstra-vihitaḿ ghoraḿ, tapyante ye tapo janāḥ, dambhāhańkāra-saḿyuktāḥ, kāma-rāga-balānvitāḥ, karṣayantaḥ śarīra-sthaḿ, bhūta-grāmam acetasaḥ, māḿ caivāntaḥ śarīra-sthaḿ, tān viddhy āsura-niścayān

Its translated as........

Those who undergo severe austerities and penances not recommended in the scriptures, performing them out of pride and egoism, who are impelled by lust and attachment, who are foolish and who torture the material elements of the body as well as the soul dwelling within, are to be known as demons.

2. mūḍha-grāheṇātmano yat, pīḍayā kriyate tapaḥ, parasyotsādanārthaḿ vā, tat tāmasam udāhṛtam

translates as....

Penance performed out of foolishness, with self-torture or to destroy or injure others, is said to be in the mode of ignorance.
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Many Hindus conduct similar fasting as the Ramzan fast during auspicious Hindu periods. I personally cannot fast since I am a glutton. Hopefully my good looks will get me into heaven :D

If you are wealthy...............You Can Bribe too...........
Well I do fast at time with my Muslim friends after I got to know the reason behind the fasting month.. I really admire and respect it... Its funny how few members here can even make a goodwill gesture into something communal person.. cant help but feel pity for them....
and the 500 prisoners from minority decide grow back their fourskin to keep solidarity with their hindu inmates
Hindus can follow Muslims easily, but Muslims can't follow the Hindus, as there is a chance of committing the sin of Shirk (equate any other things to Allah)

Anyway, this is good, here I did Iftar with my Hindu friends several times

Sir, what is shrek?
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