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4 Missing After China Vessel Rams Philippines Fishing Boat

Bugger off Indian! ASEAN politics has got nothing to do with you! You are not even invited in as observers, so stop trying to stick your fat noses in.
In fact, I don't believe Singaporean dare to mess up with VN-India like that bcz you're just too small and have No powerful lethal weapons to mess up with us. So, Show your true flag if you have the guts. :coffee:
Bugger off Indian! ASEAN politics has got nothing to do with you! You are not even invited in as observers, so stop trying to stick your fat noses in.
Contrary to your(you Chinese hiding behind Singapore flag) belief India does have many things to do because of economic,cultural,social & most important democracy. & 2nd thing India is indeed invited there by Singapore,Indonesia,Malaysia,Thailand,Myanmar,Philippines & Vietnam. Especially Singapore & Vietnam due to military pacts. You moron Chinese flagger..
I think you miss the point.

It is called the South China Sea, because Chinese discovered, explored, and claimed it during the Han Dynasty about 1,400 years ago. You can't undo all of that history by renaming the South China Sea.


It should also be noted that just because it is called South China Sea, China does not automatically own it. Same with Indian
Ocean: India.

We can observe another imaginative use of historical records. Xinhua for example, in its “Backgrounder: Basic facts on China’s
sovereignty over Huangyan Island”, cited first the argument of the astronomer Guo Shoujing alledgely selecting the Scarborough as an astronomical survey point (in 1279). Now knowing that the shoal is at more than 500 miles from Hainan, one may asks why Guo selected this place for his observations? Sure he must justify to his emperor why. In fact, if you dig further into the issue,
you will discover that there is no historical account by Guo, or by anyone in his team or administration, of Guo ever setting foot
on any rock of the Scarborough. No map, no expedition preparation, no report of the difficulties of maing observations on rocks. Either the ancient scientists were sloppy in their reports, or today’s Chinese scientists (a very few of them) have been
overzealous in interpreting history.

Even if, with a big stretch of imagination, we accept that an (Chinese) astronomer, under the commission a (Mongol) administration, knew and use the Scarborough for some scientific purpose, it would not be a title of discovery, and certainly a proof of
sovereignty for TODAY’s China. We can ask ourselves why the next date cited by Xinhua for facts administrative Chinese acts on the shoal is 1935? What happens during the centuries in between? In summary, nothing before 1279 and suddenly this very far away place (and dangerous for navigation) was “selected”, then forgotten for centuries… Really “undisputable proofs”?

Writing Out The Non-Han - South China Sea
China’s aggressive policies vis-a-vis the South China Sea are based on selective history

The conflict between the Philippines and China over the Scarborough Shoal may appear at first sight a minor dispute over an uninhabitable rock and surrounding shallow waters. But it is hugely important because it encapsulates China’s assumption that the histories of the non-Han peoples whose lands border two-thirds of the waters known in English as the South China Sea are irrelevant.

The Philippine case over Scarborough has been mostly presented as one of geography. The feature is 135 nautical miles from Luzon, the main Philippine island, and roughly 350 miles from the mainland of China and 300 miles from the tip of Taiwan. It is thus also well within the Philippines’ Exclusive Economic Zone.

China leapfrogs these inconvenient geographical truths to come up with justifications of its claims which can be applied to the whole South China Sea and thus justify the dotted line on map which vaguely defines them. This line has never been precisely delineated but comes well within the 200-mile limits of all the other countries, and close to Indonesia’s gas-rich Natuna islands.


In the case of the Scarborough Shoal, its historical justification is that this rock and surrounding shallow water is mentioned in a Chinese map of the 13th century when China itself was under alien –Mongol – rule. The fact that a vessel from China had visited the shoal and recorded its existence has thus become one basis for its claim. Very similar pieces of history are trotted out to justify claims to other islands visited by ships from China. Likewise, China’s assumption of hegemony is often based on the fact that foreign merchant ships had to pay taxes to trade with China.

History, however, shows that Chinese sailors were latecomers to the South China Sea, let alone to onward trade to the Indian Ocean. The seagoing history of the region, at least for the first millennium of the current era, was dominated by the ancestors of today’s Indonesians, Malays, Filipinos and (less directly) Vietnamese. Thus, as China’s own records reveal, when the 4th century Buddhist pilgrim Fa Hsien, went to Sri Lanka, he travelled from China to Sumatra and then on to Sri Lanka in Malay ships.

This was not the least surprising given that during this era of sea-going prowess, people from Indonesia were the first colonisers of the world’s third largest island, Madagascar, some 4,000 miles away. (The Madagascan language and 50% of its human gene pool are of Malay origin.) This was a thousand years before the much-vaunted voyages of Chinese admiral Zheng He in the 15th century.

Malay seagoing prowess was to be overtaken by south Indians and Arabs, but they remained the premier seafarers in Southeast Asia until well into the era of European dominance of the region. Indeed, the Malay-speaking Hindu (like much of Southeast Asia at that time) mercantile state of central Vietnam dominated South China Sea trade until the 15th century. The 10th century Arab traveller and geographer al-Masudi made reference to the “Cham Sea”, and trade between Champa and Luzon was well established long before the Chinese drew their 13th century map. As Scarborough Shoal not only lies close to the Luzon coast but is on the direct route from Manila bay to the ancient Cham ports of Hoi An and Qui Nhon, it was known to the Malay sailors long ago.

All in all, the Chinese claim to have ‘been there first’ is like arguing that Europeans got to Australia before its aboriginal inhabitants. But given China’s reluctance to acknowledge that Taiwan was Malay territory until the arrival of European conquerors, and then of a surge of settlers from the mainland, such refusal to acknowledge the rights of other peoples is not surprising.

At times, China itself seems to recognise the flimsy basis of some of its historical claims. In the case of the Scarborough Shoal, it backs up its position by reference to the Treaty of Paris 1898 concluding the Spanish-American war and yielding Spanish sovereignty over the Philippine archipelago to the US. This did not mention the shoal but described a series of straight lines drawn on the map which left the shoal a few miles outside the 116E longitude defined by the treaty.

Given that China rejects “unequal treaties” imposed by western colonialists, it is remarkable to find it relying on one between two foreign powers conducted without any reference to the inhabitants of the Philippines. Vietnam can equally well claim all the Spratly Islands as inheritor of French claims over them.

For sure, China has the power to impose its will. But its aggressive stance towards the Philippines, so often seen as an especially weak state, has alerted others, including Japan, Russia and India as well as the US, to its long-term goal which is not ownership of a few rocks but strategic control of the whole sea, a vital waterway between northeast Asia and the Indian Ocean, the Gulf and Europe. The Scarborough Shoal is not just a petty dispute over some rocks. It is a wake-up call for many countries.

In fact, I don't believe Singaporean dare to mess up with VN-India like that bcz you're just too small and have No powerful lethal weapons to mess up with us. So, Show your true flag if you have the guts. :coffee:

If you are really a Vietnamese, you should be aware by now that member states in the ASEAN do not start carrying arms against each other. Then what is the whole point of setting up the organization in the first place? Stop letting a bunch of Indians lead you astray. They are propping you up in retaliation for China's assistance to Pakistan, not because they genuinely like you.

Territorial issues in this region can be resolved through dialogue within ourselves, we don't need rats from the outside poking their noses in.
Singaporean, unlike you, Viet got brains and the strength to raise their concerns..

Viets are fighting for their territories which is stolen by China and they don't need India to tell them what their territories are..

and in the end, stop acting pet. You smell foul..
The U.S. can't defeat China on land and here's why.

With very primitive military technology, China fought the U.S. to a standstill/stalemate during the Korean War (1950-1953).

With better technology, China won the Vietnam War (1960-1975) by supplying massive quantities of weapons (e.g. anti-aircraft guns and Chinese specialists) to the Vietnamese.

With near-peer technology and as the world's foremost conventional ballistic missile power, China will clean the U.S. Army's clock in any land war on China's periphery. This is the only rational military analysis (2012).
You are very funny Chinese indeed. As much I try control my laugh you provide another megaton laughing bomb that I get more energy. Loll.
1-China didn't fight directly with US. It was fearing for backslash while US was openly challenging. Then where was your beloved china hiding.
2-Lol I didn't know that china was more technologically advanced country than US at any given time. We know for pretty good what Vietnam did to you.
3- Lol You will launch your so-called super mega advanced missiles & US military will be waiting for prayer. Hmmh What a thinking sir ji. Since when china became foremost conventional ballistic power. You are nothing against US military. you will not know when will they rout you.You Chinese false flagger. Buggers.

Singaporean, unlike you, Viet got brains and the strength to raise their concerns..

Viets are fighting for their territories which is stolen by China and they don't need India to tell them what their territories are..

and in the end, stop acting pet. You smell foul..
Don't say anything to Singapore. These chinese are hiding behind Singapore flag. Say directly to them.
If you are really a Vietnamese, you should be aware by now that member states in the ASEAN do not start carrying arms against each other. Then what is the whole point of setting up the organization in the first place? Stop letting a bunch of Indians lead you astray. They are propping you up in retaliation for China's assistance to Pakistan, not because they genuinely like you.

Territorial issues in this region can be resolved through dialogue within ourselves, we don't need rats from the outside poking their noses in.

But here, this topic, a Filipino fisherman killed, four others were missing. And perpetrator, a Chinese ship.
After deliberately ram fishing boat, it quickly ran away like it did with Vietnamese fishermen so many times.
Don't tell me that it was "china rise peacefully"...
Watch out you still Han...
If you are really a Vietnamese, you should be aware by now that member states in the ASEAN do not start carrying arms against each other. Then what is the whole point of setting up the organization in the first place? Stop letting a bunch of Indians lead you astray. They are propping you up in retaliation for China's assistance to Pakistan, not because they genuinely like you.

Territorial issues in this region can be resolved through dialogue within ourselves, we don't need rats from the outside poking their noses in.
By your esteemed knowledge display I am happy. Singapore has signed military pact with India So does Vietnam You Chinese hiding behind Singapore, US flags.
If you are really a Vietnamese, you should be aware by now that member states in the ASEAN do not start carrying arms against each other. Then what is the whole point of setting up the organization in the first place? Stop letting a bunch of Indians lead you astray. They are propping you up in retaliation for China's assistance to Pakistan, not because they genuinely like you.

Territorial issues in this region can be resolved through dialogue within ourselves, we don't need rats from the outside poking their noses in.
First: I'm VNese, I can speak and write VNese well, I've been here long enough to prove that.

Second: We're always use forces to solve the problem with neighbours who support China. You can read again our history , we don't care if they're ASEAN or not.

Kantharalak district, Si Sa Ket has been declared a disaster zone due to the ongoing conflict between Thailand and Cambodia. Phum Srol, a small village located along the border suffered from extensive bombing on Sunday night, damaging a school, roads and private residences.
You've known who's behind Cambodia already, right ?/:coffee:

Third: We won't resolve territorial issues with China through dialogue, it's just a waste, we will take it back by forces. if China hurt us, then we will kill Chinese in ASEAN , that's it.
India can Nuke Hongkong with Long Range Nuclear Bombers Tu 142 which can fly 12000 Kms Without Refuelling.

Flying Over International Waters, We can Bomb Hongkong and Come Back in a Single Sortie.

I really like that part of not assisting the fishermen in the water after the ramming. Very professional.

Either the ramming vessel deliberately didn't want to help, because they were ordered to or maybe they are just plain assholes.

Or it was an accident and they cowardly chose not to help, because it might spark fury from theirs or the filipino government.

Well it won't take much thinking to identify suspects. Which vessels are comfortable in sailing inside other countries' territories? Japan? Vietnam? South Korean? Which vessels are constantly fishing in other countries' waters? Indians? Malaysians? Which vessels are heavily supported by government and paramilitary ships while doing their illegal fishing? Thai? Singaporeans? Which vessels have been known to act aggressively against other ships or have captains willing to attack or kill authorities? Filipinos? Americans?

Now, I'm not naming a specific country, because there are oh so many suspects to choose from.
India can Nuke Hongkong with Long Range Nuclear Bombers Tu 142 which can fly 12000 Kms Without Refuelling.

Flying Over International Waters, We can Bomb Hongkong and Come Back in a Single Sortie.


Do that, and every Indian in the world will die.
India can Nuke Hongkong with Long Range Nuclear Bombers Tu 142 which can fly 12000 Kms Without Refuelling.

Flying Over International Waters, We can Bomb Hongkong and Come Back in a Single Sortie.

Hey Internet Hindu by the time the bomber comes back to India the country India as we know it today won't exist.It would be nuked to hell by China.
Hey Internet Hindu by the time the bomber comes back to India the country India as we know it today won't exist.It would be nuked to hell by China.

Howdy E-Beard J for Jihadi,

Conventional Bombing can be Done in Case of War.
I really like that part of not assisting the fishermen in the water after the ramming. Very professional.

Either the ramming vessel deliberately didn't want to help, because they were ordered to or maybe they are just plain assholes.

Or it was an accident and they cowardly chose not to help, because it might spark fury from theirs or the filipino government.

Well it won't take much thinking to identify suspects. Which vessels are comfortable in sailing inside other countries' territories? Japan? Vietnam? South Korean? Which vessels are constantly fishing in other countries' waters? Indians? Malaysians? Which vessels are heavily supported by government and paramilitary ships while doing their illegal fishing? Thai? Singaporeans? Which vessels have been known to act aggressively against other ships or have captains willing to attack or kill authorities? Filipinos? Americans?

Now, I'm not naming a specific country, because there are oh so many suspects to choose from.

I'm sure that's intentional behavior of chinese.
Vietnamese fishermen have a lot of times under similar circumstances. The perpetrators were chinese ships, and sure it was intentional.
Many times chinese iron vessel used to run at high speed to ram head-on to fishing boats Vietnamese fishermen. They especially like to do that at night.
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