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4 Missing After China Vessel Rams Philippines Fishing Boat

We should punish Philippines for defamation.

MANILA: The Philippines backed away Tuesday from allegations a Hong Kong vessel may have rammed a Filipino fishing boat in stormy waters of the South China Sea, leaving one man dead and four missing.
The authorities have not identified the mystery vessel behind the June 20 incident west of Luzon island, Philippine Navy chief Vice Admiral Alexander Pama said.
The Philippine Coast Guard on Monday named Hong Kong-flagged Peach Mountain a suspect, but Pama said the authorities had since reviewed its track and concluded the vessel was nowhere near the supposed collision site.
Philippines backtracks on
I love to see how China punish Philippines and how the World reaction to the China greedy. I think China dare not to touch Philippines due to lack of guts China has.

my god why are you so slow? brain not working today?The punishment will be just like the way we took two islands from vietnam.:lol:
my god why are you so slow? brain not working today?The punishment will be just like the way we
took two islands from vietnam.:lol:

Brandishing arms and hi-techies are meaningless, and childish, if one doesn’t have the gut to pull the trigger.
It is nature of the bully to take what they want by force. Respect for the LAW is a foreign concept for them.
China has not proposed dividing the 9 dotted map area w/ any other country. Its position has been that it owns all of it,
scumbag China.

Don't worry though, the Philippines may not be as helpless as you portray it to be. Unprovoked attack on the Philippines by China would mean the end of China. I predict China would lose the war and be subdivided as spoils of war. China would be subdivided among the victors so that China will forever no more a threat to the peace of the world.

A big 'Thank You' to China for giving the Big Daddy USA a reason to come back to the region. And, also for bolstering
US-Philippine relations. Our relations were souring a couple of years ago, now, it's back to square 1.
my god why are you so slow? brain not working today?The punishment will be just like the way we took two islands from vietnam.:lol:

You just prove my point, even Chinese living in U.K or U.S Chinese still got narrow minded. I don't think you could understand due to your Chinese basic instinct.

People said "It's easily to change a cow to become a human, but they can not change Chinese greedy/hearts/souls to become a Chinese kindness"
Fish stories
9:28 pm | Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

On its face, the ramming of a Philippine fishing boat by a vessel of purported Chinese ownership and the fishermen’s struggle to
survive make for gripping reading, rather like an adventure on the high seas where the heroes keep themselves alive on little
more than grit and rainwater. But occurring as it does during a standoff between the Philippines and China over Panatag Shoal
(Scarborough Shoal), it comes across as an act of aggression, particularly in the wake of a China News Agency report quoting
the director of the People’s Liberation Army Navy as ordering its officers to intercept and search Philippine vessels that linger in
the area. Philippine authorities were quick to douse any misplaced flag-burning ardor, with President Aquino himself noting that
the investigation was yet incomplete. And Vice Adm. Edmund Tan, the commandant of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), was said to have categorically stated that the incident that occurred in waters off Bolinao, Pangasinan, was not related to the territorial dispute over Panatag.
But the story has gotten murky. According to the PCG, it was only the Hong Kong-registered cargo ship MV Peach Mountain
that passed the area and most likely hit and demolished the wooden fishing boat AXL John and then continued sailing. This would jibe with the account of fisherman Herman Balmores, who recalled seeing the mark “Hong Kong,” with Chinese characters below
it, on the ship’s stern. But Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin is now saying that boat captain Emedio Balmores had submitted a sworn statement saying the Peach Mountain had only passed the AXL John; Malacañang is likewise saying it was another
Hong Kong-registered vessel that did the fishing boat in. The story has become as opaque as an overcast sky. What is clear as
of this writing is that of the eight fishermen aboard the AXL John, four were rescued but one has since died, and four remain missing.

These are the circumstances as recounted by the survivors: At noon of June 20 the AXL John was tied to an artificial reef in
Bolinao waters—its two engines having died while the boat was being battered by huge waves on the previous night—when the cargo ship with the “Hong Kong” mark bore down on it and tore it apart. When the tumultuous moment passed (doubtless
unthinkable for those who had only seconds earlier perceived the ship as their salvation), eight fishermen found themselves in the sea along with the detritus of their boat. They cast about for serviceable debris and hung on for dear life. By the next day,
there were only four of them left; staying alive meant subsisting on rainwater and the fish they had caught, and when that ran
out, making do with chunks of the Styrofoam ice boxes that they had used to store their catch. They were rescued on June 23
by two fishermen from Magsingal, Ilocos Sur, and taken to a hospital in Vigan City. Unhappily, Christopher Carbonel, the weakest among them by dint of his injuries, gave up the ghost.
Stories of surviving long days of floating in the open sea never cease to amaze. But Pangasinan Rep. Jesus Celeste was reported surprised that the incident—apparently commonplace, indeed “normal” in the estimation of a “fisherman” like himself—had become a national issue. His subtext seems to be that being rammed by a foreign vessel in Philippine waters is par for the course. But
the unjaded observer would point out that the casualty count of one dead and four missing should still account for something,
and that letting such incidents die in the water, as it were, would strengthen the culture of impunity that permeates Philippine life. (As the AXL John owner recounted, this was the second time a large vessel had destroyed a boat of hers. A similar incident
happened four years ago, she said, and two fishermen have yet to be found.)
Philippine authorities should make haste to look into the wrecking of the AXL John, announce the results of its investigation, and file the necessary charges. It is urgent that clear and concise language be used, to banish the suspicion that they are not
weaving fish stories in crucial matters. For example, the earlier announcement on China’s supposed agreement to withdraw its
vessels from Panatag and China’s subsequent denial of such a commitment have resulted in an annoying confusion. The confusion remains, with Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario saying on Monday that China had pulled out its fishing boats from Panatag’s
lagoon—and a Philippine Navy reconnaissance plane reportedly spotting at least six Chinese fishing vessels and 17 dinghies still in the disputed area.

Fish stories | Inquirer Opinion
How sick and ugly while you claim other's territories to be yours???

You want a fight. You get one.

You should pray now that while your ships are being sunken, your american daddy could have helped you.

These two Chinese posters show how sick and ugly the Chinese has become. They still said bad things to us even we have just recently saved several Chinese from drowning in our territory. This remind me about the story of a snake who is saved from
freezing to death but still bite the person who saved her.

9 Chinese, 2 British rescued from sunken yacht near Batanes

MANILA, Philippines—Eleven foreign nationals from Hong Kong were rescued after the yacht they were riding sank off the island-province of Batanes, a report from Radyo Inquirer 990AM said Tuesday.
Batanes is on the topmost part of Northern Philippines.
Philippine Coast Guard spokesperson Lieutenant Commander Armand Balilo said there were nine Chinese and two British nationals who were rescued by cargo vessel MV Easy Access, a Hong Kong cargo ship, after they floated for few hours on the waters off Itbayat Island in Batanes following the sinking of their yacht named “Tipsy Frenz.”
According to a report from Associated Press, the yacht was sailing from Hong Kong to Taiwan as part of a race when strong winds from a typhoon capsized it.
Huge waves brought by typhoon Ambo (international name Mawar) caused the yacht to capsize and sink, the report said.
The rescued sailors were taken to Manila’s harbor Tuesday and will be handed over to their respective embassies after medical examination.
For the full report, listen to the attached audio clip from Radyo Inquirer. Jamie Marie Elona, INQUIRER.net
Originally posted at 13:08 pm | Tuesday, June 05, 2012

9 Chinese, 2 British rescued from sunken yacht near Batanes | Inquirer Global Nation

The world will do nothing.

Remember how we sank your ships during 1988???

I love to see how China punish Philippines and how the World reaction to the China greedy. I think China dare not to touch Philippines due to lack of guts China has.
Without victory of Soviet Union and USA on Japan Imperial with two nukes, Chinese are still enslaving by Japan and Britain. To day USA is control Taiwan, you are half-independence Citizen in the world, shameful for Chinese when you are chinese brainwashed, can't look at truth that China is divided country.
Don't say about civilization here, very funny. YOU CAN do only threat and bully to smaller neighbors.:smokin:
LOL at what the Japanese did to the Vietnamese :rofl:

The Straits Times (Singapore)
August 21, 2008

THE Socialist Republic of Vietnam declared its independence on Sept 2, 1945. The declaration came at the tail end of a famine which began in 1944. The famine still haunts the consciousness of many who were alive then.

An estimated two million Vietnamese, or 10 per cent of the population then, died during the famine. By comparison, three million Vietnamese were killed during the Second Indochina War, from 1954 to 1975.

The causes of the famine are hardly in dispute. In 1940, the Japanese army occupied Vietnam but left Vichy France in charge of its administration. By the terms of the May 1941 Franco-Japanese treaty, French Indochina had to supply grains to Japan. From 1941 to 1944, Vietnam supplied 700,000 to 1.3 million tonnes of padi and maize to Japan, roughly equivalent to 50 to 80 per cent of its grain production. And a fairly significant acreage was forced into the production of jute, hemp, cotton and castor-oil plants - also for Japan - thus reducing food production. The wartime destruction of roads and other transport infrastructure made it difficult to transport excess food from southern Vietnam to the north. What ensued was tantamount to genocide.

Many victims walked long distances to provincial capitals, and thousands marched on the capital, Hanoi. Survivors resident there then tell of long lines of ghost-like figures trooping into the city. Hanoi families often found corpses in front of their homes. Huge pits were dug in rural areas near Hanoi for mass burials. The wages paid to burial workers went down by the day, and in Hanoi people were soon burying bodies just for a bowl of gruel. The dead in rural areas were left in the open to rot because people did not have the strength to bury them.

Extreme conditions drove many people to extreme behaviour. The vomit of one became the food of another. People followed horses and oxen to eat the dung or to search for the occasional undigested pieces of food in the dung. Food in the mouth was not necessarily secure, because there were frequent fights to force food out of mouths. People stole, robbed and killed for food.

One family that made cakes for sale reports how it made cakes from earth to guard against theft. Customers would pay for the earth cakes and redeem them for real ones later elsewhere.

There are stories of how infants were eaten up by hungry dogs. Parents would leave their children at home to go look for food, only to find blood and bones in cribs when they returned.
How sick and ugly while you claim other's territories to be yours???

Our claim is backed by international law...while China's claim is baseless and spurious. Do you know that China is threatening
Philippines with war...brandishing its war machines...ratcheting up the spectre of war (make the issue expensive for the Philippines) so that China can negotiate into something that legally it has no rights to... classic bluffing.

You want a fight. You get one.

You should pray now that while your ships are being sunken, your american daddy could have helped you.

Philippines never threatened war. I will be clear about that. And the Philippines has no capacity to win a war. All this could be
avoided if China brings this issue to the international courts where civilized countries can talk and avoid a confrontation like this. That is what the Philippines has always wanted, and if the decision will be in favor or not in favor of the Philippines, all Filipinos
will respect the decision.

In a war with China, will the U.S. fight on the side of the Philippines?

They doubt that a Han Dynasty map indicating ownership of Philippine and other countries’ territories actually exist but that more likely than not, its supposed existence is just being used as a convenient excuse to grab oil and marine resources that belong to the Philippines and other neighboring countries.
China did not have this heightened interest in Philippine waters until it was discovered that these areas contained a tremendous amount of oil.

The bottom line is that the U.S. and other nations will surely come to the aid of the Philippines if China resorts to war or military might to grab energy and marine resources.

In a war with China, will the U.S. fight on the side of the Philippines? | Philippines Today US

The world will do nothing.

Remember how we sank your ships during 1988???

Any attack on Vietnam by China would be viewed negatively by the world. The international community would support Vietnam.
I hate to break this to you. No one cares about the Philippines. You guys are yesterday's news.

If you go to Google News home page, Fox News, or CNN, there is nothing. People could care less. I've been trying to tell you guys. You are nobodies. Perhaps it's not fair, but it's a fact of life.

I said all along, Vietnamese and Filipinos are worth less than Georgians to the United States. The Georgians received no military support from the U.S. during the Russo-Georgian War. You guys will receive even less. One month after a Sino-Vietnamese or Sino-Filipino war, the U.S. will ask China for a "reset."

This is a fair and objective analysis. All of you know this to be true.

stupily arrogant comment.
Listen: VN never wants a foreign country to fight for it. No doubt about that. VN has showed in it´s history that it can take on any enemies regardless how powerfull its enemy was. As American you should know that.
LOL at what the Japanese did to the Vietnamese :rofl:

You are very idiot, bastard boy.
Vietnamese and Chinese people were victims of imperialist,
Today, china is going to develop, but absent minded chinese leadership copy all what imperialism did in China in the the past, threat and bully smaller neighbors.
You are very idiot, bastard boy.
Vietnamese and Chinese people were victims of imperialist,
Today, china is going to develop, but absent minded chinese leadership copy all what imperialism did in China in the the past, threat and bully smaller neighbors.
LOL don't play victim with me. What happened to all that brave talk about brave Vietnam fighting the evil northern neighbor over and over, such a glorious history to fight against your die-hard enemy? Vietnam is such a powerful country -- king of SE Asia? Third most powerful military in the world?

We know who you are -- "beg for help and then backstab those who help you" -- that's Vietnam! :agree:

This time, China will end your miserable existence as a single nation, and Khmers and Thai will join in your final brutal justice.
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