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Featured 4 gunmen attacked Pakistan Stock Exchange building in Karachi

Ungli mat uthana baazu tor ke rakh denge
Ghalti se jo lalkaare ga tou gaar ke rakh denge

It's time to ACT!!!
One of the terrorist that was killed, sent out a tweet 2 hours before the attack.

His account was inactive for months, then suddenly two hours before the attack, active

Farsi banchod.
فارسی ذباں بہن چود ۔ ھناستان استمال کر رہا ہے ارانی اور فارسی افغان لوگوں کو پاکستان کے خلاف۔
If u were a muslim you would underatand. . This world is temoorary and is there to earn best home in real 2nd life.
We work towards best of death. Everyone who has lived has died. And everyone living is dying or will die tomorrow or a minute from now.

Best thing is to work towards best of deaths and in that is the real celebration. Life lead in a way that leads to best of death and best of reward in 2nd life which is eternal.

Only a muslim or a jew jew understand it. Its beyond ur comprehension.
The terrorists who died today believes exactly the same...celebrating death and belittling life in this world is a dangerous philosophy...life is beautiful...live and let live.
@Foxtrot Alpha

A small request....

Lets try not to share their pictures and propaganda - this is what they want. They crave for publicity and this is their oxygen.
Refer to them as rats sponsored and prostituted by our enemies to create havoc to our financial institution.
Let us praise our heroes and martyrs that resolved this extremely quickly. Judging by the ammunition they were carrying - they were hellbent on destroying the building.
Poorly trained scum - didnt stand a chance against our heroes.
One of the terrorist that was killed, sent out a tweet 2 hours before the attack.

His account was inactive for months, then suddenly two hours before the attack, active
Good Thing we did our work on this twitter account before anyone found out .... :D ....this twitter account came on our radar hours ago - with in minutes of photo being released
These lowlifes are the scum of the earth. May they rot in hell until eternity. Let us end them once and for all.
What is our lumber one doing? How they sneaked into Karachi? Why there is no response of terrorism in India?
Sind Ranger's head Major General Umer Bukhari in response to a question from 24 news reporter has said unequivocal that foreign forces mentioning RAW by name , were responsible. They are frustrated after their recent failures in Karachi. There had been no terrorist incident for almost 1.5 years Karachi.

The IG Sind backed up General's statement and said that these organisations are frustrated after their failures.
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What is our lumber one doing? How they sneaked into Karachi? Why there is no response of terrorism in India?
No security is fool proof. Just be ready to stand against opression and evil. We are not a nation who runs away or is scared of attacks. We will defend and we will attack where it hurts the enemy most

Head of this snake is in india. We need to he ready to invade India. And while we wait for perfect time we need to attack their stock exchange with 3X the force just so they know they are fighting not a weak people but people 3x stronger. Even if oir numbers are small we are 3x smarter and stronger nation.

There is a reason why hindustan (india) has been conqured 5 times in history from western side ( Pakistani/afghan side) . Histroy will repeat itself.

Be ready and don't be afraid to fight or die.
Farsi banchod.
فارسی ذباں بہن چود ۔ ھناستان استمال کر رہا ہے ارانی اور فارسی افغان لوگوں کو پاکستان کے خلاف۔

It is not Farsi, it is a local language of Baluchistan.
It may contain some Persian words but it is not Farsi.

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