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3 militants killed in encounter

India thus have full right to overthrow this occupation. And you can't blame India for doing that.

I don't, my policy has always been that Hindustan can do what it pleases so long as it doesn't cry when we do the same and doesn't go beyond what we do. Unfortunately, Hindustan fails to meet either criteria which shows who is the more chivalrous among the two of us.
Doesn't change the fact that we still own Point 5353. I doubt Point 5310 is of any major strategic significance since we would have left Point 5353 in exchange for it if that were the case.

Doesn't matter how much we got in Kutch, we still gained land that was yours.

I highly doubt that latter part, but even if it is true, we still occupy more of your land than vice versa (the rest of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan is still ours, as is 10% of Kutch). Even if you took all of Kashmir and Kutch, that would just make us even since you would have regained all the land you lost
Point 5353 is no longer significant as India is undergoing jojila tunnel pass now. But Point 5310 is still important.

As for Kargil , several hundreds of sq km were captured during 1971 war.
The whole area of Kargil belonged to Pakistan. It was captured by India in the war of 1965, but restored to Pakistan under Tashkent Agreement. In the 1971 war, Kargil was again occupied and retained by India by dint of force. Thus categorically speaking, the seeds for the 1999 operation along the Srinagar-Dras-Somat-Kargil-Dungul Leh highway were planted way back when the Indian Army High Command had ventured to lance across the 1949 UN Ceasefire Line in Kashmir and renamed it as the Line of Control in December 1972

Also it is we who occupy more PakistanI land by occupying J&K and 90% of Kutch.

Us Salafis don't really consider Qadianis, Shias or Sufis as Muslims but whatever floats your boat man.
So you think this gives you a free ticket to kill other ideologically different muslims?

we have far higher amounts of Eurasian DNA than you monkeys,
I am sorry I was talking to an wannabe European!!

h some of it clearly coming from the Islamic conquerors (hence why the pagan Kalash have lower amounts of Eurasian DNA than even Punjabis, and neighbouring north Hindustanis also significantly lack this component):
I never had any doubt , about your DNA coming from muslim invaders
Afterall I even called you product of invasion!!!:sick:
What is pagan kalash? :coffee: and what's with your obsession about Eurasian DNA?

ts support a model according to which the spread of Islam in India was predominantly cultural conversion associated with minor but still detectable levels of gene flow from outside, primarily from Iran and Central Asia"
Do you even know what this means?
Cultural conversion!
You fools are converts! And call yourself Atatürk!!!:crazy::rofl: and even associate yourself with Arabs
But according to you no forced conversions happened???:whistle:

So much for us not having a history lol, we respect the culture of our Islamic forefathers AND the region in which we assimilated into, but not you degenerates who's sole purpose in life is to be our punching bag.
Maybe you wanted to say your Islamic oppressors!!!
I am sorry but you brought this upon yourself ,
I love the way you guys declare yourself conquerors! (And what not) But the truth is quite different,( wannabe europeans,wanna be Turks, wannabe Arabs ,and wannabe heir of king purushottam )
Maybe it's the only way your pitiful existence may have some feel good sessions
So you think this gives you a free ticket to kill other ideologically different muslims?

I am sorry I was talking to an wannabe European!!

I never had any doubt , about your DNA coming from muslim invaders
Afterall I even called you product of invasion!!!:sick:
What is pagan kalash? :coffee: and what's with your obsession about Eurasian DNA?

Do you even know what this means?
Cultural conversion!
You fools are converts! And call yourself Atatürk!!!:crazy::rofl: and even associate yourself with Arabs
But according to you no forced conversions happened???:whistle:

Maybe you wanted to say your Islamic oppressors!!!
I am sorry but you brought this upon yourself ,
I love the way you guys declare yourself conquerors! (And what not) But the truth is quite different,( wannabe europeans,wanna be Turks, wannabe Arabs ,and wannabe heir of king purushottam )
Maybe it's the only way your pitiful existence may have some feel good sessions
According to him ChandraGupta Maurya was from kpk, Pakistan. So you can understand his knowledge. Also this einstein has accepted that Pakistani army surrendered in 1971 because the numbers were a little more than 10 kafirs for each Muslim otherwise they would have not hesitated to show ball$. They did not show ball$ because they can only win if the numbers are according to the theory of 1:10 kafirs. Hence the smart general Niazi quickly calculated on the field and decided that since showing ball$ will result in a loss..hence its better to surrender. Again..this is not my word..this gentleman says so. This really cracked me up..also keep conversing with him, you will realise he is so confused about his roots and is facing personal identity crisis. Just take him with a bag of salt and be entertained with his twisted historical facts. Don't take him seriously at all.. he is a character :)
According to him ChandraGupta Maurya was from kpk, Pakistan. So you can understand his knowledge. Also this einstein has accepted that Pakistani army surrendered in 1971 because the numbers were a little more than 10 kafirs for each Muslim otherwise they would have not hesitated to show ball$. They did not show ball$ because they can only win if the numbers are according to the theory of 1:10 kafirs. Hence the smart general Niazi quickly calculated on the field and decided that since showing ball$ will result in a loss..hence its better to surrender. Again..this is not my word..this gentleman says so. This really cracked me up..also keep conversing with him, you will realise he is so confused about his roots and is facing personal identity crisis. Just take him with a bag of salt and be entertained with his twisted historical facts. Don't take him seriously at all.. he is a character :)
He even said on another thread that Alexander invaded Pakistan!!!:D:tdown::omghaha:

Panini was a Pakistani, PORUS was a Pakistani,religion of pakistani Aryans was different from Indian aryans,forced conversions never happened , Pakistanis are the only heirs of IVC:wacko:

I love his kafir ratio theory !!:D this theory must be derived by Einstein himself for Pakistanis;)
Truth is I never took him seriously!
He doesn't know much about history ,nor he has any sense of logic
So you think this gives you a free ticket to kill other ideologically different muslims?

I am sorry I was talking to an wannabe European!!

I never had any doubt , about your DNA coming from muslim invaders
Afterall I even called you product of invasion!!!:sick:
What is pagan kalash? :coffee: and what's with your obsession about Eurasian DNA?

Do you even know what this means?
Cultural conversion!
You fools are converts! And call yourself Atatürk!!!:crazy::rofl: and even associate yourself with Arabs
But according to you no forced conversions happened???:whistle:

Maybe you wanted to say your Islamic oppressors!!!
I am sorry but you brought this upon yourself ,
I love the way you guys declare yourself conquerors! (And what not) But the truth is quite different,( wannabe europeans,wanna be Turks, wannabe Arabs ,and wannabe heir of king purushottam )
Maybe it's the only way your pitiful existence may have some feel good sessions

Since you actually seem to be addressing my points this time, I'll respond. But if you start ignoring my major points again or just deny my points for no reason, this conversation is over, got it monkey?

I never said it does, stop projecting your own interpretations of my post.

Eurasian doesn't equal European you stupid dot-head, notice the fact that it's suffix is "asian".

The Kalash (along with the Burusho) are remnants of the original Aryans who conquered South Asia and introduced the Vedic religion to the area.

I only mention it as it's a good indicator to determine if we are descended from the Islamic conquerors, since they also had high quantities of Eurasian DNA. Since we have it in far higher quantities than you guys and even higher quantities than the non-Muslim Kalash, it's pretty clear that yes, we have ancestry from them.

Again, you successfully prove how low your IQ is. I never denied that MOST of our ancestors are converts, but I said most of us (or at least, the ones who don't live in a random village detached from society) will have at least a few ancestors from these Islamic conquerors, which is what the study says. Also, that was for Hindustan and just one of the studies I quoted, but you glossed over the others. Nice.

I never called myself anything other than a Pakistani. Again, you're just projecting your own interpretations onto my posts.

He even said on another thread that Alexander invaded Pakistan!!!:D:tdown::omghaha:

Panini was a Pakistani, PORUS was a Pakistani,religion of pakistani Aryans was different from Indian aryans,forced conversions never happened , Pakistanis are the only heirs of IVC:wacko:

I love his kafir ratio theory !!:D this theory must be derived by Einstein himself for Pakistanis;)
Truth is I never took him seriously!
He doesn't know much about history ,nor he has any sense of logic

What did he invade then? Hindustan?


Newsflash, your nation came into existence the same time ours did.

We already proved that yes, the inhabitants of the Indus followed different religions to the inhabitants of the Ganges. Go back and read @Talwar e Pakistan 's posts.

As for being the heirs of IVC, you say we aren't descended from the Islamic conquerors, but now you say we aren't from the Indus either. What are we? Aliens?


LOL the wannabe Aryan says I don't know history, please, if you knew history you wouldn't be here spitting this crap.

According to him ChandraGupta Maurya was from kpk, Pakistan. So you can understand his knowledge. Also this einstein has accepted that Pakistani army surrendered in 1971 because the numbers were a little more than 10 kafirs for each Muslim otherwise they would have not hesitated to show ball$. They did not show ball$ because they can only win if the numbers are according to the theory of 1:10 kafirs. Hence the smart general Niazi quickly calculated on the field and decided that since showing ball$ will result in a loss..hence its better to surrender. Again..this is not my word..this gentleman says so. This really cracked me up..also keep conversing with him, you will realise he is so confused about his roots and is facing personal identity crisis. Just take him with a bag of salt and be entertained with his twisted historical facts. Don't take him seriously at all.. he is a character :)

Yep, and I gave proof to support my claims. But like always, Hindustanis will be Hindustanis and lie because it doesn't suit their narrative, just like you lie about the Aryan migrations or claim that Muslims are the product of forced conversions.

I've got 6 positive ratings and not a single negative one. If I'm a character, then you're a failed one.
Since you actually seem to be addressing my points this time, I'll respond. But if you start ignoring my major points again or just deny my points for no reason, this conversation is over, got it monkey?

I never said it does, stop projecting your own interpretations of my post.

Eurasian doesn't equal European you stupid dot-head, notice the fact that it's suffix is "asian".

The Kalash (along with the Burusho) are remnants of the original Aryans who conquered South Asia and introduced the Vedic religion to the area.

I only mention it as it's a good indicator to determine if we are descended from the Islamic conquerors, since they also had high quantities of Eurasian DNA. Since we have it in far higher quantities than you guys and even higher quantities than the non-Muslim Kalash, it's pretty clear that yes, we have ancestry from them.

Again, you successfully prove how low your IQ is. I never denied that MOST of our ancestors are converts, but I said most of us (or at least, the ones who don't live in a random village detached from society) will have at least a few ancestors from these Islamic conquerors, which is what the study says. Also, that was for Hindustan and just one of the studies I quoted, but you glossed over the others. Nice.

I never called myself anything other than a Pakistani. Again, you're just projecting your own interpretations onto my posts.

What did he invade then? Hindustan?


Newsflash, your nation came into existence the same time ours did.

We already proved that yes, the inhabitants of the Indus followed different religions to the inhabitants of the Ganges. Go back and read @Talwar e Pakistan 's posts.

As for being the heirs of IVC, you say we aren't descended from the Islamic conquerors, but now you say we aren't from the Indus either. What are we? Aliens?


LOL the wannabe Aryan says I don't know history, please, if you knew history you wouldn't be here spitting this crap.

Yep, and I gave proof to support my claims. But like always, Hindustanis will be Hindustanis and lie because it doesn't suit their narrative, just like you lie about the Aryan migrations or claim that Muslims are the product of forced conversions.

I've got 6 positive ratings and not a single negative one. If I'm a character, then you're a failed one.
Just ignore them, they are only here to troll and waste time not to have a civilized debate with facts.
"we observed a certain degree of genetic contribution from Iran to both Muslim populations"
Partial quote. Here is the complete quote

"Although we observed a certain degree of genetic contribution from Iran to both Muslim populations, the results of the phylogenetic analyses based on autosomal STRs suggest genetic relatedness with some of the geographically closest neighboring Hindu religious populations."

The word "Although" is extremely important. Please don't be so dishonest. Especially when your dishonesty can be caught so easily.
Partial quote. Here is the complete quote

"Although we observed a certain degree of genetic contribution from Iran to both Muslim populations, the results of the phylogenetic analyses based on autosomal STRs suggest genetic relatedness with some of the geographically closest neighboring Hindu religious populations."

The word "Although" is extremely important. Please don't be so dishonest. Especially when your dishonesty can be caught so easily.

Irrelevant, I'm not denying we have more in common with members of the same ethnic group than Muslims in Iran, Central Asia or Arabia, I'm saying that most of us (unless we come from a village detached from society) do have minor amounts of ancestry from these people at bare minimum (some of us have it in larger quantities) because of the Islamic conquests.

Also, that's for Hindustanis, not Pakistanis. As shown before, we have higher amounts of ancestry from these conquerors (as is to be expected since we were at the forefront of their invasions).
Irrelevant, I'm not denying we have more in common with members of the same ethnic group than Muslims in Iran, Central Asia or Arabia, I'm saying that most of us (unless we come from a village detached from society) do have minor amounts of ancestry from these people at bare minimum (some of us have it in larger quantities) because of the Islamic conquests.
Actually the authors didn't do the same test for Hindu population. They may also end-up having a similar minor amount of ancestry from these people.
Actually the authors didn't do the same test for Hindu population. They may also end-up having a similar minor amount of ancestry from these people.

No, each and every test compares them to a Hindu population. Even if this one didn't, the others all did and gave similar results, i.e Hindustani Muslims are mostly similar to their Hindu neighbours, but have small amounts of DNA from the Islamic conquerors. With Pakistanis the results seem to show even more ancestry from the Islamic conquerors (I mean, we were at the forefront after all so it makes sense), and you can even see a trend of the differences between Muslims and non-Muslims (genetically) increasing as you go more and more north-west throughout the sub-continent, to the point where Muslim and Sikh/Hindu Gujjars in north-west Hindustan were shown to be significantly different genetically from each other.
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Just ignore them, they are only here to troll and waste time not to have a civilized debate with facts.
You are talking about civilized discussion, and the other guy is claiming that Alexander invaded pakistan!???
How am I supposed to have a sensible discussion ???

Since you actually seem to be addressing my points this time, I'll respond. But if you start ignoring my major points again or just deny my points for no reason, this conversation is over, got it monkey?
Why do you have to add personal insults ? Must be one of the old habits of yours

I never said it does, stop projecting your own interpretations of my post.
But why are you so eager to declare others non Muslims? I'm mean that's what whahbis do they go around and declare others non Muslims
I have to say wahabis have a cult like mentality ,and extremism is prevalent in your societies

The Kalash (along with the Burusho) are remnants of the original Aryans who conquered South Asia and introduced the Vedic religion to the area.

Again, you successfully prove how low your IQ is. I never denied that MOST of our ancestors are converts, but I said most of us (or at least, the ones who don't live in a random village detached from society) will have at least a few ancestors from these Islamic conquerors, which is what the study says. Also, that was for Hindustan and just one of the studies I quoted, but you glossed over the others. Nice
Boring! Repetition of facts :tdown:
Read your previous comments and figure out how you were painting oh so glorious picture of your ancestors

I never called myself anything other than a Pakistani. Again, you're just projecting your own interpretations onto my posts.
I don't think so ! ,Stop twisting your own words buddy read your previous comments
You claimed to be so much more than a Pakistani

t did he invade then? Hindustan?

According to the Greeks they invaded the land called India, and yes they invaded Bharatvarsha

We already proved that yes, the inhabitants of the Indus followed different religions to the inhabitants of the Ganges. Go back and read @Talwar e Pakistan 's posts.
Why are you calling him into our discussion? Is he a historian?
Followed different religion ? I don't think so

As for being the heirs of IVC, you say we aren't descended from the Islamic conquerors, but now you say we aren't from the Indus either. What are we? Aliens?
Only God knows what you guys are
Afterall you can't claim IVC and Aryan civilization at the same time

And you can't claim ancestry from each and every muslim inavder
Since you actually seem to be addressing my points this time, I'll respond. But if you start ignoring my major points again or just deny my points for no reason, this conversation is over, got it monkey?

I never said it does, stop projecting your own interpretations of my post.

Eurasian doesn't equal European you stupid dot-head, notice the fact that it's suffix is "asian".

The Kalash (along with the Burusho) are remnants of the original Aryans who conquered South Asia and introduced the Vedic religion to the area.

I only mention it as it's a good indicator to determine if we are descended from the Islamic conquerors, since they also had high quantities of Eurasian DNA. Since we have it in far higher quantities than you guys and even higher quantities than the non-Muslim Kalash, it's pretty clear that yes, we have ancestry from them.

Again, you successfully prove how low your IQ is. I never denied that MOST of our ancestors are converts, but I said most of us (or at least, the ones who don't live in a random village detached from society) will have at least a few ancestors from these Islamic conquerors, which is what the study says. Also, that was for Hindustan and just one of the studies I quoted, but you glossed over the others. Nice.

I never called myself anything other than a Pakistani. Again, you're just projecting your own interpretations onto my posts.

What did he invade then? Hindustan?


Newsflash, your nation came into existence the same time ours did.

We already proved that yes, the inhabitants of the Indus followed different religions to the inhabitants of the Ganges. Go back and read @Talwar e Pakistan 's posts.

As for being the heirs of IVC, you say we aren't descended from the Islamic conquerors, but now you say we aren't from the Indus either. What are we? Aliens?


LOL the wannabe Aryan says I don't know history, please, if you knew history you wouldn't be here spitting this crap.

Yep, and I gave proof to support my claims. But like always, Hindustanis will be Hindustanis and lie because it doesn't suit their narrative, just like you lie about the Aryan migrations or claim that Muslims are the product of forced conversions.

I've got 6 positive ratings and not a single negative one. If I'm a character, then you're a failed one.
You ran away without answering. You refuse to say your ancestors are Hindus (which means you have that gene), if you say Porus was a Pakistani. If you say Majority of your gene is not Hindus, then clearly you did not fight Alexander. I am yet to know your direct answer. What gene you have..Porus or invaders (which means you gave up and converted). Don't give me peace theory. Lol.

You are on PDF my friend and you are a Pakistani..so don't give me ratings $hit..your facts are valid only on PDF. Your funny theories ..copy paster one I have refuted in several threads. If you have ball$ try your 1 Muslim = 10 kafir theory anywhere outside pdf in real world...lol you will be certified a special character right there. Also..you accepted that PA gave up the moment they calculated thatvthe IA was a little more than 1:10 right... You accepted that. That proves how illogical you are just to save yourself from an argument. Basically you said, your army dis not have ball$ to try and fight. I feel sad for you. Also... You have given zero proof of anything that you claim... You are not only a character, but more post you post, you are turning out to be illogical fanboy.
He even said on another thread that Alexander invaded Pakistan!!!:D:tdown::omghaha:

Panini was a Pakistani, PORUS was a Pakistani,religion of pakistani Aryans was different from Indian aryans,forced conversions never happened , Pakistanis are the only heirs of IVC:wacko:

I love his kafir ratio theory !!:D this theory must be derived by Einstein himself for Pakistanis;)
Truth is I never took him seriously!
He doesn't know much about history ,nor he has any sense of logic
I kinda agreed with that Alexander Invaded modern day Pakistan...but it was Hi du kings who resisted them..that's where it proves he has Hindu blood. So. If he says he is a lineage of Porus, basically he has Hindu blood. If he says he is invaders blood, then he can never claim that he defended the land from Alexander..infact then he is not even an indigenous Pakistani who should have no indigenous claim to anything.. starting from Porus to IVC. Also the more he proves that majority Pakistani is from outside (foreigners), the more he proves that majority Pakistani are not indigenous and has no right to claim the indegenoua stufd. But if he accepts that they are indigenous people, then he himself proves, he has Hindu blood. So there He is confused. He debates like a retard...I would suggest engage him more, then he will.come out with more funny logics and will actually create more content on this international forum to prove how these Pakistani theories are cr@p. So I says engage him more and let him type more...he is basically doing our job ;)
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