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3 militants killed in encounter

Point 5353 is nothing as we captured Point 5310 inside Pakistani side in retaliation, P5310 dominates entire Katbar bowl.

In Kutch we got 90% of territory Pakistan got only 10%.

In 1971 for the loss of 120 sqkm in Chhamb we occupied 800 sqkm in Baltistan.

Doesn't change the fact that we still own Point 5353. I doubt Point 5310 is of any major strategic significance since we would have left Point 5353 in exchange for it if that were the case.

Doesn't matter how much we got in Kutch, we still gained land that was yours.

I highly doubt that latter part, but even if it is true, we still occupy more of your land than vice versa (the rest of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan is still ours, as is 10% of Kutch). Even if you took all of Kashmir and Kutch, that would just make us even since you would have regained all the land you lost.

Hahaha :omghaha:
Looks like he ran out of facts :p:

No, it's just useless talking to brick walls.

We have a wonderful Islamic saying for this occasion, it goes along the lines of "It does not befit the lion to respond to the dog".

Considering you guys are lower than dogs, this applies pretty damn well.

And slowly they themselves run away from the debate too. :alcoholic:

It's not a debate, it's an endless cycle of me providing facts and you sticking your head in the sand and going "la la la".

If you want a debate, we can do that BUT we would have to agree on how many points/rebuttals each of us can make, and not ignore what the other party says (i.e either address it or accept it as fact).

I'm allowed to have my own opinion, it's called free speech.
No, it's just useless talking to brick walls.

We have a wonderful Islamic saying for this occasion, it goes along the lines of "It does not befit the lion to respond to the dog".

Considering you guys are lower than dogs, this applies pretty damn well.

I think Taliban needs more of this preaching as they claim they are better Muslims than you. I am talking about Kashmir. If we go by your logic then whole Kashmir is ours, and not just that whole Pakistan is ours too. :lol:

Since when? Who does my statement inflict physical harm upon?
Hate Speech is speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.[1][2] The law of some countries describes hate speech as speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display that incites violence or prejudicial action against a protected group or individual on the basis of their membership of the group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected group, or individual on the basis of their membership of the group.

ISLAMABAD: The National Assembly on Monday passed the Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill 2016 with an aim to strengthening criminal justice system for protection of people and prevention of acts threatening security of Pakistan.

The bill adopted unanimously by the House focuses on actions against those promoting sectarianism, hurting religious sentiments and inflicting punishment on individuals or groups and forcing girl children or non-Muslim women to marriage.

You are breaking the Pakistanis Law.

@Kaptaan @waz
I think Taliban needs more of this preaching as they claim they are better Muslims than you.

Not quite, they just view Salafis like me as "weak" for not wanting to go around killing innocent civilians.

Also, nice to see you ignored my invitation for a debate. Who's running away now?


I am talking about Kashmir. If we go by your logic then whole Kashmir is ours, and not just that whole Pakistan is ours too.

Alright, then that just makes it even sadder that it's under the control of foreign Muslims.


Hate Speech is speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of attributes such as race, religion, ethnic origin, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.[1][2] The law of some countries describes hate speech as speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display that incites violence or prejudicial action against a protected group or individual on the basis of their membership of the group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected group, or individual on the basis of their membership of the group.

And how is this an attack? If anything, what you're saying is an attack since you're implying not being a Muslim is a bad thing.

Also, under Pakistani law Qadianis are not Muslim.

Nice try.
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Law clearly indicates promoting sectarianism is a crime in Pakistan.

That's rather vague.

Anyway, I'm not suggesting we take up arms against them so I'm fairly certain my words are within the boundaries of the law. I simply said I don't personally consider them Muslim.

If that's considered a crime, well then the law is wrong since it's curbing my right to express my opinion that does not go against Islam in any way, shape or form.
That's rather vague.

Anyway, I'm not suggesting we take up arms against them so I'm fairly certain my words are within the boundaries of the law. I simply said I don't personally consider them Muslim.

If that's considered a crime, well then the law is wrong since it's curbing my right to express my opinion that does not go against Islam in any way, shape or form.

I do not wish to curb your freedom of expression. Just indicating you are promoting sectarianism in Pakistan.

I wish you find peace and righteous path in this world.Nice talking to you Mr dsr478.
I do not wish to curb your freedom of expression. Just indicating you are promoting sectarianism in Pakistan.

I wish you find peace and righteous path in this world.Nice talking to you Mr dsr478.

"Sectarianism is a form of bigotry, discrimination, or hatred arising from attaching relations of inferiority and superiority to differences between subdivisions within a group"

That is the definition of sectarianism, I did not do such a thing, so no, I'm not promoting sectarianism.
No, it's just useless talking to brick walls.

We have a wonderful Islamic saying for this occasion, it goes along the lines of "It does not befit the lion to respond to the dog".

Considering you guys are lower than dogs, this applies pretty damn well.
Oh really I am a brick wall now? I can't help you if you have no facts to produce
And your so called logic stinks!

Hmm that's a nice saying, and I must say tail sets firmly between your legs little doggy:D

People like you are completely devoid of logic and sense ,you guys are trying hard to create an identity,so confused ,trying so hard to find historical roots of Pakistan (something which doesn't exist)
You consider every invader to be your ancestor! :o:

I can too insult you to a very personal level but you already lost my respect

Go on and claim that Pakistani vedic civilization was different and people used to follow a different religion;):rofl:

ere did you pull this out of? :omghaha:
I am sorry I was hiding facts :(, PORUS was actually a Pakistani who fought for the preservation of Islam and declared jihad against the Greeks !!:sick::rofl::rofl::rofl:
You consider every invader to be your ancestor!

Only the ones that really are our ancestors.

As you can clearly see, we have far higher amounts of Eurasian DNA than you monkeys, with some of it clearly coming from the Islamic conquerors (hence why the pagan Kalash have lower amounts of Eurasian DNA than even Punjabis, and neighbouring north Hindustanis also significantly lack this component):


Even Hindustani Muslims are descended from the Islamic conquerors:


"we observed a certain degree of genetic contribution from Iran to both Muslim populations"


"Overall, our results support a model according to which the spread of Islam in India was predominantly cultural conversion associated with minor but still detectable levels of gene flow from outside, primarily from Iran and Central Asia"


"The study showed that the Muslim Gujjars differ significantly from their counterpart, the Hindu Gujjars"

And as said before, these empires were multi-ethnic, with Muslims of multiple ethnic groups serving under them, e.g Qasim had large numbers of Gujjars and Meds fight alongside him, Ghaznavi employed large numbers of Pashtuns and Punjabis into his army, Abdali's army was dominated by Pashtuns and Baluchis, etc. Cities in Pakistan such as Lahore, Peshawar and Multan flourished under Islamic rule, with magnificent structures being built within them such as the Wazir Khan Masjid. Much of our food, language and clothes come from them, e.g most our cuisine is Mughlai cuisine, Urdu was developed during the Mughal era and is written in a Perso-Arabic script, etc. Our very nation exists only because of these Islamic conquests.

Many Muslims from modern day Pakistan were also the ones attacking Hindustan, e.g Ahmed Shah Abdali (a Pashtun from Multan), Shah Jahan (he was 3/4 Rajput in terms of ancestry and born in Lahore), Sikander Shah Mir (a Kashmiri Gujjar Sultan who earned the title of idol-breaker for his wars against Hindustan), Mir Malagh Khan (a Baluchi who's forces sacked Delhi), Mukarrab Khan (a Punjabi who helped Nader Shah sack Delhi, and was given the title of Nawab for his efforts), Sarang Khan (a Punjabi who helped Babur conquer Hindustan and was given the title of Sultan for his efforts), Fateh Muhammad (a Punjabi who was a commander in Aurangzeb's army, he was also the father of Hyder Ali), Hyder Ali (his father was Punjabi), Sikander Lodi (his family were Pashtuns from Multan who had intermarried with Punjabis), etc. I can name so many more Pakistanis who have fought against and crushed Hindustan/Hindustanis.

So much for us not having a history lol, we respect the culture of our Islamic forefathers AND the region in which we assimilated into, but not you degenerates who's sole purpose in life is to be our punching bag.

you already lost my respect

You never had mine anyway.
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Alright, then that just makes it even sadder that it's under the control of foreign Muslims.
Thus by the logic of your post you contradict UNHRC and invalidates the blames by you on India meddling in Balochistan and Kashmir are invalid. India thus have full right to overthrow this occupation. :) And you can't blame India for doing that. :lol:

By your logic from now on no matter how many Muslim terrorists coming from Pakistan into Kashmir India sends to hell you wouldnt have a trouble :D :enjoy: It's just a part of overthrowing the ' occupation' . Don't come cry later on, azadi azadi :P
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