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3 militants killed in encounter

I never mentioned ratio, just numbers.

We can and will do things 1000x worse than what we did to you in the past millennia.
I can read, who do you think is replying?

Well what's stopping you ? You think we are incapable of doing what you can?
We are united ,we are strong

They can do whatever they want, they'll still fail like they did at invading Afghanistan or Iraq
I don't think they are failing ,they are quite efficient in what they do!
The whole muslim world is in chaos ,Muslim is killing its fellow Muslims over funny reasons
we are strong


Muslim is killing its fellow Muslims over funny reasons

Us Salafis don't really consider Qadianis, Shias or Sufis as Muslims but whatever floats your boat man.
No, like this:

[link removed]

But your ISPR has said they are not involved, are you saying they are? So you want to say that Pakistani Army is a Liar army and hides because they fear of Indian retaliation. :D:blah:
Nope, ISIS was not a legitimate Khilafah. The West did our job for us, good on them.
You are a true Muslim!
This is not legitimate ,that is not legitimate!
This is unislamic ,this is against Kiran!
Why not just improvise ? This was the first khilafat in centuries
Looks like you missed your chance:cheesy:
But your ISPR has said they are not involved, are you saying they are? So you want to say that Pakistani Army is a Liar army and hides because they fear of Indian retaliation. :D:blah:

Nah, it's plausible deniability so we can continue to shoot at you without the world getting on our case.

This was the first khilafat in centuries

Not at all, it was another bunch of hacks who needed to be put down.

Now, gentlemen, this has been fun but I think I'll leave @waz to deal with you idiots.

Us Salafis don't really consider Qadianis, Shias or Sufis as Muslims but whatever floats your boat man.
Sunnis ,Shias ,hazards ,Sufis , Ahmedis ,
And god knows what else !!!
So damn confusing!
So they too don't consider you muslims???:whistle:

Now, gentlemen, this has been fun but I think I'll leave @waz to deal with you idiots.
Hmm discussion was nice :sick:
I learned some great things today!:coffee:
Hmm discussion was nice :sick:
I learned some great things today!:coffee:

Literally these people have lack of ethics and hold a lot of inferiority complex, while debating. First they can't debate on topic and then lose the debate, so go crying to mods to for the ban . :lol:
Literally these people have lack of ethics and hold a lot of inferiority complex, while debating. First they can't debate on topic and then lose the debate, so go crying to mods to for the ban . :lol:
Hahaha :omghaha:
Looks like he ran out of facts :p:

Literally these people have lack of ethics and hold a lot of inferiority complex, while debating. First they can't debate on topic and then lose the debate, so go crying to mods to for the ban . :lol:
And they have a identity crisis!!
They claim descent from each and every invader!
Arabs ,Turks ,Mongols ,god knows what kind of history they've been feeding their own people
And the funniest part is that they also claim IVC and vedic civilization!!!
Hahaha :omghaha:
Looks like he ran out of facts :p:

And they have a identity crisis!!
They claim descent from each and every invader!
Arabs ,Turks ,Mongols ,god knows what kind of history they've been feeding their own people
And the funniest part is that they also claim IVC and vedic civilization!!!

In the initial post only I mentioned that these people end up discussing all that crap. And slowly they themselves run away from the debate too. :alcoholic:
The people of the Indus were called Bahlika or Vahika (meaning outsider), the Indus region was also called Vahik (derogatory) or Aratta in Hindu scriptures. They were despised and depicted as hostile in your scriptures. They were mentioned as a separate country and a separate people. They followed a different religion described in Hindu scriptures as Nastadharma meaning "destroyed religion". The only thing of them that was praised in Hindu scriptures was their martial prowess.

“who will save us from our mortal enemies in the Sapta Sindhu?” (mandal 8)

“Where these five rivers, Shatadru, Vipasha, the third Iravati, Chandrabhaga and Vitasta flow and where there are Pilu-forests and (where) Sindhu is the sixth to flow out, this country is called Aratta…”.

“that (region) where these five rivers, emerging from the mountains flow, this Aratta (country) is called Balhika where the Arya should not stay even for two days”.

“Aratta is the name of the country. Balhika is the name of the people and are generally abused as Vasatis, Sindhus, and Sauviras”

"I remember from the days of my youth that a slaughter-ground for kine and a space for storing intoxicating spirits always distinguish the entrances of the abodes of the (Vahika) kings. On some very secret mission I had to live among the Vahikas. In consequence of such residence the conduct of these people is well known to me. There is a town of the name of Sakala (modern day Sialkote), a river of the name of Apaga, and a clan of the Vahikas known by the name of the Jarttikas. The practices of these people are very censurable. They drink the liquor called Gauda, and eat fried barley with it. They also eat beef with garlic. They also eat cakes of flour mixed with meat, and boiled rice that is bought from others. Of righteous practices they have none." (8,44)

PORUS was a ksatriya of yadu vansh
Where did you pull this out of? :omghaha:
The people of the Indus were called Bahlika or Vahika (meaning outsider), the Indus region was also called Vahik (derogatory) or Aratta in Hindu scriptures. They were despised and depicted as hostile in your scriptures. They were mentioned as a separate country and a separate people. They followed a different religion described in Hindu scriptures as Nastadharma meaning "destroyed religion". The only thing of them that was praised in Hindu scriptures was their martial prowess.

“who will save us from our mortal enemies in the Sapta Sindhu?” (mandal 8)

“Where these five rivers, Shatadru, Vipasha, the third Iravati, Chandrabhaga and Vitasta flow and where there are Pilu-forests and (where) Sindhu is the sixth to flow out, this country is called Aratta…”.

“that (region) where these five rivers, emerging from the mountains flow, this Aratta (country) is called Balhika where the Arya should not stay even for two days”.

“Aratta is the name of the country. Balhika is the name of the people and are generally abused as Vasatis, Sindhus, and Sauviras”

"I remember from the days of my youth that a slaughter-ground for kine and a space for storing intoxicating spirits always distinguish the entrances of the abodes of the (Vahika) kings. On some very secret mission I had to live among the Vahikas. In consequence of such residence the conduct of these people is well known to me. There is a town of the name of (modern day ), a river of the name of , and a clan of the Vahikas known by the name of the Jarttikas. The practices of these people are very censurable. They drink the liquor called Gauda, and eat fried barley with it. They also eat beef with garlic. They also eat cakes of flour mixed with meat, and boiled rice that is bought from others. Of righteous practices they have none." (8,44)

Where did you pull this out of? :omghaha:

Bhai itna hi interest hai Sanatan Dharm mein to Hindu ban ja, we will welcome you back to the dharmic way of life. :lol:

only one word for people with half knowledge like you in sanskrit ,
अन्धस्यैवान्धलग्नस्यैति न्यायः :tdown:
Yes we did, we took and currently own Point 5353 (highest peak in Kargil as well as it's dominating feature as per your own military), and outside of Kashmir we've taken Chamb sector and some of the Rann of Kutch. Combine that with the 37% of Kashmir we currently hold, and we hold more Hindustani territory than vice versa.
Point 5353 is nothing as we captured Point 5310 inside Pakistani side in retaliation, P5310 dominates entire Katbar bowl.

In Kutch we got 90% of territory Pakistan got only 10%.

In 1971 for the loss of 120 sqkm in Chhamb we occupied 800 sqkm in Baltistan.
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