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3 militants killed in encounter

I get angry at monkeys like you who ignore what I say.

Finally, you listen to what I say. I have no qualms with what you have said in your first paragraph, that's what I've been saying all along. Now that that's settled, we can move on to the next part.

I never said Alexander was Pakistani, can you read? I said he invaded Pakistan because yes, the land he invaded is currently called Pakistan. If you want to be more accurate, he invaded the Indus but he certainly did not invade the Republic of Hindustan.

It's only stupid because idiots like you don't bother to check the facts for yourself. I personally don't value the Mauryans at all, but you guys getting hyped about the fact that they invaded the Indus is pathetic since they originally came from KPK. Don't like it? Too bad. Keep crying.

Doesn't have to be hidden, in fact I want to do it on the forum. I just want us to agree to a format so you dumbasses stop ignoring what I say and address every single point, but you seem to actually be doing that now so it doesn't seem necessary (unless you insist of course)/

If you consider your 2nd rate pieces of internet excrement as refutations, then that's just sad. I'm all for you monkeys replying to me with such garbage, it's rather entertaining (but rather annoying when you ignore half of what I say).

The term India comes from the Indus River which almost entirely flows in Pakistan. Also, names are irrelevant. the Republic of Hindustan did not exist prior to 1947, just like the Republic of Pakistan. You are not older than us in any way, shape or form other than the fact that you kept the original name whilst we and Bangladesh chose separate ones. By your logic, Arabian history doesn't belong to any countries on the Arabian peninsula other than the KSA since none of them have "Arabia" as part of their name. Does that sound logical to you?
The slight typo I made in the previous post was that I typed Alexander instead of Porus. You claimed Porus to be Pakistani. That's what is BS. Now what your monkey head is refusing to accept is that Porus was an Hindu Indian who fought for India...you ma choose to call it Hindustan or Bharatvarsha if it pleases you. The point here is..that the people who resisted Alexander were Hindus. The people who invaded ,whom you claim to be the bigger part of your life were nowhere in the scene so basically..you were not even part of the land originally. Only the people who came from the Hindu..converted can claim to be the originals..now you decide..what are you and then put your claim.

Again...and sadly, you need to read kid. Read. Raed books..read a lot of history before spewing your mental diarrhea here that Mauryans we're from Pakistan. Let me give you a suggestion..talk to your history class teacher as a starter. Will help you. Still..I don't really expect your to learn. Feel sad for you.

2nd rate of excrement? Are you kidding me ...you are the one who is jumping like a mad chimp all over this forum with your photoshopped paper cuttings from blogs written by kids on the internet to back up your bull$hit claims of wars... Your sources are as $hitty as your theories like 1muslim is equal to 10 non Muslims....are you even having some brain chimp?

What the Fu*k is Republic of Hindustan? I mean why dobyou monkeys keep coming up with words invented for your own convenience. Don't talk $hit about the antiquity of the term India and don't show your I'll state of knowledge by comparing it with the modern term Pakistan. Pakistan might have come into existence after 1947 India didn't. ..am not even going into from where to which part did India the land stretch...even keeping that aside, the antiquity (existence) of the word India is way older than you are currently in a state to fathom.
And we'll keep sending them, because even if you kill all of them, you will still end up losing a few of your own, and that's good enough for us.

Ohh this is great. I have never seen such a great zeal to harm others at the cost of once own existence. i see a similarity in " We shall nuke India though we are wiped out from the earth". A typical suicidal mentality.
Ohh this is great. I have never seen such a great zeal to harm others at the cost of once own existence. i see a similarity in " We shall nuke India though we are wiped out from the earth". A typical suicidal mentality.

This doesn't cost us our existence at all, even if it did, better to live one day like a lion than a thousand like a jackal (as the famous Tipu Sultan once said).

Nuclear conflict would cripple both of us dumbass.

For those Pakistanis who wish to act smart and bring vedas and alexander and what not just to claim their Hindu ancestry.

Very little of Pakistani IVC has been uncovered, also, it still started in Pakistan:



The slight typo I made in the previous post was that I typed Alexander instead of Porus. You claimed Porus to be Pakistani. That's what is BS. Now what your monkey head is refusing to accept is that Porus was an Hindu Indian who fought for India...you ma choose to call it Hindustan or Bharatvarsha if it pleases you. The point here is..that the people who resisted Alexander were Hindus. The people who invaded ,whom you claim to be the bigger part of your life were nowhere in the scene so basically..you were not even part of the land originally. Only the people who came from the Hindu..converted can claim to be the originals..now you decide..what are you and then put your claim.

Again...and sadly, you need to read kid. Read. Raed books..read a lot of history before spewing your mental diarrhea here that Mauryans we're from Pakistan. Let me give you a suggestion..talk to your history class teacher as a starter. Will help you. Still..I don't really expect your to learn. Feel sad for you.

2nd rate of excrement? Are you kidding me ...you are the one who is jumping like a mad chimp all over this forum with your photoshopped paper cuttings from blogs written by kids on the internet to back up your bull$hit claims of wars... Your sources are as $hitty as your theories like 1muslim is equal to 10 non Muslims....are you even having some brain chimp?

What the Fu*k is Republic of Hindustan? I mean why dobyou monkeys keep coming up with words invented for your own convenience. Don't talk $hit about the antiquity of the term India and don't show your I'll state of knowledge by comparing it with the modern term Pakistan. Pakistan might have come into existence after 1947 India didn't. ..am not even going into from where to which part did India the land stretch...even keeping that aside, the antiquity (existence) of the word India is way older than you are currently in a state to fathom.

He didn't fight for Hindustan, he fought for his kingdom. He was actively engaged in warfare with his neighbouring kings. So much for Akhand Bharat eh?

No matter how much you cry, he's not Hindustani. He came from the land that is now Pakistan, so yes he is Pakistani. Just because you named yourselves after our river doesn't mean you can claim our history, simple as.

I already told you, we have a mixed ancestry of local converts and foreign invaders. You already accepted this in your previous post, why are you suddenly rejecting it now? Even if we didn't, plenty of the Islamic conquerors were local and their army's and administration consisted of large numbers of locals. Like the Persians, we can appreciate both our Islamic history and our pre-Islamic one.

I have read, and the evidence clearly leans to my conclusion. You need to learn to look at sources outside of your own country for a less bias perspective.

You weren't able to disprove it as the general rule of thumb. Also, it was 1 Pakistani is equal to 10 Hindustanis.

I'm not going to call you India because that implies you are the people of the Indus, you're not. Also, you guys call yourselves Hindustan, e.g HAL and "Jai Hind".

Your nation came into existence the same year ours did. In fact, I'm pretty sure it came into existence a few hours after ours, making us older than you.

But didn't you also say "names are irrelevant." ??? What's it? Make up your mind.

Names are irrelevant as to who owns the history. I should have clarified.
This doesn't cost us our existence at all, even if it did, better to live one day like a lion than a thousand like a jackal (as the famous Tipu Sultan once said).
When did you guys lived like a lion in your entire history of 7 decade?
When did you guys lived like a lion in your entire history of 7 decade?

When we kicked your a55 in 1947, 1965 and 1999, and continue to make you drop like flies along the LOC.

Our rulers might be useless, but we aren't.
Very little of Pakistani IVC has been uncovered, also, it still started in Pakistan:

Hahahaha, this also proves that India has full right to claim anything as IVC was a part of Dharmic civilization. So this means Pak army has to vacate and let sanatan Dharm prevail in the region. :lol:
Just like Pakistanis have a logic of claiming Kashmir because it has Muslim population :P

When we kicked your a55 in 1947, 1965 and 1999, and continue to make you drop like flies along the LOC.

Our rulers might be useless, but we aren't.

You might have kicked our a$$es from the behind but we have kicked your balls from the front.
When we kicked your a55 in 1947, 1965 and 1999, and continue to make you drop like flies along the LOC.

Our rulers might be useless, but we aren't.

You should have added 1971 as well. When you lie, why lie half hearted.
You should have added 1971 as well. When you lie, why lie half hearted.

Only you people are deluded enough to consider losing 40% of Kashmir, having an invasion repulsed (and reversed) in two weeks, and having to rely on diplomatic pressure to get your enemy to evict your territory (and even then, they still retain the highest peak in the area), as a win.

You didn't win any war with us other than 1971 and the Siachen War, and in the former you gave up any strategic gains you made (in fact, it probably did worse for you guys in long run but that's a whole other discussion), and in the latter we are both two bold men fighting over a comb, the Siachen has little (if any) strategic significance.

You can easily just count how much Hindustani territory we currently occupy, and how much Pakistani territory you currently occupy. We occupy 40% of Kashmir and 10% of Kutch, whilst you currently don't occupy a single inch of Pakistani territory, you've only managed to take back small amounts of Kashmir that we have taken from you (e.g the Siachen).

In fact, one could argue we snatched the whole of Pakistan from you. The very river your country is named after and the birthplace of Hinduism is under Musalman occupation, and all you can do is watch.
In fact, one could argue we snatched the whole of Pakistan from you. The very river your country is named after and the birthplace of Hinduism is under Musalman occupation, and all you can do is watch.

Daym!! So salty eh ?
You know what! It doesn't matter, according to you, you only snatched it from "BRITISH" India. Not from Independent India.
It doesn't matter, according to you, you only snatched it from "BRITISH" India. Not from Independent India.

It certainly does matter, some of the holiest places in Hinduism are now under Muslim control, who we officially took it from is irrelevant.
It certainly does matter, some of the holiest places in Hinduism are now under Muslim control, who we officially took it from is irrelevant.

Again it doesn't matter to us. Kashmir is still with India ! :woot:
Kashmir is still with India

No, it's divided between Pakistan, China and Hindustan.

All you guys have is the left overs Pakistan and China didn't take during our invasions of the area, which probably explains why it's in such a terrible state.
No, it's divided between Pakistan, China and Hindustan.

All you guys have is the left overs Pakistan and China didn't take during our invasions of the area, which probably explains why it's in such a terrible state.

Could Argue otherwise. The valley is where there's economic activity. GB is mountainous and uninhabitable with the exception of Skardu.
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