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28 Taiwanese die after receiving AstraZeneca vaccine over past 4 days

China will soon ban EU members from entering China who don't vaccine with Chinese vaccine. Fit for tat. :enjoy:
Already happening
China only accepts foreigners with chinese vaccines.
AZ has been suspended in Canada, I received Moderna and my parents the Pfizer, no problems. Surprised a rich country like Taiwan would still use it knowing it's been suspended in several wealthy countries.
Pfizer and Miderna only sign purchase agreement with governments. Because Taiwan is not considered as “country” Taiwan cannot buy.
40 million administered in UK and 30 deaths due to taking AstraZeneca vaccine . All pre existing conditions .

From 1700 daily deaths at the height of pandemic and now 10 daily deaths after vaccinating 60% of the population .

non for profit vaccine sent to India to distribute to the poor of the world at cost price or for free .

Guess what ? The Indians have totally messed up the administration and broke contract UK government placed with India due to greed and their selfishness . Poor people continue to suffer due to Indian incompetence.

UK gifted AstraZeneca vaccine to India
India gifted Indian virus to UK
You couldn’t make it up if you tried .

use British AstraZeneca and throw Indian carbon copy in the bin .
All hail the Pfizer vaccine !!

Rich mans vaccine , profiteering from a pandemic .

hail up Oxford AstraZeneca for supplying non for profit vaccine for the poor .
Dude do you have any idea what are you talking about??
Chinese vaccines so far are the only vaccines with real data and success evidence with almost zero side effects and deaths . Several brazilian towns controlled the pandemic after receiving sinopharm and Sinovac vaccine with zero deaths and hospitalizations.
Think ten times before you call a Chinese vaccine impotent. Infact they are better than western vaccines.

Well this is a bunch of BS.
Chinese never released their phase 3 trial data. And the isolated pick and choose from some towns to show success is the self evident definition of sketchy. The real data should be total administered vs total death
If Chinese vaccine was superior than Pfizer they would’ve been throwing their data left and right everywhere establishing their superiority:

there’s a reason why countries are giving Pfizer over sinopharm
Reason why chinas own director called their own vaccine not that effective and later was forced to rectify it
Your own PM tested positive for corona after taking the vaccine
WHO is saying they have very low confidence in Sinopharm to administer to elderly

This is a fundamental difference between the type of govt of US and China. When US fucks up press knows and it gets called out example is F-35 program. Chinese control their information and decide what will be released or not.
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40 million administered in UK and 30 deaths due to taking AstraZeneca vaccine . All pre existing conditions .

From 1700 daily deaths at the height of pandemic and now 10 daily deaths after vaccinating 60% of the population .

non for profit vaccine sent to India to distribute to the poor of the world at cost price or for free .

Guess what ? The Indians have totally messed up the administration and broke contract UK government placed with India due to greed and their selfishness . Poor people continue to suffer due to Indian incompetence.

UK gifted AstraZeneca vaccine to India
India gifted Indian virus to UK
You couldn’t make it up if you tried .

use British AstraZeneca and throw Indian carbon copy in the bin .

Rich mans vaccine , profiteering from a pandemic .

hail up Oxford AstraZeneca for supplying non for profit vaccine for the poor .

Far far from Rich, and had the Pfizer vaccine. As did many of my friends and relatives. So hardly a “rich ”vaccine.

Then again, maybe in some countries only rich people can buy it, I don’t know. Here in the states it’s free.

At least in my area of the country it is.
40 million administered in UK and 30 deaths due to taking AstraZeneca vaccine .
It is 48.940 (forty eight thousand nine hundred forty) AstraZeneca vacine doses administered in Taiwan and 28 deaths linked direclty to these inocculations reported by the local CECC. Rising to over 30 by now.

No one gives a **** about dubious American and British 1000 % effective 0% sideffect controlled trials and reports and controlled media coverups and local underreporting to sell their products.
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Most of these folks probably had pre existing conditions. AZ has mass vaccinated millions of elderly here without issue.
Well this is a bunch of BS.
Chinese never released their phase 3 trial data. And the isolated pick and choose from some towns to show success is the self evident definition of sketchy. The real data should be total administered vs total death
If Chinese vaccine was superior than Pfizer they would’ve been throwing their data left and right everywhere establishing their superiority:

there’s a reason why countries are giving Pfizer over sinopharm
Reason why chinas own director called their own vaccine not that effective and later was forced to rectify it
Your own PM tested positive for corona after taking the vaccine
WHO is saying they have very low confidence in Sinopharm to administer to elderly

This is a fundamental difference between the type of govt of US and China. When US fucks up press knows and it gets called out example is F-35 program. Chinese control their information and decide what will be released or not.
Calm down pajeeto . It will take some time to completely recover from ladakh syndrome. Get well soon.
Taiwan won’t accept Chinese vaccines. I believe they should get vaccines from anybody as any vaccines is better than none. Except cow urine vaccines
China should start promoting that people in Taiwan can come to the mainland and get a private and confidential Sinovac vaccination, before taking a risk with their fake-state mandated NATO Coorp poison.
'Results of the study: COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern: that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralising antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). This risk is sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols and consent forms for ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials that adequate patient comprehension of this risk is unlikely to occur, obviating truly informed consent by subjects in these trials.'

It is 48.940 (forty eight thousand nine hundred forty) AstraZeneca vacine doses administered in Taiwan and 28 deaths linked direclty to these inocculations reported by the local CECC. Rising to over 30 by now.

No one gives a **** about dubious American and British 1000 % effective 0% sideffect controlled trials and reports and controlled media coverups and local underreporting to sell their products.

From your post and from other members that share your sentiment, I can tell your no scientists. The people who died had pre existing conditions hence impossible to speculate on cause of death this early on. AZ and other organisations will investigate deaths more transparently then vaccines coming from China and Russia.

Do you guys believe chinese vaccines cure death? It seems like it because no elderly have died, of any causes, since their vaccine being administered.
Most of these folks probably had pre existing conditions. AZ has mass vaccinated millions of elderly here without issue.
Here. - my friend who is a medical doctor - his sister died in March, two brother in laws in April. Son is down and post covid clots took his lungs - permanent damage. This is what this flupping virus does. Here these folks are talking about 0.00005% fatality.
The very reason i am sitting on this, taking that purported extremely rare risk of death or other serious complications is a big NO....unless my incompetent governent forces me to take pfizer/AZ/jj at gun point.
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