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27 May Bombing of Lahore Rescue15 Building

They have gotten desperate so they are doing this. Don't worry, Pak Army will kick you out of Swat and other areas soon

I believe this is just a prelude to more to come, sadly!!! The security has to be put on high alert.
As Rescue Ranger often puts it, 'the LEA's have to succeed a hundred percent of the time while the terrorists just have to succeed once'.

Unfortunately we lose a lot of civilians when the terrorists succeed. The taliban seem desperate though; looks like they have been cornered by the PA...
Well, to start off with we need to have a proper policy in place which is to persuade the world community regarding Indian terror consulates in Afghanistan. We need to make it our top priority on international level to convey a clear message and concern that this will not be tolerated and in fact will have grave consequences. If Indian terror consulates aren't closed down we need to apply the Turkish approach. The Turks didn't care about US concerns and went in after the terrorists in neighbouring Iraq/Kurdistan. They had the courage to face the root of the problems. They didn't turn a blind eye and tackled the problem across the border head on. The Turks realized that neglecting the problem would only create more security complications. We need to apply the same approach in Afghanistan. Carry out cross border raids and hunt down the terrorists and their supporters. Kill terror before it even infiltrates and reaches your land. At the same time we need to massacre all of the miscreants within our own borders. Additonally, the borders need to be mined and fenced where possible. Combine these together and you've got success.

Sorry about the late reply .. I think the first part is a good proposal .. but as you suggest heeds little to no result .. Whereas the second part of your proposal .. The Turkish army were going after a few straw huts with radios and a few thousand men .. but the important part is .... It was IRAQ .. a nation where chaos was at an all time high and the US even though explained their point had no vested interests with turkey and vice versa .. They did not constantly say you have destroyed our border with your fighting .. give us money .. They did not do that .. they took care of it .. like men .. therefore had no obligation to listen to their complains .. Now I am all for your third proposal which is to kill the ones we have right now .. We are in a long drawn out war with them .. we have to accept it that our beggary has brought this upon us .. When the CIA and ISI created our little problem they did not have this in mind .. The KGB remembers what Pakistan did to them a decade or two ago ... They remember it very well .. with Israel and India on the band wagon and some checking and sustaining operations from our own friends the CIA .. who were tired of cross border infiltrations themselves and watched our army do little to nothing did this to us.. we are left all alone .. as usual we can keep saying lets do this and lets do that .. we can simply not do any of those things .. we are cornered by our own commitments to our financier.. Which our ministers can go throw in the strip clubs in New York .. How the blood of our people is being thrown at some naked women is beyond me .. You want to do something .. create a death squad .. take out every crooked politician you know .. and let it be known the same fate awaits for anyone who decides to be a traitor to the people of Pakistan .. as for our religion not permitting us to kill .. then we are back to square one ..
I believe this is just a prelude to more to come, sadly!!! The security has to be put on high alert.

Maybe. But as long as the army is putting pressure on them and clearing their training camps it will make Pakistan safer. One thing to note here is that it could be the Taliban or Al-Qaeda from Waziristan instead of the Swat Taliban who did this.

Unfortunately, there is not a lot you can do about a suicide bombing. With the LeT style attacks atleast you have a chance of capturing them alive and then questioning them, but with suicide bombings the guy goes straight to hell.
Important Notification: - "Mass Cursing" period has ended on this thread. Everybody is requested to behave normally now. Thanks.
A very sad day for Pakistan my condolences go out to the deceased victims and families I hope and pray future similar attacks are thwarted the GOP should have provided better security especially in sensitive areas when Taliban are on the brink of defeat in Malakand division and will do anything to distract the military operation.

The Pakistani state should not bow down to these cowards taking innocent lives in the name of islam for their twisted beliefs, their end game is near victory inshallah will be Pakistans.
British FM condemns Pakistan suicide bombing
Wednesday, 27 May, 2009 | 05:44 PM PST

ANKARA: British Foreign Secretary David Miliband on Wednesday denounced a deadly suicide car bombing in Pakistan and said London would help Islamabad fight terrorism.
TTP claims Lahore suicide bombing

ISLAMABAD: Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Wednesday claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing on rescue 15 police building that killed 24 people, a US specialist Islamist monitoring group said.

A group calling itself "Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)" made the claim in a Turkish-language statement posted on Turkish jihadist websites through an organisation called Elif Media.

The Islamist monitors SITE cited the group as saying the attack "targeted the 'nest of evil' in Lahore, and was a 'humble gift' to the mujahideen who suffer beneath the attacks of Pakistani forces in Swat."

It specified that a vehicle laden with 100 kilos of explosives was blown up outside a security building in Lahore, the capital of Punjab province in Pakistan, destroying the building and injuring hundreds more.

"TTP asks Muslims in Pakistan to stay away from areas where the enemy is 'taking advantage' of them, so that they are not harmed by jihadi attacks," SITE added. The blast was the third deadly attack to rock the country's liberal cultural capital in as many months.

A top security official told media after nightfall that 24 people died, including 13 policemen, civilians and security officers.

A senior investigator told media the attack was the likely handiwork of Al-Qaeda linked Taliban militants operating from Pakistan's wild Waziristan, which borders Afghanistan.

One of the attackers was shot dead by security guards as he approached the building, and two others perished in the explosion, the investigator said.
Pakistan's military has been locked in a month-long offensive against Taliban militants in the northwest, which the authorities say has killed about 1,200 extremists and sent 2.4 million people fleeing their homes.

TTP claims Lahore suicide bombing - GEO.tv
A group claiming to have links with the Taliban in Pakistan has claimed responsibility for Wednesday's bombing in Lahore that killed at least 30 people.

The bomb exploded between the offices of Pakistan's intelligence agency and a police station, raising fears that armed conflict between the military and Taliban fighters in the Swat Valley was spreading to the country's cities.

The authorities were continuing to search for survivors in the eastern city early on Thursday after the attack which also wounded more than 200 people.

Witnesses said armed men opened fire and then detonated a car bomb on Wednesday, destroying the police station and damaging offices of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan's spy agency.

A group calling itself Tehrik-i-Taliban Punjab claimed responsibility for the bombing in a Turkish-language posting on websites, saying it was related to the fight in Swat, according to the Site intelligence group that monitors such internet postings.

The claim could not be verified and the group's relationship with the Taliban was unclear.

Mosharraf Zaidi, a Pakistan-based political analyst, told Al Jazeera: "The speculation is that this is the Taliban, but it could be one of many other groups that have been operating in this country for the last while."

He said that targeting Lahore, rather than Peshawar, the NWFP's provincial capital, could be an attempt to exploit ethnic divisions in Pakistan.

In the Swat Valley, meanwhile, there has been no respite for residents from violence.

The Pakistani military claimed on Wednesday to have taken back Mingora, the valley's main city.

Hameedullah Khan, an Al Jazeera producer and one of the first journalists in the area, said: "The military are saying they have killed 268 Taliban in Mingora city and they said the militants have fled to the mountains, upwards."

While shops and buildings have been destroyed, he said the destruction did not appear to be as bad as feared by Mingora's residents - most of whom had fled the fighting.

"Mingora is totally calm now, there's no one in the city. You will find only the military men standing alert on the streets of Mingora," he said.
Al Jazeera English - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Taliban group claims Pakistan blast
Isn't there a never ending cache of findings from numerous investigations by multiple investigators following countless murderous incidences that indicate to the contrary?

I would rather go with the theory of good taliban, bad taliban etc.
ISI HQ main target

Thursday, May 28, 2009

By Amir Mir

LAHORE: Authorities investigating Wednesday’s suicide attack in the provincial metropolis believe the actual target was the provincial headquarters of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), which gave strong resistance from inside the building but the blast was so powerful that it brought down part of it, killing a serving colonel, who was present in his office at the time of the attack.

Those investigating the assault say the attack was a hybrid operation, consisting of an armed attack by four gunmen and subsequent detonation of a car bomb. The terrorists accompanying the suicide bomber apparently wanted to penetrate the well-protected ISI

building. At least, four men with rifles first stepped out of the car and opened fire on security guards deployed outside the agency building. As the security personnel offered tough resistance by returning the fire, the attackers threw a hand grenade to pave the way for the car bomber to enter the ISI building.

As the firing intensified, the car bomber suddenly changed his direction and rammed his vehicle into the Rescue 15 office hardly a few yards away. Investigators say at least 100 kilograms of C4 explosives might have been used to carry out the deadly attack.

While the ISPR spokesman declined to speak on the martyrdom of a serving colonel in Wednesday’s attack, a senior interior ministry official confirmed on condition of anonymity that Lt-Col Mohammad Amir, a senior ISI official, was the victim of Wednesday’s attack.

An Army source in Lahore confirmed the death of Lt-Col Amir, adding his funeral prayers were offered at the Ayub stadium in Lahore on Wednesday night. He added another senior ISI official, Col Zulfiqar, also received injuries in the suicide attack and was in critical condition.

Those investigating Wednesday’s assault have firm view that it was a well-coordinated operation carried out jointly by the Punjabi Taliban belonging to the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) and the Pashtun Taliban associated with the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). The two proscribed sectarian and Jihadi organisations have already been found involved in several other terrorist attacks in various parts of Punjab, ranging from the September 20, 2008 Marriott suicide bombing in Islamabad to the March 30, 2009 Fidayeen-style attack on the Manawan police training academy in Lahore.

Investigators say there are clear indications that like many earlier incidents of suicide bombings in the Punjab, Wednesday’s assault might have also been planned jointly by Qari Hussain Mehsud, a close associate of the FBI’s most wanted TTP Amir Baitullah Mehsud, and Qari Mohammad Zafar, currently the chief operational commander of the LeJ.

Al-Qaeda-linked Qari Hussain, who is also known as “Ustad-e-Fidayeen” or the teacher of suicide bombers, is considered to be a specialist in indoctrinating teenagers to carry out suicide attacks in the name of Islam. He is believed to have become the main ideologue of the Taliban working under Baitullah Mehsud’s command. Qari Hussain is well-known in the TTP ranks for his strong anti-Shia views and his close ties with the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ). The agencies are trying to hunt him down since long given his status as the one who may have recruited and indoctrinated the largest number of people to carry out suicide attacks in the country.

Originally coming from Karachi, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi’s Qari Mohammad Zafar has become a trusted member of al-Qaeda’s hardline inner circle who enjoys the protection of Baitullah Mehsud and is believed to be hiding in the lawless South Waziristan. Authorities say Qari Zafar is not only the suspected mastermind of the September 20, 2008 Marriot Hotel suicide attack in Islamabad, but the most sought after al-Qaeda-linked terrorist who had been trying to target important strategic installations belonging to the ISI in the Punjab and Sindh.

Authorities pointed out on Jan 17, 2009, Qari Hussain had released an unusual video of statements from purported suicide bombers and footage of deadly attacks they claimed to have perpetrated in Pakistan.

The 40-minute tape had shown youths, some apparently in their teens, addressing the camera about their intention to carry out suicide attacks to background music of Urdu militant anthems. The said video was reportedly handed over to journalists in Peshawar by none other than Qari Hussain. All those featured in the video spoke Pashto. The two major suicide attacks claimed on the TTP video were the March 11, 2008 suicide attack on the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) building in Lahore and the Nov 24, 2007 twin suicide attacks in Faizabad area of Rawalpindi in front of the ISI headquarters when a suicide bomber rammed his explosive-laden car into a bus carrying 35 ISI officers, killing 15 of them on the spot.

Although, no militant group has yet claimed responsibility for the Wednesday’s suicide attack, Interior Minister Rehman Malik seems sure about the involvement of Baitullah Mehsud. “The Lahore attack seems to be the reprisal for fresh Army operation in South Waziristan. Agencies had received threats from Baitullah Mehsud and his cronies to stop the military operation or face suicide attacks. And this seems to be the result of that warning,î Malik told reporters in Islamabad.

ISI HQ main target
Terrible Terrible news.. May those who died rest in peace, this is unacceptable and a completely cowardly act hitting places like Rescue 15 buildings.

Its much easier to die than to Live.... These Suicide Attackers are nothing but losers.
The State of Police Force in Pakistan.

As I pan the morning papers, I am sad and angry at what is going on in our country.

Saddened because of the un-necessary loss of life from the suicide bombing of the emergency 15 building in Lahore, where at least 26 people including 14 policemen, 6 army personnel, 6 civilians including a 12 year old boy have lost their lives and scores of others injured by the sheer magnitude of the bomb blast.

This is the seventh major attack to hit the city of Lahore since Jan-2008. The newspaper headlines are screaming bloody murder. This blast has been widely condemned by the Pakistani Leadership as well as the world and the usual statements are being read-out by the Interior Ministry that the perpetrators will be caught.

Angry because the provincial administration including the civilian security apparatus which is mainly the Police have not woken up to the fact that we are in “A State of War”. Their attitude and behaviour which can be best described as callous and casual towards a mortal enemy, who is determined, wily and cunning.

The Punjab government had claimed that it had implemented “strict security measures” to prevent such incidents from repeating after the Liberty and Manawan incidents. It is obvious that this claim has been blown to pieces.

Which brings be back to the attitude and behaviour prevailing amongst the civilian administration including the security apparatus towards security alerts provided by the federal government in the form of written memos in the wake of the ongoing operations in NWFP. Unfortunately neither the provincial government, nor the Punjab Police heeded their advice.

The Police in Pakistan is de-motivated, dis-organised, under paid, terribly corrupt. Not only that the “Elite Force” in the Police is tasked the job of protecting the VVIPs of our country 24/7, leaving the people of this country exposed to the naked aggression of the mortal enemy. Whereas, their prime duty is to provide protection to the common citizens of our country.

These days if you have the chance to venture to the major cantonments located in all major cities, you will see the “heightened security” put in place by the Pakistan Army for obvious reasons.

The civilian administrations of all the provinces along with their security apparatus need to be cognizant of the facts aforementioned and put in place similar security measures to protect the government infrastructure as well as places like malls, parks, shopping centres which are “high value” targets for these barbarians.

If this means that the local public has to face certain hardships (as if they aren’t already) then so be it. Key roads and thoroughfares need to be blocked-off for general traffic, the Police resources need to be utilised in a fair and equitable manner for the protection of the citizens and the VVIPs. Increase the strength of the Police forces along with proper training in urban warfare to counter the menace of suicide bombings and other attacks. Heightened Intelligence gathering and co-operation amongst all the security agencies and actually taking strong action on the intelligence and evidence provided.

Lastly change the mind-set and behaviour of our Police. Unless they don’t understand and realise the “dangers within” posed by these so called Muslims, we will be watching the same scenes of carnage repeated (God Forbid) on our television screens.

May Allah provide us with the strength to defeat our enemies!

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