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27 May Bombing of Lahore Rescue15 Building

Editorial: Media and myth-making

After the Punjab law minister declared that “the hand of India could not be ruled out” in the Police Rescue-15 attack, the media kept repeating that there was a “possibility” that India had organised the suicide-van. One TV anchor actually concluded that it was indeed India (and also America) that intended to create chaos in Pakistan to such an extent that it may allow them to strip Pakistan of its nuclear weapons. He went to say that the terrorists dying in Swat were all Indians.

Gradually, and unfortunately, the trend seems to be to move the focus away from the Taliban and Al Qaeda and bring it on to America and India. The “link” established is through the Taliban, however. Now that the Pakistan Army is fighting Baitullah Mehsud and his terrorists in Bajaur and Malakand, it is acceptable to say that he has sold out to the Americans and Indians. Every explosion that takes place therefore is immediately attributed to the “foreign hand” of America and India. This is a self-damaging policy as it will finally derail our national direction and let the terrorists go scot-free.

The biggest damage from this kind of myth-making is inflicted on the government in power. People ask: if you are being attacked by the Americans why do you approach them and their allies for assistance? Those “expert” commentators and writers who spread around the “American-Indian” conspiracy against Pakistan must realise its psychological impact on the people at large. The world press has already taken note of this trend.

One Pakistani daily is supposed to have taken an e-mailed comment to the Fox News website to concoct a scenario in which “a secret US commando force was ready to infiltrate Pakistan to secure its nuclear weapons”. Another paper claimed that former prime minister Benazir Bhutto was “assassinated by a special death squad formed by former US vice-president Dick Cheney”. The American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, to whom this was attributed, immediately denounced the report as “complete madness”. What is even more alarming is that at times government spokesmen actually encourage this kind of falsehood.
Gradually, and unfortunately, the trend seems to be to move the focus away from the Taliban and Al Qaeda and bring it on to America and India. The “link” established is through the Taliban, however. Now that the Pakistan Army is fighting Baitullah Mehsud and his terrorists in Bajaur and Malakand, it is acceptable to say that he has sold out to the Americans and Indians. Every explosion that takes place therefore is immediately attributed to the “foreign hand” of America and India. This is a self-damaging policy as it will finally derail our national direction and let the terrorists go scot-free.

There is a reason for that anti American and Indian perception. They started it first by malighning our Army and our ISI openly in their Media . Ofcourse the public will react if somebody from CIA or India says out loud in Media that ISI is double dealing despite All our Armed forces are diong for them. People do have sentiments here.
Say if any body from CIA says that PA(Despite its surge on Taliban) is aiding the Talibans then ofcourse people will react and especially those who have suffered from this WOT. Actually its very Demoralizing. Its quit fair i gues. You bash us in your Media specially through top guns then eaqually get bashed here .
Pak is fully responsible of the rise of Talibunnies and their wrong laws and ideology. Pak gave full recognition to them with handful of other countries. It is a cancer which is now spread to pak and a threat to world peace.

The rise of the Taliban was the result of multiple factors and events, though it is true that Pakistan was responsible for tangibly assisting them in their rise as a potent force in Afghanistan. But to merely look at the point in history and assign the responsibility to Pakistan, without recognizing the dynamics in Afghanistan at that time as a result of the Soviet invasion and subsequent Jihad and abandonment by the world, and their negative impact on Pakistan, is to incorrectly simplify a complicated problem.

The responsibility for the rise of the Taliban rests with all the actors involved, including the US, as Hillary Clinton admitted, and India, that was pushing its own proxies and choosing factions in the Afghan civil war. The Taliban were not Pakistan's first choice, and may not have ever been had the world stayed engaged in Afghanistan and helped in reconstruction and bringing about political stability.

Pakistani policemen detain a suspect (C)
Pakistani policemen detain a suspect (C) following a suicide car bomb attack on the police emergency response office building in Lahore on May 27, 2009. Twenty-three people were killed and about 250 injured in a suicide car bomb attack that destroyed a police building in the Pakistani city of Lahore on May 27, an administration official said. AFP PHOTO/ Sameed QURESHI (Photo credit should read SAMEED QURESHI/AFP/Getty Images)
Weapons recovered in Lahore​

Updated at: 1540 PST, Friday, May 29, 2009
LAHORE: Police have recovered arms on a tip-off of Afghan nationals arrested after police service 15 building suicide attack on Wednesday.

According to police sources, four Afghan nationals Zimay Khan, Umer Deen, Neo Khan and Zarwali are under investigation and weapons have been recovered on their tip-off.

Meanwhile, investigation team headed by Additional IG Investigation Chaudhry Abdul Majeed inspected the blast site whereas investigating agencies also collected the engine and chassis numbers of three cars from the incident site.

Sources said the hairs of attacker found from the car used in attack were sent for DNA test.

Weapons recovered in Lahore
All these arrests and arms seizures are fine, but given the linkages with FATA and the TTP, these efforts will not stop the problem unless the havens of Baitullah in S Waziristan and his deputies in the other agencies are taken apart.
According to police sources, four Afghan nationals Zimay Khan, Umer Deen, Neo Khan and Zarwali are under investigation and weapons have been recovered on their tip-off.

Off topic, but is he a member here :)
i dont know how to post videos here, but geo and express news are showing CCTV footages of Terrorist attacking police and intelligence. One terrorist is shown being shot dead....i have recored it but how do i post it here?

Cant find words to describe this terrible crime....what a bunch of cowards
Its on almost all local channels.......one terrorist in blue shirt and pants is shot down by security forces' guard...while the driver of the van is also shot dead just prior to the blast. I wish would becoem so strong one day that we would be able to catch the culprits in one day and hang them in public the next day.

I cant thank enough the security forces' resolve to stop these terrorists, who are on a suicide mission, and even kill few before the explosion. Same bravery we saw during the FIA blast and Marriott blasts.

Brave people, Pakistan have.
CCTV footage of the suicide attack on Rescue-15 Building Lahore​

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Just read today. One of the attackers has been positively identified as some 'IFTIKHAR' of MANDI BAHAUDDIN. That means he was from PUNJAB???

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