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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Why a pilot extensively trained on & for Su-30MKI was given a MiG-21 to go against a formidable adversary? He is an IAF asset & they sent him for suicide. Its like bringing knife to a gun fight.
He expected a tin can called jf17. Instead the jf17 today lost in viginity. Our baby is now a man
Oh really? Where is the wreckage? Or at least a video that air craft is going down.

Whats with your achievements in past few years that only exist in your minds and not in reality??

WHy would PAF admit to such a loss? As it is , they are pushing clips showing the pilots next the FC 1s. When Kaiser Tufail himself says that it was F16 only.
One more theory , since I know you folks like conspiracy theories more than any other country in the world:
The second plane and the second pilot was the PaF F-16 !
Think about the possibility: Why else would ISPR be so confident about Command Hospital and all that ?
these days it is not easy to hide your losses. social media shows everything. even if pakistani jet crashed in pakistan there would have been some photos of the wreckage and the pilot and if it would have been in india then they would have been jumping with excitement.
Recapping effects on aviation due to India-Pakistan situation. Additional updates will be posted at https://www.flightradar24.com/blog/tensions-between-india-and-pakistan-affect-air-traffic/ …

Congrats Pakistan Bro

But I guess the other aircraft dropped by itself rather than being shot down just like other Indian weapon you know, submarine and tanks etc, leave it along and it will drop by itself, I am serious. I didn't even mention their aircraft carrier has two more times in the water than Chinese one, just like Indian always claim they have more stuff than others.
WHy would PAF admit to such a loss? As it is , they are pushing clips showing the pilots next the FC 1s. When Kaiser Tufail himself says that it was F16 only.

Then where are the pics or video of F16 wreckage or it getting shot down?

There is nothing to prove that. Except Indians who need a face saving after today's thrashing
We should give him nationality, cuz Pakistanis are having soft corner for him now
India Pakistan: Kashmir fighting sees Indian aircraft downed

Image copyrightAFP
Image captionPakistani soldiers by what Pakistan says is wreckage from a downed Indian jet

Pakistan says it has shot down two Indian military jets and captured a pilot in a major escalation between the nuclear powers over Kashmir.

India said it lost one MiG21 fighter and a pilot was missing in action.

Pakistani PM Imran Khan said the two sides could not afford a miscalculation with the weapons they had.

India and Pakistan - both nuclear-armed states - claim all of Kashmir, but control only parts of it.

They have fought three wars since independence from Britain and partition in 1947. All but one were over Kashmir.

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