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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

May be . Pakistan Army done a great job by saving him from to angry mob . now treat him as per Islamic law for POW so that increase image of Pakistan farther .:tup:
If you ever know pain and anger in kashmiris hearts its not surprised me
IAF did miscalculated again and try their luck to enter Pakistan once again thinking that PAF will not engage or shot them down .. I guess they learn their lesson the hard way.

If IAF indeed tried to cross the LoC again then they are truly dumb-asses!!
Yeh, yeh. Been waiting for 70 years. If you can get your Bangla mates to help you then I might be slightly worried but you guy's alone. Come and get more slaps if you want. You got warned by PM IK to desist but you did not. Now two of your fighters got shot up with pilots captured ...

Now be a good boy and go call the Banglas to the rescue ...

Here listen to Indian wing commander Abhinandan enjoying Pakistani hospitality. He really appreciates having something called a 'toilet'.

Expected in a state of war, some days are yours some are ours. Important thing is if our objectives are met.

There is no reason for us to not to punish the guys who supported and exported terror.
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Can the ISPR please give the Pakistani and international media full proof of TWO Indian jets shot down so the Indian media can't hide it anymore???

Why is it still a mystery?!
Flt Lt Nachiketa who was PoW during Kargil is still serving. But ejection is a hard thing, if he is medically fit, he will serve India once again..
He will go under intensive briefings and de-briefings and medical tests …… If he passed all the he can .. It depend on your Airforce...…
Have a look this video
Kashmir is gonna b resolved now...
Its right time for making indian public opinion..
They must b made understand that Kashmir is bone of contention between us so it must b resolved otherwise peace is a distant dream..
Oh damn Indian Occupied Kashmiris chanting abuse against the downed Indian Aircraft, India has lost Kashmir and Srinagar effectively!!!!!
Entering Our Territory Is Your Own Choice
Turning You Into Pieces Is Mine ...

P.S :- Squadron Leader Hassan Who Shot Down One Of The Indian Air Craft This Morning .....

Again stop this crap about confusion. Some locals might have found the injured PAF pilot and admitted him to a nearby hospital. Thinking that he is a IAF pilot, PA started celebrating. There were fairly confirmed news coming out that an F-16 crashed near the LAM valley. It could be a case of friendly fire,. But one thing is sure, both IAF and PAF lost a jet each today.

It is common tactic to claim to be their own country's pilot inorder to evade. So people might not have believed PAF pilot at first..

That f16 whose wreckage doesn't exist??

No uturn. Simply some confusion in midst of war

Happens. Doesn't mean your false claims of F1 are true

Oh, the wreckage exists.. just not being allowed/circulated over the net..
There will be no wider war, as both sides will see the wisdom in standing down. It will take a few days but de-escalation will happen, gradually and surely.
Yeah... Seen the statement of your Vazireazam....
In couple of days the only option to you will be surrendering...
One more theory , since I know you folks like conspiracy theories more than any other country in the world:
The second plane and the second pilot was the PaF F-16 !
Think about the possibility: Why else would ISPR be so confident about Command Hospital and all that ?
But this picture is disturbing Pakistan must treat him well as a Islamic country you cannot manhandled a POW should treat him well .
Pic1 : No injury on his face when he was caught by Pakistani Army or local
Pic2 : blooded face Isn't it violation of Geneva convention?
I hope that's final injury he had or have to face .
No more till he returns to his family .


he was beaten up by the gen public. they dont know much about geneva convention and they dont care . they just want to take revenge.

but we also have to admit that indian pilot in custody is also a brave and confident.
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