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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Inadvertently , you have brought up one of the most repulsive practices of your armed forces. Robbing POWs and dead enemy soldiers of their uniforms. Never heard of any other civilized military do these things. Please don't ask me why , when. etc. Google is your friend.

The IAF seems to have leisurely bombed Pakistan territory and left. Did they kill 300 terrorists ? I don't know, nor do you. Your military took 45 days to show some select people the site. And now, even that is not possible. Even you would not be allowed there !
The PAF bombed Indian side of Kashmir and hit absolutely nothing ( as per themselves ).
Also dropped their own payload on their own side of the border.

So what are you calling the PAF here ? Since their performance in BOMBING ( only bombing ) seems the same. I await your 'intelligent' response .
here we go again with the typical yindian bhaand tamasha! :lol: its already been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that you couldn't kill anyone one save 2 trees and a crow. :lol: save yourself further humiliation...next time, save your "payload" for bollywood movies!!! :lol:
here we go again with the typical yindian bhaand tamasha! :lol: its already been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that you couldn't kill anyone one save 2 trees and a crow. :lol: save yourself further humiliation...next time, save your "payload" for bollywood movies!!! :lol:

Stop escaping my question . According to your expert knowledge of Air Operations, what part of PAF's bombing performance differentiates it from your understanding of 'BHANGI air force'?

Hope to read some technical reply, and not the words that represent your culture and upbringing.
Stop escaping my question . According to your expert knowledge of Air Operations, what part of PAF's bombing performance differentiates it from your understanding of 'BHANGI air force'?

Hope to read some technical reply, and not the words that represent your culture and upbringing.
Uh, PAF bombed you in broad daylight 6 times over without the bhangis being able to fire off a single shot in their defense while the bhangi air farts tried to sneak in during the dead of the night, panicked, dropped their "payload" on a single challenge and ran away with their maxipads between their legs! :lol: on top of that, the one single chance the bhangis did get to shoot back, they ended up shooting down their on helicopter chuck full of 8 bhangis! :woot:
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The IAF seems to have leisurely bombed Pakistan territory and left. Did they kill 300 terrorists ? I don't know, nor do you. Your military took 45 days to show some select people the site. And now, even that is not possible. Even you would not be allowed there !
The PAF bombed Indian side of Kashmir and hit absolutely nothing ( as per themselves ).
Also dropped their own payload on their own side of the border.

So what are you calling the PAF here ? Since their performance in BOMBING ( only bombing ) seems the same. I await your 'intelligent' response .

what a load of BS.
Has India provided any evidence such as its own super duper military satellites pictures of the attack?
Also a 2,000 lbs obliterates structures such as the once in balakot instead what we saw was some imaginary pixel represented as penetration marks from indians.
Forget the IAF, where are the photos of the PAF's bombing results ? Can you share some crater marks or anything from your side ? Or will you depend on photos released by the Indian army ? In other words, without Indian photos, PAF has NO proof.
So pl reconsider this demand for proof.
Just ask yourself why it takes 45 days plus for 1 visit to the Balakot terror compound. And why no more visitors are allowed there .
So in other words, you have NO real reply. You just shared some language you overheard at home while growing up.
Sorry for you.

Here is a proof that PAF went inside India and dropped bombs within visual sites of the target. NOTE: It was never in Pakistan's intention to inflict any damages on ground which would have escalated the situation instead the point was to send strong message to India to back off and know your place.

Here is a TV guided missile footage of one of Indian target. again, it was steered away at last minute to avoid ground casualty.

If Pakistan was trying to hide balakot strike then even google earth or any other satellite would have gathered evidence. NO structure was damaged so NO casualty. Its just indian imagination and nothing more.
A 2,000 lbs bomb obliterates structures even it is sitting on top of a bunker (again indian imagination that their is a bunker on hill top).
why it took 45 days?? maybe because it was not safe for foreigners to visit the site right away since the area was under tense situation after 26th feb???

Now you tell me, why is india hiding PAF ground strikes on indian territory??? why have they taken over year and still have not released any photos of damage done by PAF JF-17 and Mirage-III that violated Indian sovereignty? even if trees and empty fields were targeted it still qualifies as "violation of a nation's sovereignty"!

And why did IAF let this pathological liar IAF female officer speak to media while the guy who apparently shot down F-16 is still hiding in a closet! lol
Where is the Indian proof?

What i find the funniest is that these delusional indians never cease to ask for proof that PAF Jf17 block 2 shot down the mighty indian SU30 MKI with an RCS of Taj Mahal but they themselves provide no proof to their fantasized claims

I wonder what is hurting the Indian egos more:

A. The last skirmish decisively won by Pakistan and hence Kargil overshadowed.

B. PAF giving a bloody nose to Indian Air force and indian air force losing 3 aircrafts (SU30MKI, MIG21 Bison and a mil Helicopter for ZERO (0) PAF losses.
Poor & low class upbringing , combined with abysmal general knowledge has led you to this post. Seek help. BTW, you may not realize this, but you ended up abusing your own AF in your earlier posts ! Oops !
oh how how tell me tell me cuz I really don't give a turd but do tell me as if I give a crap about anything that a delusional sanghi has to say, go ahead, PRETEND!:lol:

and yeah bas kia karain us low caste people with a low class upbringing have a bad habit of fingering your upper caste & upper class bungholes until your begging for 2 fingers!!! We are adat say majboor, what're ya gonna do!:enjoy:
1. You seem to NOT understand what I have posted. I literally asked you not to come for help from me in a basic Google search. And now you do EXACTLY THAT. Instead you post a Cold War photo ! Why?

2. Glad you remember Nachiketa . That's another case where his uniform was stolen , when he was in Pak Army custody for a week. What this fetish for stolen uniforms , I don't know. I must point out that this nonsense seems to be a P.A. thing. Not a PAF thing.

3. Wonderful explanation for the Israeli thing. ' Only a Muslim would understand '. Sorry, no Muslim that I know in India ( in my 3 decades growing up ) or in the US will consider stealing clothes from a dead man and displaying in homes and museums an act of a civilized man / force .

If you are incapable of understanding this, either you dont read English well , or you choose not to. And please do not derail this thread further.

EDIT : Just saw the 2nd post by @Myth_buster_1 . Good to know that you can at least copy paste well!

I don't know why you rely on the same villager's interview in multiple posts. If you think he is more intelligent than your DG ISPR, you are probably right :-)

But in case you trust your 'general twitter' more, here is his official statement

Director General of the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Asif Ghafoor has addressed a press conference today.

The Pakistan military spokesperson said, "Since today morning activity has been ongoing at LoC. This morning PAF engaged six targets across LoC from within Pakistani airspace."

Doubts cleared ? Or now will you have some childish explanations as to why you know more than your DG ISPR ?

That's all from me.

Poor & low class upbringing , combined with abysmal general knowledge has led you to this post. Seek help. BTW, you may not realize this, but you ended up abusing your own AF in your earlier posts ! Oops !
Did you saw satellite images..
They are full HD image of indian shame..
Even the most patriotic indian who has some neurons left knows what a bad miss was it..
1. You seem to NOT understand what I have
EDIT : Just saw the 2nd post by @Myth_buster_1 . Good to know that you can at least copy paste well!

I don't know why you rely on the same villager's interview in multiple posts. If you think he is more intelligent than your DG ISPR, you are probably right :-)

But in case you trust your 'general twitter' more, here is his official statement

Director General of the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Asif Ghafoor has addressed a press conference today.

The Pakistan military spokesperson said, "Since today morning activity has been ongoing at LoC. This morning PAF engaged six targets across LoC from within Pakistani airspace."

Doubts cleared ? Or now will you have some childish explanations as to why you know more than your DG ISPR ?

Pakistan government does not want to claim the fallowing 2 things.

1. Mi-17 kill (Multiple Indian occupied kashmiris described the event when few fighter jets were circling above the helicopter when they saw missile hit it from above).
This Indian cover up story itself is an embarrassment to defence community around the world as it does not make any sense.
Spyder missile defence system is one of the most advance in the world and is more then capable enough to identify friend or foe and also differentiate slow moving flying object from fast fighter jets. Its was a thing of the past where military would rely on ground observers to identify aircraft type but now modern defence systems have taken over that role and I can tell you for a fact that Spyder system is more then capable of alerting ground crew of aircraft type! Also as Indian military claims that the chopper was returning back from normal flying routine I am pretty sure its a SOP to identify yourself when you are within certain distance of military air base.
And I am also sure India has one of the latest Command and Control system where such mistakes can only occur by rogue state fire at anything they see without any coordination. Where as in Pakistan before anything is fired it gets cleared by higher ups through proper chain of command thats why during OBL raid no body fired from ground and same with recently incident where Indian air line in Pakistan air space.

2. PAF intrusion of Indian air space (Multiple Indian occupied kashmiris including sardar g described PAF intrusion in Indian air space when they dropped armament and went away).

By Pakistan denying the two things above it is helping Indian government from avoiding public humiliation and escalation.
Its like two opponents fight on the street one guy (pakistan) beats the sh1t out of the other guy (india) but they both agree to keep it between themselves because the guy (Pakistan) can avoid being arrested by police and the other guy (India) can save his image among his friend who claims to be a big gansta and play it off that he yet again fought 10 guys alone and beat all of them up.
Where is the Indian proof?

What i find the funniest is that these delusional indians never cease to ask for proof that PAF Jf17 block 2 shot down the mighty indian SU30 MKI with an RCS of Taj Mahal but they themselves provide no proof to their fantasized claims
THis person still believes it was a Jf17 block 2 shot down the mighty indian SU30 MKI. There are lot more people like him. There was so much propaganda around 27th feb, when Pakistan made few correction nobody paid attention to them.
Here is a video of Kashmiri locals describing PAF raid on Indian occupied Kashmir.
(before you act like a dumb@ss NO they are not talking about mi-17 but some idiot from the media is playing wrong video of a helicopter)
Locals are simple villagers who have no idea about airspaces and which jets belong to which country, so their words have zero credibility.
Even PAF was forced to accept that their jets could not cross LoC
THis person still believes it was a Jf17 block 2 shot down the mighty indian SU30 MKI. There are lot more people like him. There was so much propaganda around 27th feb, when Pakistan made few correction nobody paid attention to them.
JF17 or F16 shot down the su30, as our good DGISPR said, just take your pick on which aircraft killed your "mighty indian su30 mki"...cuz those two parachutes in the iok airspace came from somewhere & that AMRAAM hit something now didn't it? :enjoy:
Locals are simple villagers who have no idea about airspaces and which jets belong to which country, so their words have zero credibility.
Even PAF was forced to accept that their jets could not cross LoC

But remember India's entire evidence of F-16 kill is based on Pakistani kashmiri shouting "dosra banda" 2nd person! Which turned out to be Mig-21 second parachute for ejection seat which villagers had mistaken for another pilot.

Also you dont need to have degree in aerospace to qualify to speak about a mere incident that occurred with fighter jets dropping bombs. Trust me it does not take a genius to figure out which air force would have done that unless Indian air force like to bomb its own military and land back in Pakistan.

I know, truth is hard to swallow for you guys. :cool:
JF17 or F16 shot down the su30, as our good DGISPR said, just take your pick on which aircraft killed your "mighty indian su30 mki"...cuz those two parachutes in the iok airspace came from somewhere & that AMRAAM hit something now didn't it?
Yaa, we saw good DGISPR retreating his statements again and again.

Now that Pakistan has built a plank claim it was F-16 that shot down a 'Su30', bombast like take your pick sound more like an anomaly that has been carried on disregarding own stated version.

Did anyone see two parachutes in the iok airspace? Hell no.

AMRAAM hit a man and injured him in Raisi distrct in Jammu and nothing else.
THis person still believes it was a Jf17 block 2 shot down the mighty indian SU30 MKI. There are lot more people like him. There was so much propaganda around 27th feb, when Pakistan made few correction nobody paid attention to them.

The entire world defence community agrees with Pakistan that no F-16 was shot down. Its only some delusional indiots who are still crying to prove it wrong.
Their is more evidence to believe that Su-30 was shot down then their is to believe F-16 was shot down.
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