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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Uri attack : 18 Sep
Surgical Strike : 30 Sep
Pulwama attack : 14 Feb
Air Strike :26 Feb
Indian Military was also fond of Arithmetic Progression.
Indian Tigers .....and Media champs must explain this

All the bollywood, starplus and item songs have corrupted gangu minds and all u can think/dream of are BATs and Launchpads.

Why in so many decades we never got to see these launchpads??

Why does every militant on your media upon investigation turn out to be an American cop with photoshopped image??
Or a poor chap who barely has an old Ak and a few mags??Who was driven to pickup arms against u bcz of ur own gao muttar fueled ecstacy???

On the other hand we/our military has found and openly exposed on television how your pro ies operated in our Northwestern tribal areas inc Swat. How they were organized and funded by RAW in synergy with NDS.
Omar Abdullah

If this is Balakote in KPK it’s a major incursion & a significant strike by IAF planes. However if it’s Balakote in Poonch sector, along the LoC it’s a largely symbolic strike because at this time of the year forward launch pads & militant camps are empty & non-functional

Why is it so hard for you to understand that the Paf has acted like a coward for the last 2 decades---.

It strutted around with their F16's shooting down third rate russian aircraft during the first afghan war in the 80's---now when real enemy fighters are around and doing an incursion---the Paf fighters are nowhere to be seen---.
There are so many versions of what happened that its difficult to ascertain the failure you are referring to. So please tell us in detail what you believe happened highlighting specific failures of PAF. Also ispr tweeted incursion was 3-4 miles so whats your view on that?
We even have an Indian monkey rotting away in some jail. Kulbushan or whatever the fuk his name was.

Nothing but gao mutr fueled rampages
Its interesting how Indian politics and Indian Military is influenced through Pakistan.
Lol 1000 kg bombs would had created massive fire balls... And could had been visible from kms away... No such things.. No pictures .. At that moment their govt is silent and waiting for their media to brainwash Indian people for few more hours before issuing a statement
we should strike.doesn't matter where they struck us.we must respond.if they use precision guided munitions,use the use bomb to target indian military post.
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