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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Another Bollywood Propaganda Busted by Pakistan Defence.

Remains of AIM-120C5 AMRAAM Serial Number: FA8675-05-C-0070 was sold to Taiwan Air Force, not PAF

Sir, was that genuine, i received the recordings this morning but was under impression that it was fake.
Yeah I received it early last night and confirmed it twice,even though it was sent to me by reliable source.Its totally genuine.
Welldone, that specific missile AIM-120-C5 Indian media showed is not Pakistani AIM-120-C5 cuz the contract number is different to the ones sold to Pakistan in 2011. That picture is from Taiwanese AMRAAMS and the contract number clearly states and matches with Taiwanese inventory as per now! Cuz every country that buys from USA has different contracts.

The word Taiwan has been incorrectly written,

It might be typing. How does India have an AIM-120? From Taiwan?

Tats what I am pointing out, It was a hit by SD-10 BVR missile on the Indian MI-17 Helicopter because it blew up mid-air killing 5 IAF Officers.

That is why Indian Airforce moral is broken and weak, they have lost it all.
They are walking around proudly with a air to air missile which was found 10km inside IOK retards as usual
I think this early release of Pilot gives Indian media and modi as a win against Pakistan .:angry:
I have trust in the Government, they are painting India as warmongers in front of the world. Release of pilot will not calm escalations but it will show the world that Pakistan carried itself responsibly and maturely, extending a hand of peace while India continues to beat the drums of war.
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Not typing error, But against India its says in the list Aircraft Propellers and Components not AIM 120-C5 missiles.

The word Taiwan has been incorrectly written,

It might be typing. How does India have an AIM-120? From Taiwan?


I donot see Pakistan on the list with AIM-120 C5 sold to Pakistan. It says Taiwan. Can you provide that?
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Where does it say that, that specific AIM 120 was delivered to Pakistan?
Not typing error, India was possibly sold AIM-120-C5 missiles from USA which the world or Pakistan not aware of. A lot of deals has gone under hand between US and India.

I donot see Pakistan on the list with AIM-120 C5 sold to Pakistan. It says Taiwan. Can you provide that?
Or could be a poor fabrication from their part.
What we've witnessed till now is that they'll not hesitate to lie through their teeth.
Its 1.
Haven't you heard the conversation of PAF pilot who destroyed their jets ?
PAF has hit them hard, even killed 350 of their soldiers in some kind of heaquarter which they are not showing because of getting zaleeled by their public. And Pakistan can't make uncle sam unhappy by telling the world that we crossed the LOC.
Could you share?
You are arguing with delusional retards. I congratulate Pakistanis showing the youngsters of the world what a bunch of retards these indians are. A propped up corrupt ponzi scheme extremist democracy.
Not typing error, India was possibly sold AIM-120-C5 missiles from USA which the world or Pakistan not aware of. A lot of deals has gone under hand between US and India.

I donot see Pakistan on the list with AIM-120 C5 sold to Pakistan. It says Taiwan. Can you provide that?

500 of these missiles were sold to pakistan back with the block 52 deal. So pakistan has it in the inventory.

But the question is that the missile which india displayed is pakistani or not. If yes it means we shot down two aircraft. If no then we are still happy with a single kill.
Tats what I am pointing out, It was a hit by SD-10 BVR missile on the Indian MI-17 Helicopter because it blew up mid-air killing 5 IAF Officers.

That is why Indian Airforce moral is broken and weak, they have lost it all.

You mean to say helicopter was shot down approx 200km far with a missile having range of approx 70km?
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