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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

I don't know about Modi/BJP but HAL & Indian arms acquisition bureaucracy must be really happy, Nah! celebrating, the downing of MiG-21. HAL can now push for LCA, Nah! shove it down IAF's throat. While the procurement bureaucracy within the government & IAF will push for more Rafales or Western jets.
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Finally slowly coming to senses
First no one is down
Then it was an accident
Then its mi17 only
Now its due to ground fire
- for the last part i would take PAF word for it as Pakistan is the one made the kill ; in other words how the heck you Indians know how those two a/c were brought down by us on our side of LOC!
Air defence guns against subsonic jets !!! And thag also two at the same time !!Give me a break LoL; had hoti hai chitiyapay ki!
Finally slowly coming to senses
First no one is down
Then it was an accident
Then its mi17 only
Now its due to ground fire
- for the last part i would take PAF word for it as Pakistan is the one made the kill ; in other words how the heck you Indians know how those two a/c were brought down by us on our side of LOC! LoL had hoti hai chitiyapay ki!
Don't think the MEA said how it was brought down.. It is just press conjecture at this stage
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