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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

But as you said, attacking deep inside Indian territory with missiles is a clear call for war. India will not sit idle either. Can Pakistan afford for a full fledged war today? Given its financial precariousness and poor state its navy and airforce are in? Otoh, India would fully capitalize the situation and make Pakistan look like an aggressor state.

i think situation is now ahead of who will be the aggressor , IAF did whatever they could or want to, now the ball is in Pakistan court, i think Indian media has done job for Pakistan, if Pakistan did similar strike in India it will be called as a act of Revenge not aggression and we will have plenty of evidence to back out claim .
True. That is also one way forward. Just transfer ton of high quality explosives and some quality training to Kashmiri Mohajideen. I am sure ISI still have old CIA manuels from 1980s in how to conduct asymmetrical warfare whilst maintaining plaubible deniability as used against Soviets in Afghanistan in 1980s. Sort of Pakistani variant of Operation Cyclone.


As @AgNoStiC MuSliM said elsewhere, pretending to have US capabilities in such matters does not make anyone appear wise. :D
Modi is with holding video of attack...first they will let the opposition find any lies they could peddle about this operation on main stream fake indian media...and just before the election they will release the footage calling con party fake and score some brownie points...that is if pakistan still has not retaliated till election...pakistan can punish modi...they have the power now by not giving him any more opportunity to milk this cross border tension...will they be able do it is the big question mark now...cause they are in a fix right now...if they dont do anything they can expect an even more bigger response next time when some thing like this happens in future...which inevitably will happen...so that is there.
As @AgNoStiC MuSliM said elsewhere, pretending to have US capabilities in such matters does not make anyone appear wise. :D
US Technological capabilities, plus the enormous economic, geo-political and military clout to deter a response. Training and tactics that don't require enormous amounts of resources can be replicated, but it is the US combination of the factors mentioned above that really sets them apart from anyone else on the planet.
US Technological capabilities, plus the enormous economic, geo-political and military clout to deter a response. Training and tactics that don't require enormous amounts of resources can be replicated, but it is the US combination of the factors mentioned above that really sets them apart from anyone else on the planet.

Exactly my point! :D

I am sure Pakistan has enough capabilities in this regard, although nowhere nearly as much as is endlessly hyped up by India for its own purposes.
Agreed. But it gives some credence to what the locals were saying on that other report, right?
The relocation of JeM to Balakot was in the media years ago. The training camps were shut down and what remained was a madrassa (which apparently the IAF failed to hit).

Personally I believe this was intentional. The IAF really didn't have any good targets and they knew they could only sustain a surprise incursion for a few minutes, so they picked an isolated area that had been widely reported as a JeM Madrassa location, with plenty of uninhabited forests and mountains, and hurriedly dropped their bombs in uninhabited areas and left, letting the Indian media and government do PR and exaggerate the claims.
International community urges Pakistan, India to exercise restraint
February 26, 2019


The European Union on Tuesday called on New Delhi and Islamabad to exercise "maximum restraint". — AFP/File

China on Tuesday urged India and Pakistan to “exercise restraint” after the Inter-Services Public Relations said that Indian warplanes violated the Line of Control (LoC) last night and released their payload in Muzaffarabad sector of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).

“We hope that both India and Pakistan can exercise restraint and adopt actions that will help stabilise the situation in the region and improve mutual relations,” China's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lu Kang said.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is expected to meet his Indian counterpart Sushma Swaraj and Russia's Sergei Lavrov in the Chinese city of Wuzhen on Wednesday for a previously planned meeting.

Wang called Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Monday to discuss the recent suicide attack, saying China supports Pakistan and India in efforts to resolve the issue through dialogue, state news agency Xinhua reported.

Earlier in the day, ISPR head Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor in his tweet said the "Indian Air Force violated Line of Control", following which "Pakistan Air Force immediately scrambled" and Indian aircraft went back.

No casualties or damage occurred, the military spokesperson had added.

EU urges 'maximum restraint'

The European Union on Tuesday called on New Delhi and Islamabad to exercise "maximum restraint".

"We remain in contact with both countries and what we believe is essential is that all exercise maximum restraint and avoid further escalation of tensions," EU spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic told reporters.
FM Pakistan informed United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of the current situation during telephonic contact between them.
FM is informing all big powers and taking them into confidence before going to hit back india.... Few indian military HQs are going to be boomed... Huhuhu.. According to some information indian army stsrted vacant bunkers along side of Pak border... Lol
pretending to have US capabilities
Supporting 'terrorists' is not a capability but matter of policy. Please try to differantiate between policy and capability. Two examples here for you -

  • supporting Afghan Mujihadeen/Kashmiri Mujihadeen ~ Policy
  • being able to deploy carrier groups or satellite surveilance ~ Capability
i think situation is now ahead of who will be the aggressor , IAF did whatever they could or want to, now the ball is in Pakistan court, i think Indian media has done job for Pakistan, if Pakistan did similar strike in India it will be called as a act of Revenge not aggression and we will have plenty of evidence to back out claim .
International pressure would already be piled up on Pakistan by tomorrow or a day after, not to act drastically. The best time for Pakistan to take revenge is already gone.
Initially, India’s defence ministry denied knowledge of the incident. “I have no information,” Reuters quoted an Indian defence ministry spokesperson.

Shortly after, Indian Foreign Secretary Vijay Ghokhale read out a statement regarding the LoC incident and claimed IAF had carried out airstrikes.

Chairman for Center for Research and Security Studies Imtiaz Gul said the veracity of the Indian claims was difficult to ascertain as they issued no visual evidence. He also questioned Ghokhale’s refusal to take questions in the press conference.

Brigadier (retd) Asad Munir echoed the same opinion. “The IAF should have footage from the aircraft that dropped the bombs – they should release the visuals to back their claim.”

Munir pointed out that even the Indian media was using images shared by ISPR. “Why did their foreign secretary not entertain questions in the press conference? Even the Indian side is confused about the location of the ‘attack’.”
The relocation of JeM to Balakot was in the media years ago. The training camps were shut down and what remained was a madrassa (which apparently the IAF failed to hit).

Personally I believe this was intentional. The IAF really didn't have any good targets and they knew they could only sustain a surprise incursion for a few minutes, so they picked an isolated area that had been widely reported as a JeM Madrassa location, with plenty of uninhabited forests and mountains, and hurriedly dropped their bombs in uninhabited areas and left, letting the Indian media and government do PR and exaggerate the claims.

What is with this "hurriedly dropped their bombs" line that you Pakistanis are going on about? As opposed to what? Bombing an enemy country and hanging back, just chilling out?
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