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27 Feb 19: PAF shot down two Indian aircrafts inside Pakistani airspace: DG ISPR

Managed to source an old HUMINT report from Cuba. It seems that JEM did have a training camp in Bakalot. Attaching the relevant wikileaks file. Not sure how or in what point this info is applicable though.
The locals are saying to press that there was a camp. Now a heavily fortified Madrasah.
Good question. The retalion does not have to be much beyond leaving behind a calling card in Indian territory. Possibly a commondo raid across the LOC although that does have risks. More likely fire missiles at some military target in India - say 10 miles deep within the Jammu sector.
I clearly doubt Pakistani military would target Indian military installations.
The leadership resolved that India had committed an “uncalled for aggression to which Pakistan shall respond at the time and place of its choosing”.

What this means between the lines is that Pakistan will not respond for now. That is a good thing.

I clearly doubt Pakistani military would target Indian military installations.

There will be vigorous outrage which Pakistan will highlight at every opportunity all across the word, for sure.
It’s your turn to get ready for surprise, Pakistan Army tells India

February 26, 2019

Army has rubbished Indian claims of an attack on Pakistani soil which New Delhi said had resulted in “heavy casualties”.

“Not even a single brick or debris is present there. They are claiming 350 deaths. Even had there been 10 casualties, there would be blood, funeral prayers, injuries,” Major General Asif Ghafoor said in a news conference on Tuesday afternoon.

The military spokesman refuted claims that PAF was not ready to deal with any Indian misadventure. “We were ready, we responded, we denied,” he said. “It is your [India] turn now to wait and get ready for our surprise.”

Ghafoor said the Indian aircraft were chased away by PAF jets, which were immediately scrambled to thwart any aggressive move by the country’s eastern neighbour.

His reaction came hours after the National Security Committee strongly rejected Indian claims, saying New Delhi had “resorted to a self-serving, reckless and fictitious claim.

The meeting, which was attended by top civil-military leadership, resolved to respond “at the time and place of its choosing”.
Managed to source an old HUMINT report from Cuba. It seems that JEM did have a training camp in Bakalot. Attaching the relevant wikileaks file. Not sure how or in what point this info is applicable though.
Ah. So that corroborates the info.

BBC is the only one who claimed that and I believe it is because they are filled with Indian propaganda.

There is a madrasa in that village where kids learn Quran, just like in every village, city block in Pakistan.

India makes tall claims daily but no evidence is ever given.
BBC is the only one who claimed that and I believe it is because they are filled with Indian propaganda.

There is a madrasa is in that village where kids learn Quran, just like in every village, city block in Pakistan.

India makes tall claims daily but no evidence is ever given.

The info I gave was from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Interrogation of a Taliban insurgent. Look it up, above. If my understanding is correct, there was a JEM camp there that was converted to a Madrasa some years before.
I clearly doubt Pakistani military would target Indian military installations.
Is that not what is already happening everyday at low level along the LOC? A missile attack will include the intrusion [reflection of Indian intrusion] and leave behind a mark. Thus qualifying as "appropriate response" to what India did.
enough ....
bhai calculate the apparent stay of 12 min and the speed at which Fighter jets fly what should be distance they must have covered in those 12 min ....???

A SUCCESSFUL repulsion of intrusion attempt is not praiseworthy but Indian claim is all acceptable to many IDIOTS .....???

Listen press briefing
The info I gave was from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Interrogation of a Taliban insurgent. Look it up, above. If my understanding is correct, there was a JEM camp there that was converted to a Madrasa some years before.
A small bit of info from 15 years ago is insufficient - even that acquired probably from a subject under torture.
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