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26 shots that sent Pakistan over the edge

And next time, watch on your words dear Bharati.. If I started quoting here the Punishments defined in Hindu scriptures, then your "WTF" will be a small expression!

Please do. No Hindu or Indian FYI these are 2 different groups with lot of common members will mind that because we follow the law made by GoI and not any Hindu Law. If a practice is not good we have no problems in changing it or doing away with it Eg. sati and ban on widow re-marriages. This is quiet unlike the muslims who oppose trying to change their laws as per the modern times

PS: last time I posted this, I told by that there is nothing wrong with the above findings

What congress wants and what its not getting is totally for her political gains. Nothing out of sympathy for the Dead Muslims.

Of course not. Congress does it for votes but they would do it never the less.

I know, a case against a hindu, specially some one who has done such a great job for the greater cause of Bharat by killing thousands of muslims can never be proved in court. Its totally another thing if some day Modi decides to himslef confess to his crimes like Swami Aseemanand aka Naba Kumar Sarkar did.

About winning the elections, we all know how it goes-- so dont act naive.

This is the problem in arguing with Pakistanis . You think India is Hindu like how Pakistan is "Musilm".
Pakistan is so happy with it's nukes and acting as if India doesn't have them.

Please,some Pakistanis,tell me why are you so ecstatic when it comes to nukes?Is that only what you have?Check out India's stock pile and Pakistan's size and then talk about nukes! :cheesy: :cheesy:
there is nothing in these topics, nothing useful, it's just a usual troll-fest of indians getting a kick out of another negative article about Pakistan. Mods gotta do something about this.
But in India they have people who supports Narender Modi and elect him again and again.. after he brutally murdered/massacred-- practically committed genocide of not one but thousands of Innocent Muslims, and India is the land of Billions of people.

Now tell me why should we blame the Whole Pakistani Nation?

He has been given a clean chit by the SIT reporting into the supreme court of India. if he is proven a murderer, he'll not get any support, he gets support for his development policies, and he gets it from muslims and hindus alike.

You are a victim of your own propaganda. Propaganda is a tool that you use for self interest, when it brainwashes you to the extend that you can't think rationally, then you should drop it as it has clearly backfired.

PS: last time I posted this, I told by that there is nothing wrong with the above findings

In case of punishments, people will not disagree with them considering that they are Islamic punishments. Sex segregation is also advocated by Islam. I think that i already explained that people have zero tolerance when it comes to religion and will not disagree to anything that comes in it. Many controversial religious practices take time to go. As you could see that these punishments are quite cruel, they were not enacted in their true form, not in Pakistan atleast.

In Pak, punishment for theft is imprisonment, death and imprisonment for adultery (only imprisonment have ever actually given), death for apostates is a law so people will not disagree.
As for sex segregation, it's strange because Pakistan is not a sex segregated society so why will people support it? They will not like it themselves.

All is definitely not well. None is saying that. Religious intolerance is an issue but such things take time to change.
26 shots that sent Pakistan over the edge

Pamela Constable
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thanks God i checked the highlighted part. No wonder Washington post, what else can be expected and as usual none other then our esteem Indian members adding one more to their number of Pakistan bashing posts.
SMC this is pakistan's internal matter and that's why i chose not to get involved but your post made me feel a bit uncomfortable. Since i have been on this forum from quite some time i do know a bit about individual posters. I know in most of our discussions we have been on opposite side but i also know that you atleast try to express your opinions with some logic, they are not empty statements...Anyhow i am writing all this in length so that i can show you some glaring issues in what you have written...My advice do ponder our them and just don't ignore it thinking somone writing this from across the border out of sheer hatred

You can't be more wrong on the boded part


First part i totally agree but the second part is very disturbing. I will give you examples from India because any mention of Pakistan might arose patriotism defying logic and that will not deliver the message that i want to deliver.

I am sure you would have heard about terms called saffron terror in India. Such terms were unheard off a decade back. There was no such thing called saffron terror in India. However things just did not change one fine day. The process started gradually. Hooligans disrupting/banning celebrations of Valentines Day and other such things were criticized but not in the manner they should be. Vote bank politics never let the consecutive govt. deal with the issue with iron hand since they seemed to be very pity. This boldened certain organizations further and they appointed themselves as the guardian of Indian culture. Then comes a horrific incident when few ladies were forcibly dragged and thrown out of a bar in banglaore. This was shocking and thnakfully our media jumped in with all guns....The whole nation was unequivocal in condemning the mad act...Result even though state govt would not have liked to they had to act against them. Result : A clear message was given, don't do this BS again. Will this stop the such stupid actions forever, heck no..we too have enough nuts on our sides to keep on doing the usual BS...but will they be under even more pressure while doing anything like that - definitely yes.

Now let's talk about the bombings that are alleged to master mind of hindu terror. Who did the we still don't know but circumstancial evidence clearly puts fingers on so called saffron terror. Again our media and sheer luck helped India here. There were hundreds of debates where this issue was discussed and common man simply rejected the notion. They don't support the so called saffron brigade. Leaders of so-called groups appeared on TV and condemn the attacks(obviously they don't admit that they have dont it but condemn those attacks)....Moreover congress another major party find a great politial gain in cornering BJP on this issue. This is what i mean by sheer luck. In other words there is no reason for other political parties to leverage any support for so called saffron brigade. Even BJP is in catch 22 situation. Investigations are going on about who did the bombings and congress party will do whatever it takes to bring the culprits out. This will put BJP on back foot and help their cause.

You must be wondering why the hell i am feeding you stories. The key here is public support. The co-called notion of Saffron Terror is rejected in India. The point is not how many support it or how many reject it. The point is those who reject it are stronger that those who accept it. This is where i find a stark difference in Pakistan. I am pretty sure that there is a minority who support assassiantion of Taseer but unfortunately this minority is very strong. A weak central govt. who backed away from some key initiatives, which were important economically, just to save the govt. is more like to skirt the trouble than face it head on. Army who is already busy in tackling the menace will not like to increase the trouble by getting their hands dirty. what does that imply - Qadri who has already become a hero within this so-called minority will remain like this. Even that to me is not that big of a deal but what follows next definitely is. It will be a disaster if Qadri become a role-model and people try to emulate him. Fanatics will cash on this opportunity and that will be very bad news for more liberal Pakistan...

So my dear friend saying that we will deal with this issue in 10 years or something like that is wishful thinking. You got to deal it with iron hand or else it is going to be very very difficult for liberal Pakistan to voice their concerns. You never know a quadri sitting their to shoot you and believe me you don't want that situation to come...

You are right that you have to solve your main issue but this is also one of them. Such incidents if go unpunished will boost the number of recruits for the same terrorist whom you want to wipe out...

How many such shooting incidents have taken place in the past??? This issues needs to be debated in the pubic forum and Pakistan need to condemn it unitedly. This will give a stern message to all those qadri's - "Your actions are not welcomed, in fact condemned to its fullest".

Not sure what you mean...so no comments...

I don't think 10 more years will make the fundoos cash in on the opportunity. In what way are they going to cash in? i.e. what will they do?

What we need to do for now is to punish Qadri to send a message out. I honestly don't think 10 more years or even 20 or 30 more years of this law will be a big problem. You claim that this is one of Pakistan's biggest problems, but I beg to differ. This law was pretty much unnoticed until this Asia Bibi case came up lately. I mean we had the law for several decades now, it's not like it caused us to go radical. So I don't see how it becomes such a huge issue pretty much overnight. There are other more noticeable problems, this problem wouldn't even be a big issue had it not been for the solitary Asia Bibi case.

Right now, this government is in no position to do anything about this law. There are other far bigger issues that they need to look at. What we need is a government that is popular and has a good leader to have a look at this. That ain't happening in the near future. Trying to take on this law might in fact end up playing in the hands of terrorist groups. So we should punish Qadri (put him on the gallows) for now and revisit this later on. Unfortunately right now is not the time to be doing this.

I don't think this law is a problem in terms of stability of Pakistan or having any effect on our growth. It won't kill our country nor cause any significant problem. What it will do is create some degree of discrimination and injustice, something that can be dealt with later on.

As far as my point about holocaust denial laws, what I am trying to say is that several countries have laws that are effectively similar to our blasphemy laws. Yet no one calls those countries intolerant and those laws are not killing those countries either.
Yet again, Pew is not a reliable source. I honestly don't buy some the statistics. In the past, they said 75% of Pakistanis believe India and other foreign nations are behind the terrorist, and therefore only 25% believe that TTP were behind the terrorist attacks, not realizing that the two are not mutually exclusive. i.e. Pakistanis believe that foreign nations are using TTP to carry out terrorist attacks.
Why are Indians discussing Pakistan's internal affairs. Please go and feed the 440+ million Indians living below the poverty line. If you spend too much time on PDF China may take more land in AP and staple visas faster while you are not looking.
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