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23 Muslims killed in sectarian attacks in India

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Rest in peace.

Religious violence in another Congress ruled state. Now will secular people and our neighbour blame Congress for this ? I will.

If it wasn't for Congress allowing ethnic Bangladeshis to settle in ethnic Bodo dominated areas in Assam and completely screwing up the demographics for the latter, such violence would never happen.

And all those blaming Hindus for this, you idiot Hindu haters must first do some basic research and see for yourself that Bodos follow the religion of Bathouism which is a traditional Bodo religion. This is an ethnic conflict , not religious.

Again, Rest in Peace to the deceased. They should have stayed in Bangladesh, or at least should have migrated legally. I blame Congress for this.
i highly doubt their motive, more like destabilize india than concerning illegal bangladeshis

I am not an NDFB supporter nor do I support killing of these people, I was talking about why we are in such a situation today.
Did they manage to somehow link this to ISI? I was reading the news and the Chennai blasts already have ISI links according to them.
How the count become 23 now??
Did they manage to somehow link this to ISI? I was reading the news and the Chennai blasts already have ISI links according to them.
Yes , we recently nabbed an ISI agent through sri lanka ;)

which again proves pakistan's involvement. I hope they torture him to death...
army should be used to remove illegal immigrants out of assam ,It's a root cause to these violent ethnic clashes.
Yes , we recently nabbed an ISI agent through sri lanka ;)

which again proves pakistan's involvement. I hope they torture him to death...

I bet when your toilet seat bursts, you also blame ISI. Don't you?
I think we can all agree this could have been solved using other peacefull methods.
I bet when your toilet seat bursts, you also blame ISI. Don't you?
We dont trust you, world doesnt trust you. half of your intelligence agency is probably working with Al-Qaeda or the Taliban or other terrorist organization and harboring all time worst terrorists near army areas.

you remember those American raids which your rusted radars failed to catch lolol

as far as blame game goes:-
We dont trust you, world doesnt trust you. half of your intelligence agency is probably working with Al-Qaeda or the Taliban or other terrorist organization and harboring all time worst terrorists near army areas.

you remember those American raids which your rusted radars failed to catch lolol

as far as blame game goes:-
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You do know that to me Modi and his followers are just as loony as Zaid Hamids. About bin laden, I'm glad that manhoos is dead. Regardless whether it was by the Americans or whoever.

On the subject of harbouring terrorists, every nation in their history has gone on to use unsavoury assets to further their goals. To accuse just one nation of doing that just shows you have skipped your history class. Have you forgotten Mukti Bahini, the terrorists that were sheltered and armed by your hypocritical behind?
Looks like MODI is winning.
FYI I know much more than you..Judging from your username you reside in Zoo Tinali area in Guwahati. I
No ,you know NOTHING and i don't live in zootiniali and don't assume anything about me or else how about me assuming you are a nepali from Tezpur looneybin??..
i tell u one more time NOT to LUMP BODOS and NDFB/Militants together as one group. The militants don't represent bodos .
Majority of bodos are hindu/bathoist not christians. (90% to 10%)
Bodos are peaceful people as much as you nepalese are
All militants groups are cowards and unlike you i've never heard of "courageous" militants.
No militant group fight conventional war , but usually resort to guerrilla warfare and that is why they are called militants in the first place ..
and now indeed bjp will blindly support killer because they are yindus ..

Are you that much of an idiot ? Blaming Hindus for everything ?

Just do a Google search on the religion followed by Bodos.

Conflict between Bodos and Bangladeshis in Assam is anyway an ethnic conflict, not religious one.

Looks like MODI is winning.

Since Assam is a Congress ruled state, it's the Congress' performance you should be questioning , not Modi's. Don't drag your Modiphobia everywhere.
Are you that much of an idiot ? Blaming Hindus for everything ?

Just do a Google search on the religion followed by Bodos.

Conflict between Bodos and Bangladeshis in Assam is anyway an ethnic conflict, not religious one.
it doesnt matter if it isnt a religious conflict .. bjp will surely support killers because they are killing MUSLIMS ..
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