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23 Muslims killed in sectarian attacks in India

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your govt. made the statement of kicking all afghans out.....does that mean killing them all.....
u people are impossible....because u are not here u understand and put ur point but to point figures on other....

How is that any different than what u Indians do all the time.
God did you seriously have to make another profile just to make this comment. Looks like i am not the one here who needs growing up
What? This is my first account kid, I have had personal experience with BD illegals and seeing this topic while browsing the internet motivated me to make a account. It's interesting that you are now diverting the topic after I showed you the reality.

Than your citizenship should be questioned as well,
You are diverting the topic to his citizenship after it originally started with BD illegals.
Than your citizenship should be questioned as well,
why do you think there is huge commotion about Bangladeshis in India. Although all one is required to vote is voter ID but politicians in the west bengal and assam encourage and shelter illegals for the sake of vote bank.
What? This is my first account kid, I have had personal experience with BD illegals and seeing this topic while browsing the internet motivated me to make a account. It's interesting that you are now diverting the topic after I showed you the reality.

MODI is known known for his work on international scale i am well aware of his work.

Narendra Modi, a man with a massacre on his hands, is not the reasonable choice for India | Aditya Chakrabortty | Comment is free | The Guardian

Hope u find this interesting too.
How is that any different than what u Indians do all the time.
what difference do u want..... why do we need to tolerate illegal people.....
they need to go back...... india is nt a free land.....its for people of india nt for illegal Bds....
MODI is known known for his work on international scale i am well aware of his work.

Hope u find this interesting too.
How is Modi related to the topic. This is a sign of obsession that you are mentioning Modi at every opportunity. And Modi has been found NOT GUILTY by the highest court in our land. I'm sure that has higher precedent then the comment is free section of the Guardian.
This is really messed up, I hope the menace of illegal bangladeshis is needed to solved for once.

That stage has passed a long time ago. If they can stop new migration I'd consider that as success.
How is Modi related to the topic. This is a sign of obsession that you are mentioning Modi at every opportunity. And Modi has been found NOT GUILTY by the highest court in our land. I'm sure that has higher precedent then the comment is free section of the Guardian.

You mentioned modi 3 times in a sentence and u r talking about me being obsessed. Dont get me wrong i want him to be your next PM.
That stage has passed a long time ago. If they can stop new migration I'd consider that as success.
for that we need to end the political patronage these illegals receive in the surrounding states.
Justifying killing and kicking out of the land ...yet you cry crocodile tears when we ask even a small portion of the worlds largest refugee (Afghans in Pakistan) to go home....

So you are Hindu!

Racist Secular Nationalist Hindu taking rights from BDians! :o::o::o::o:

The tribals who killed these people are Christian Bodo Militants. This is not a Hindu vs Muslim riot, so stop blaming Hindus for it. These tribals have also killed illegal Bangladeshi Hindus in the past. I don't support these killings in any way but I do sympathise with them to an extent. Illegal Bangladeshis take the land and jobs from these tribals and the government refuses to do anything, so they have taken law into their own hand. These tribals are also fighting for independence from India because of the reasons above- no action against illegal migrants.
You mentioned modi 3 times in a sentence and u r talking about me being obsessed. Dont get me wrong i want him to be your next PM.
I mentioned him due to you mentioning him. Do you understand the correlation or do you need something else? And trust me, if you are Pakistani then the last man you want to be PM is Modi. :)
I mentioned him due to you mentioning him. Do you understand the correlation or do you need something else? And trust me, if you are Pakistani then the last man you want to be PM is Modi. :)

We shall see
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