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23 Muslims killed in sectarian attacks in India

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why do you think there is huge commotion about Bangladeshis in India. Although all one is required to vote is voter ID but politicians in the west bengal and assam encourage and shelter illegals for the sake of vote bank.

Vote bank or whatever reason - If Indian ID cards are issued to them than they are Indian citizen.
You are diverting the topic to his citizenship after it originally started with BD illegals.

My question was directed to poster whom i quoted, why you are taking offense?
Yes, both dirty Mushirks. But Bodos are easier to convert.;)

What is it about your missionary zeal that makes you so happy but makes me cringe??

Let people have their own beliefs and culture. World is so beautiful is because of differences and diversity. Imagine a world having one religion- how boring it would be. You want to see a garden with all kind of flowers.
That's not for a Pakistani to decide.

I have not issued ID cards to them, your state govt. allegedly issued it. So, ask your govt. to verify the nationality of all Bengalis and take back the IDs. until than for me or any other national of world anyone who hold Indian ID is an Indian.
Vote bank or whatever reason - If Indian ID cards are issued to them than they are Indian citizen.
lol..chachu ..u are so hell bend on proving them indian citizen.....:lol::lol:
if u get a forged passport and Id of US then u too will become the citizen of US....and US govt. will have to grant u every rite....:lol:
kabhi to dimag laga liya karo......:D:D...ya fir troll kar rahe ho to baat hi kutch aur hai.....:whistle:
Mentality of a secular Indian: Kill Indian Muslims. Call them BD immigrants. Cheer their death. Rant on various websites about "persecution" of minorities in Pakistan.

In short. Behave like a total ***. Nothing good comes out of it.
I have not issued ID cards to them, your state govt. allegedly issued it. So, ask your govt. to verify the nationality of all Bengalis and take back the IDs. until than for me or any other national of world anyone who hold Indian ID is an Indian.
Okay, so an illegal immigrant to Pakistan from Afghanistan with a forged ID would suddenly become a Pakistani then and you would happily consider him as one of your own?
lol..chachu ..u are so hell bend on proving them indian citizen.....:lol::lol:
if u get a forged passport and Id of US then u too will become the citizen of US....and US govt. will have to grant u every rite....:lol:
kabhi to dimag laga liya karo......:D:D...ya fir troll kar rahe ho to baat hi kutch aur hai.....:whistle:

he doesnt need to . they poll votes in Indian elections
Mentality of a secular Indian: Kill Indian Muslims. Call them BD immigrants. Cheer their death. Rant on various websites about "persecution" of minorities in Pakistan.

In short. Behave like a total ***. Nothing good comes out of it.
Learn to read, this is ethnic violence between the Bodo tribe and Muslims. Bodo's follow Bathouism and are not Hindu so please tell me how this relates to secularism? Fail comment from a desperate man with an obsession.
Duh! Thats no test of Indian citizenship. Thanks for your opinion though.

If not ID than how you prove that you are an Indian citizen? I don't think Indian Bengalis have some special birth mark on their forehead. And why Bengali+Muslim automatically assumed Illegal Bangladeshi why not Bengali Hindus are suspected for being illegal Bangladeshis?
The tribals who killed these people are Christian Bodo Militants. This is not a Hindu vs Muslim riot, so stop blaming Hindus for it. These tribals have also killed illegal Bangladeshi Hindus in the past. I don't support these killings in any way but I do sympathise with them to an extent. Illegal Bangladeshis take the land and jobs from these tribals and the government refuses to do anything, so they have taken law into their own hand. These tribals are also fighting for independence from India because of the reasons above- no action against illegal migrants.
Maybe if you try reading in context...That was joke between me and @Dem!god not the whole of Hindus! Mind you I didnt call Hindus to anything...so please dont quote out of context for your brownie points!
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