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2022 Iraqi civil war

When are you gonna stop dickRiding Israel?
Wow, those HUMILIATING military defeats at the hands of Israel still hurt, huh? LOL

We Egypt, we great POWA, we destroy Yahood!!

A few days later....

Help... UN...AMERICA...help! tell the Israelis to pull back!!!! LOL
Where is the federal government and military to stop both militias? Democracy is not for everyone this being a prime example.
At the end of the day, it’ll be Israel laughing at the end of this conflict. IS will return and take control, and they will add another country to their list of the Jewish Bharat

I’m from London btw lol
Israel isn't laughing. It's shaking its head at Arabs allowing Iran to toy with them like a cat with a wool ball.

At this point, Israel is the only country confronting the Mullah regime and preventing them from taking over all your precious Arabs lands.

Oh, and thanks for making London such a sh*thole.
This should serve as a lesson to us Pakistanis, we should put a leash on Iranian funded sectarian organisations and their Zakirs.
Thousands of Pakistani fighters from areas like Parachinar and Karachi go to fight in Syria and they return as hateful sectarian terrorists and present a grave danger to us.
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Iraq's influential Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr urged all his supporters to leave the streets in an hour and stop protests. He apologized to the Iraqi people and said shedding the blood of an Iraqi is Haram

This means whatever little support iran had within the Iraqi gov't is over.. I always found it weird that Iran's claims of influence in Iraq. If their militias stand down then they are defeated politically in Iraq..

If Iran wanted influence in iraq they should have fought the Americans, Turks and Gulf states which Iran lacks capacity for right now for atleast another half century
Israel isn't laughing. It's shaking its head at Arabs allowing Iran to toy with them like a cat with a wool ball.

At this point, Israel is the only country confronting the Mullah regime and preventing them from taking over all your precious Arabs lands.

Oh, and thanks for making London such a sh*thole.

Ooooh what a feisty boy…..

Ah yes, I remember you as the Moroccan jew. Bro’s so full of hate it’s ridiculous
I’m going to leave you in your delusions. London isn’t a sh*thole because of Pakistanis.
Heck, only very few places could be classed as shitholes, and they’re mainly down to rich white men funnelling their drug produce into less fortunate communities

All in all, the problem in London is basically just stupid people like you acting like the minorities are the ones to blame.

Now moving onto Israel.
Israel isn’t shaking their head at anything. They’re laughing their f*cking heads off.
A divided Arab unit is what they wanted, and this sets the perfect scene for the eventual invasion of Lebanon
Israel isn't laughing. It's shaking its head at Arabs allowing Iran to toy with them like a cat with a wool ball.

At this point, Israel is the only country confronting the Mullah regime and preventing them from taking over all your precious Arabs lands.

Oh, and thanks for making London such a sh*thole.
Israel protecting Arab land? Lmao...

Are you really Moroccan? Your people have the worst reputation in Europe dude. You have turned Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris all into shitholes.
Nothing will happen. Mark my words.

Israel protecting Arab land? Lmao...

Are you really Moroccan? Your people have the worst reputation in Europe dude. You have turned Amsterdam, Brussels and Paris all into shitholes.

This forum in recent times has become a hotbed for hired trolls propagating fake news and propoganda. Only good news is that Admins are banning them in masses.
Unfortunately, tonight the strings snapped. The conflict between Iran-backed groups and Sadr supporters in Iraq has now turned into a vortex of conflict across the country. Headquarters belonging to militia groups are set on fire and clashes continue at many tense points. Tomorrow morning will be an important turning point for the Iraqi state.

However, I am afraid that this power struggle will have consequences that will threaten the integrity of the country, knowingly or unknowingly.

The US embassy was hit by rockets.

Wait. What? Civil war? For what exactly? A series of protests lasting one or two days?
Ooooh what a feisty boy…..

Ah yes, I remember you as the Moroccan jew. Bro’s so full of hate it’s ridiculous
I’m going to leave you in your delusions. London isn’t a sh*thole because of Pakistanis.
Heck, only very few places could be classed as shitholes, and they’re mainly down to rich white men funnelling their drug produce into less fortunate communities

All in all, the problem in London is basically just stupid people like you acting like the minorities are the ones to blame.

Now moving onto Israel.
Israel isn’t shaking their head at anything. They’re laughing their f*cking heads off.
A divided Arab unit is what they wanted, and this sets the perfect scene for the eventual invasion of Lebanon
Ah yes, the grooming gangs are because of whites....sure thing. London was one of the beacons of the world and now parts of it resemble Somalia. Massive stabbing sprees by your lot and the Jamaicans. General crime all over the city.

Israel actually benefits from a stable middle east. It benefits from more tourism when there is peace and benefits more economically. It's not like Iraq is a threat to Israel, so a war there started by Iranian militia is not advantageous.
Ah yes, the grooming gangs are because of whites....sure thing. London was one of the beacons of the world and now parts of it resemble Somalia. Massive stabbing sprees by your lot and the Jamaicans. General crime all over the city.

Israel actually benefits from a stable middle east. It benefits from more tourism when there is peace and benefits more economically. It's not like Iraq is a threat to Israel, so a war there started by Iranian militia is not advantageous.

What about the gangs of white english middle aged men grooming millions of children in the Philippines, Thailand and other parts of South East Asia over the past 70 years?
Wow, those HUMILIATING military defeats at the hands of Israel still hurt, huh? LOL

We Egypt, we great POWA, we destroy Yahood!!

A few days later....

Help... UN...AMERICA...help! tell the Israelis to pull back!!!! LOL
Where is the federal government and military to stop both militias? Democracy is not for everyone this being a prime example.
Theyre doing their job
there's battles in the green area iam not sure who are they fighting
Iraq will survive..not so sure about Israel..the only chance Israel has is to become an Iranian colony..Iran will partition the land and create Jewish quarter for them..rest of the land goes to original owners Palestinians...Trench Broom can live in the Jewish quarters if he behaves...lol
Why is it not safe I wonder? anything to do with Iran spending years setting up Shia militias and hijacking the state of Iraq leaving the government almost powerless just as that filthy Mullah regime has done to Lebanon?

Anything to do with you plundering Iraq's resources? how about the hundreds of Iraqi protesters your Iranian-backed militia gunned down under the orders of Qassem Salami?
if anything we spend money on iraq , go see who is plunder its ressource and take your hate some where else . and sadr is years that have separated its way from iran
Gee I can't think why Iraq that was essentially invaded by Iranian militias with their own checkpoints etc and controls Iraqi government decisions is descending into violence.
for your information and record those militia that you claim are Iranian are part of Iraq armed force and under the command of prime minister

Far more similar than Iraq is to any non-Arab neighbor be it Iran or Turkey.

This was 10 days ago:

first iraq has far more similarity with iran only the language is arabic in southern half and thats photo is from 10 day ago , didn't knew that now slowly all the pictures are begin to fit , now its clear who is behind this nonsense in iraq
who incited sadr to demand something which is against iraq laws

Why his supporters aren't listening to him?
because they are paid by someone else

Based on his speeches and actions. He is against Iranian rule and corruption, the rest is diplomacy 101. My real question is what is the Iraqi PM doing, he left Egypt early because of this. Lets hope this doesnt break into a civil war and it ends up with a better Iraq with its own rule not Loyal to Arabs Persians or the west
and Al-kadami is iranian or Iranian friend according to you ?
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