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2022 Iraqi civil war

No civil war is remotely realistic IMO.

What is wrong with two Arab leaders meeting each other? Al-Sadr is a Sayyid and thus his ancestral homeland is Hijaz which is a part of KSA today.

Iraq and KSA are neighbors that share ancient several millennia old history. They are direct neighbors. They share the same language, the same ethnicity (Iraq is 80% majority Arab), the same Arab tribes and clans, the same geography, the same race (Semitic), similar genetics, similar culture, cuisine and basically most things are similar.

Far more similar than Iraq is to any non-Arab neighbor be it Iran or Turkey.

This was 10 days ago:


Another Iraqi Shia Arab cleric (Sayyid) visiting his ancestral homeland.

This leads me to the key part here.

Iraq and Iraqis will not experience any genuine prosperity as long as its leaders are not serving Iraqi interests first and as long as they are puppets of outside powers.

Not only that Iraq's future is with neighboring Arab countries. If Iraq and the region had been ruled by clever rulers, Iraqi integration with fellow Arab neighbors such as Syria, Jordan, KSA and Kuwait would have occurred ages ago. Today Iraq could have been a very wealthy member state of the GCC.

The country could have served as a bulwark against regional instability as Iraq lies in the middle of the Middle East.

A stable and strong independent Iraq = a stable Middle East and most importantly a stable Arab neighborhood.

Eventually this will occur but it won't be easy as non-Arab states in the region don't wish for Arab integration as that would threaten their interests but it is an inevitable development IMO.

You cannot keep such a huge and rich landmass divided/intentionally weak from the outside forever.



first iraq has far more similarity with iran only the language is arabic in southern half and thats photo is from 10 day ago , didn't knew that now slowly all the pictures are begin to fit , now its clear who is behind this nonsense in iraq
who incited sadr to demand something which is against iraq laws

How ignorant/dumb can one be?
You clearly have no idea what the hell you are blabbering about. KSA and every Arab neighbor of Iraq shares 1 billion things more in common than with Iran which Iraq only shares sect with. A sect (Shia Islam) that is Arab in origin too and originates in modern-day KSA.
The only area of Iran that Iraq shares anything with Iran with is the Arab-inhabited part of Iran. Kurds (KRG) operates like a separate part of Iraq and Kurds are overall a small minority within Iraq and Iraqi Kurds are different from Iranian ones not to mention that they have been intermarrying with Arabs, Assyrians and Turkmens for centuries something that Iranian Kurds have not been doing.

Arabic is spoken across ALL of Iraq, even in the Kurdish region Arabic is an official language and last time I checked Arabs are a majority in Iraq almost everywhere outside of small areas of KRG. Even in KRG there are millions of Arabs.

As for instigating, I have breaking news for you, Iran is deeply hated by most Iraqis and KSA has nothing to do with Iraqis being feed up by their useless Iran-sponsored and Iran-supported leaders. They have been protesting against the status quo for years now. For 10 months (Al-Sadr won the elections) Iraq have not been able to form a government because of Iran-sponsored militias and Iran-sponsored incompetent crooks within Iraq hindering this process by orders from Tehran. All this is hardly a secret.

But since you don't speak a word of Arabic and have no clue about Iraqi events, this is not strange, that you don't understand this/don't know it.


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This should serve as a lesson to us Pakistanis, we should put a leash on Iranian funded sectarian organisations and their Zakirs.
Thousands of Pakistani fighters from areas like Parachinar and Karachi go to fight in Syria and they return as hateful sectarian terrorists and present a grave danger to us.
don't you think you first must do something about the people who were bought and throw your leader out of office as soon as he opposed uncle sam
funny part your map imply the majority of iraqi are sunni arabs , while the reality is somethings else , those areas are desert with the next to zero population in many places

and your picture from 10 day ago show from where the unrest are controlled
funny part your map imply the majority of iraqi are sunni arabs , while the reality is somethings else , those areas are desert with the next to zero population in many places

and your picture from 10 day ago show from where the unrest are controlled

Are you stupid?

80 percent of Iraq is made up of Iraqi Arabs. Sect does not matter here. Arabs are Muslims (every Muslim sect out there Arabs follow it unlike all other Muslims, for instance Ibadis and Zaydis don't exist outside of the Arab world), Christians, Jews, Atheists etc.

Iraqi Sunni Arabs live/are the majority in most of the Iraqi geography but that does not mean that they are the majority of Iraq, never stated that anywhere. I merely posted a photo of the ethnic composition of Iraq and linguistic composition of Iraq as a reply to your idiotic claim of only Southern Iraq (LOL) being Arabic speaking.:lol: Ironically Southern Iraq is where most of Iraqis live.

Keep writing nonsense, this cleric that MBS met with is a pro-Iranian cleric but he is Arab and for most Arabs blood is more important than sect which might be difficult for your brain to understand. Not only that there are millions of Saudi Arabian Shias within KSA.

Lastly, as I wrote to you, KSA has nothing to do with those events in Iraq. Simply put, Iran is deeply disliked within Iraq and Iraqis are deeply frustrated by their incompetent pro-Iranian rulers and for 10 months Iraq has been unable to form a government despite Al-Sadr gaining the majority 10 months ago in the elections. Your Mullah's did not like this so they have been trying to mess up Iraq further.

Anyway we have an Iraqi user here on PDF, he told the very same things that I just did. Keep crying.

As a side note, I suggest visiting https://www.reddit.com/r/Iraq/ to see how "loved" Iran is among Iraqis or Iraqi Arabic forums or Arabic forums as a whole. Or Arabic Twitter. Good luck and good reading.
All right ya hawks, what happened to your civil war and irani militias. Turned out it was the restraint shown by these very militias that there was no civil war.

Very telling that Muqtada came out of Najaf to call back his thugs and condemned them. Most probably he was given a reality check by the Marjiya.
Are you stupid?

80 percent of Iraq is made up of Iraqi Arabs. Sect does not matter here. Arabs are Muslims (every Muslim sect out there Arabs follow it unlike all other Muslims, for instance Ibadis and Zaydis don't exist outside of the Arab world), Christians, Jews, Atheists etc.

Iraqi Sunni Arabs live/are the majority in most of the Iraqi geography but that does not mean that they are the majority of Iraq, never stated that anywhere. I merely posted a photo of the ethnic composition of Iraq and linguistic composition of Iraq as a reply to your idiotic claim of only Southern Iraq (LOL) being Arabic speaking.:lol: Ironically Southern Iraq is where most of Iraqis live.

Keep writing nonsense, this cleric that MBS met with is a pro-Iranian cleric but he is Arab and for most Arabs blood is more important than sect which might be difficult for your brain to understand. Not only that there are millions of Saudi Arabian Shias within KSA.

Lastly, as I wrote to you, KSA has nothing to do with those events in Iraq. Simply put, Iran is deeply disliked within Iraq and Iraqis are deeply frustrated by their incompetent pro-Iranian rulers and for 10 months Iraq has been unable to form a government despite Al-Sadr gaining the majority 10 months ago in the elections. Your Mullah's did not like this so they have been trying to mess up Iraq further.

Anyway we have an Iraqi user here on PDF, he told the very same things that I just did. Keep crying.

As a side note, I suggest visiting https://www.reddit.com/r/Iraq/ to see how "loved" Iran is among Iraqis or Iraqi Arabic forums or Arabic forums as a whole. Or Arabic Twitter. Good luck and good reading.
sure the photo talk so don't talk about iranian medelling there . those militia you talk even didn't moved and the photo showed and you yourself claimed sadr is ally to some country south of iraq not east of iraq . and as i predicted in my first post here the civil war ended before the start. because nobody but Sadr didn't wanted it
Zionists Turks and European countries want to split Iraq and steal their oil resources for God knows time

Blood of Muslims including Afghans, Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians and Yemenis absolutely worth nothing to them

They want oil resources of Iraq for centuries

No civil war is remotely realistic IMO.

What is wrong with two Arab leaders meeting each other? Al-Sadr is a Sayyid and thus his ancestral homeland is Hijaz which is a part of KSA today.

Iraq and KSA are neighbors that share ancient several millennia old history. They are direct neighbors. They share the same language, the same ethnicity (Iraq is 80% majority Arab), the same Arab tribes and clans, the same geography, the same race (Semitic), similar genetics, similar culture, cuisine and basically most things are similar.

Far more similar than Iraq is to any non-Arab neighbor be it Iran or Turkey.

This was 10 days ago:

View attachment 875026

Another Iraqi Shia Arab cleric (Sayyid) visiting his ancestral homeland.

This leads me to the key part here.

Iraq and Iraqis will not experience any genuine prosperity as long as its leaders are not serving Iraqi interests first and as long as they are puppets of outside powers.

Not only that Iraq's future is with neighboring Arab countries. If Iraq and the region had been ruled by clever rulers, Iraqi integration with fellow Arab neighbors such as Syria, Jordan, KSA and Kuwait would have occurred ages ago. Today Iraq could have been a very wealthy member state of the GCC.

The country could have served as a bulwark against regional instability as Iraq lies in the middle of the Middle East.

A stable and strong independent Iraq = a stable Middle East and most importantly a stable Arab neighborhood.

Eventually this will occur but it won't be easy as non-Arab states in the region don't wish for Arab integration as that would threaten their interests but it is an inevitable development IMO.

You cannot keep such a huge and rich landmass divided/intentionally weak from the outside forever.

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How ignorant/dumb can one be?
You clearly have no idea what the hell you are blabbering about. KSA and every Arab neighbor of Iraq shares 1 billion things more in common than with Iran which Iraq only shares sect with. A sect (Shia Islam) that is Arab in origin too and originates in modern-day KSA.
The only area of Iran that Iraq shares anything with Iran with is the Arab-inhabited part of Iran. Kurds (KRG) operates like a separate part of Iraq and Kurds are overall a small minority within Iraq and Iraqi Kurds are different from Iranian ones not to mention that they have been intermarrying with Arabs, Assyrians and Turkmens for centuries something that Iranian Kurds have not been doing.

Arabic is spoken across ALL of Iraq, even in the Kurdish region Arabic is an official language and last time I checked Arabs are a majority in Iraq almost everywhere outside of small areas of KRG. Even in KRG there are millions of Arabs.

As for instigating, I have breaking news for you, Iran is deeply hated by most Iraqis and KSA has nothing to do with Iraqis being feed up by their useless Iran-sponsored and Iran-supported leaders. They have been protesting against the status quo for years now. For 10 months (Al-Sadr won the elections) Iraq have not been able to form a government because of Iran-sponsored militias and Iran-sponsored incompetent crooks within Iraq hindering this process by orders from Tehran. All this is hardly a secret.

But since you don't speak a word of Arabic and have no clue about Iraqi events, this is not strange, that you don't understand this/don't know it.

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@WebMaster @waz

This guy is several times permanently banned @saif al_arab
I apologize to Iraq security forces and PMU for their impartial stance.

Now it is nice to hear from all those whom were bashing Iran and PMU over here which indeed shows the level of their knowledge about reality of Iraq.

Iraqis should respect the process of election and find a way to co-exist, not everyone like Iran is interested in the idea of an unified, prosper and secure Iraq.
The Iranian militias standing down here was politically a defeat for them influence wise.. Now the Iranian militias don't want to compete for influence in Iraq releasing the country
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