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2022 Iraqi civil war

Can this be connected back to last year's protests in Iraq or is this an entirely different thing? Hopefully this gets sorted out soon. Last thing the world needs is another middle eastern conflict.
Like it or not Sadr is last option for unified Iraq, this power plays from Usa and Iran could have not been played forever, it left totally divided and disfunctional country.
Unfortunately, tonight the strings snapped. The conflict between Iran-backed groups and Sadr supporters in Iraq has now turned into a vortex of conflict across the country. Headquarters belonging to militia groups are set on fire and clashes continue at many tense points. Tomorrow morning will be an important turning point for the Iraqi state.

However, I am afraid that this power struggle will have consequences that will threaten the integrity of the country, knowingly or unknowingly.

The US embassy was hit by rockets.

I hope there is no more violence or wars in Iraq. The Iraqi people have suffered tremendously since 1991.............. :(
Please don't take it as racism, but I stopped looking for logic in these Levant-Basrah Arabs a long time ago. Masses dragged behind money and personal ambitions. No one cares about their country. They became tribal states. Even sectarian conflicts cannot explain the division, now Shiites kill Shiites, Sunnis kill Sunnis.
That's the problem. They still have that tribal mentality.

And that Sadr has been causing a lot of problems to Iraq. Every time he doesn't like something,he starts skirmishes. Supposedly a man of "peace".

I hope there is no more violence or wars in Iraq. The Iraqi people have suffered tremendously since 1991.............. :(
And even before that!
And Israel laughs at the sidelines once again. Their match has turned into an inferno
I don’t understand
Is sadr against iran, or with them?
If he’s against them, why is he allied with the iran backed Saraya militants?
If he’s with them, why did his forces attack the Iranian Asaib ahl haq HQ?
there won't be a civil war , it will be finished before it start
unlike previous time that Iraq had no tool to prevent it , right now Iraq has the means to do so

more importantly only sadr want the war , nor Iran , neither Turkey , nor Syria, nor Jordan , even Ksa or other groups inside Iraq want a civil war there right now . sadr is alone and he will be defeated
The chutzpah of the deranged Iranian terror regime is unbelievable

Iran closes its borders with Iraq, halts flights amid violence - State TV

Iran has closed its borders with Iraq and urged its citizens to avoid travelling there, a senior official said on Tuesday, amid an eruption of violence after powerful Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr said he would quit politics.

Heavy clashes in Baghdad killed at least 20 people on Monday, after Sadr's announcement prompted his loyalists to storm a government palace and fight with rival groups.

Same old tactic by the Mullah terror regime. Use their Shia foot soldiers to destabilise Arab sunni countries. Now Iran, after terrorising Iraqis and usurping their state, is closing their border because of the inevitable violence that it has spent years planning.

Sick, filthy regime.
The chutzpah of the deranged Iranian terror regime is unbelievable

Same old tactic by the Mullah terror regime. Use their Shia foot soldiers to destabilise Arab sunni countries. Now Iran, after terrorising Iraqis and usurping their state, is closing their border because of the inevitable violence that it has spent years planning.

Sick, filthy regime.
you mean we must send our people and pakistani people who wanted to travel there through iran there while we knew its not safe there ? how sick are you .
by the way its more than 6-7 years that Sadr is not somebody in Iran camp wonder what you blabbering about
you mean we must send our people and pakistani people who wanted to travel there through iran there while we knew its not safe there ? how sick are you .
by the way its more than 6-7 years that Sadr is not somebody in Iran camp wonder what you blabbering about
Why is it not safe I wonder? anything to do with Iran spending years setting up Shia militias and hijacking the state of Iraq leaving the government almost powerless just as that filthy Mullah regime has done to Lebanon?

Anything to do with you plundering Iraq's resources? how about the hundreds of Iraqi protesters your Iranian-backed militia gunned down under the orders of Qassem Salami?

Gee I can't think why Iraq that was essentially invaded by Iranian militias with their own checkpoints etc and controls Iraqi government decisions is descending into violence.
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