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2019 = Modi to be decimated - love me or leave me

Except Anti-National Fidayeen (The thong licker braindead Sanghi RSS turds), most commoners in India now are slowly getting awaken to the reality of what Bharatiya Joomla Party is. India is being pushed back to 7000 years under the primitive Goswamis and RSS slaves while the baniya millionaires and billionaires are making cash out of sanghi rule. The Arshbharat Sanskar is not what is purged from Cow's anus and urethra. This is what the Sanghis are taught as "sanskar".
Except Anti-National Fidayeen (The thong licker braindead Sanghi RSS turds), most commoners in India now are slowly getting awaken to the reality of what Bharatiya Joomla Party is. India is being pushed back to 7000 years under the primitive Goswamis and RSS slaves while the baniya millionaires and billionaires are making cash out of sanghi rule. The Arshbharat Sanskar is not what is purged from Cow's anus and urethra. This is what the Sanghis are taught as "sanskar".

What was the trigger buddy?
Was it the historic defeat at the hands of BJP?
Or the impending humiliation waiting for you people in Gujarat?

Those who are unhappy with BJP now were unhappy with BJP for a long time now. BJP does not really care what you lot think. You can join in and shout for aazadi at JNU. Won't make any difference.

2019 might not be a cakewalk for Narendra Modi: Know what has changed
NEW DELHI: In March this year, right after the landslide victory of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, former Chief Minister Of Jammu and Kashmir Omar Abdullah tweeted: "At this rate we might as well forget 2019 & start planning/hoping for 2024." Abdullah's tweet summed up the lesson from the election results—If the magic of Prime Minister Narendra Modi was intact even though the government had completed half its term, it will sustain till the next Lok Sabha elections in 2019. Abdullah explained why Modi magic was still working: "In a nutshell, there is no leader today with a pan-India acceptability who can take on Modi & the BJP in 2019."

That's true even today. Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi's efforts to project himself as a wise and articulate leader can hardly be interpreted as a challenge for Modi. With Nitish Kumar on his side, there is no leader who can be seen as Modi's challenger.

What has changed?
Abdullah also gave an advice at that time: "BJP isn't unbeatable but strategy needs to shift from criticism to positive alternative. Criticising the PM will only take us so far." It seems now Modi himself has offered the opposition what Abdullah called "positive alternative". The economy is slowing down—and this can be a positive and potent critique of Modi by the opposition which has been raking up issues such as 'intolerance'.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has trimmed India’s growth forecast for the current financial year, citing the temporary impact of the rollout of the goods and services tax and demonetisation. OECD says India’s economy would likely grow 6.7% in FY18, lower than its estimate of 7.3% in June.

India's GDP grew 5.7 per cent on a year-on-year basis during the April-June period (Q1). It was 7.9 per cent for the same quarter last year. The data proved demonetisation has hit the economy badly. In November, after demonetisation was announced, India's former economist-PM, Manmohan Singh, had said demonetisation could shave off 2 percentage points off GDP growth. He was proved right.

If you add to the post-demonetisation woes the confusion created by the new Goods and Services Tax that weighs down innumerable businesses and the jobs getting scarce, you will get the picture of the fastest growing economy falling freely now.

Yes, Modi too sees the threat
Recently, BJP president Amit Shah attributed the economic slowdown to “technical reasons”. Within a few days, SBI came out with a report that said the slwodown was not a technical glitch but a trend that might not peter out in the short term. “We certainly believe that we are in a slowdown mode since September 2016 and a slowdown that has been prolonged to Q1 of this fiscal year is technically not short-term in nature or even transient,” SBI Research said in a report. Irrespective of Shah's downplaying of the slowdown, Modi knows the threat to economy is real and it can give opposition a credible weapon against him. The fact that the government is considering to give a stimulus to the economic in the shape of increased spending itself validates that government has acknowledged that the situation is critical and requires urgent steps even if they are too radical.

Will the stimulus work?
The Rs 40,000 crore stimulus that the government is said to be planning aims at boosting exports, encouraging domestic investment, supporting small and medium enterprises and providing more money for rural infrastructure and affordable housing. But there are serious downsides to it. A fiscal stimulus at a time of rising inflation and higher current account deficit can be a risky measure. It can also have an adverse impact on near-term macroeconomic stability. According to a report by Singapore-based DBS, the strong fiscal and monetary policy stimulus undertaken in the wake of the 2008-09 global financial crisis initially shored up India’s growth through higher consumption and investment spending, only to result in double-digit inflation and wide domestic and external imbalances thereafter. The stimulus will also make it hard for the government to meet its fiscal deficit target of 3.2% for the current financial year.

2019 is no longer a battle already won
Six months after Abdullah tweeted about Modi's win in 2019 Lok Sabha elections being certain, the circumstances have changed drastically. The economic slowdown and jobs crisis are real issues that can hit the NDA hard. If the opposition junks ideological issues such as 'intolerance' for the real issue of economic slowdown, it stands to gain credibility. The critique of Modi will then sound more sincere and convincing. The economic plank can also unite opposition parties of all hues. With his performance as well as rhetoric, Modi had risen above issues of ideology and corruption. The opposition tried hard but could not pin him down on these issues. But any leader cannot escape the criticism on economic slowdown. Rahul Gandhi's rhetoric in his recent speeches in the US universities indicates the opposition will turn slowdown into its main plank. That's why the government is making frantic efforts to shore up the economy. If the economy remains more or less the same, 2019 won't be a cakewalk for Modi but messy, pitched battles across India.
BJP fails to win majority in Gurgaon civic polls

BJP is rattled especially with recent universities win: Congress :


The Congress Party on Monday said the BJP is "rattled" with Congress' recent victory in the Delhi University.

"BJP is already rattled with the kind of results that are coming out of universities," Congress spokesperson Tom Vadakkan told ANI.

He added that 2019 is not too far saying that BJP's preparation is missing. "You can't sustain propaganda without action, planned at the ground and when you fail on the economic front, have not delivered the job you have talked about, the black money has not arrived, these become very serious issues, and people are going to ask you questions and you will have to answer them."

He said that promises have not been delivered and BJP has to now set its agenda to tell people why it was so.

Speaking on the upcoming Gujarat elections and the preparations, Congress leader Shakeel Ahmad said that people of India have uneasiness towards BJP.

Now the CAG also belongs to Modi.

And Modi follows this scum, just imagine:



  • Manufacturers seen cutting 40% of jobs in 2017 as growth slows
  • Top 1% of population holds record 22% of wealth, study shows



Indian Railways robbing Indians blind.

Adani Tax cheating of 1500 crores.
Case closed, no further investigation:
Over invoicing, Adani was facing charges since 2014.
Under Modi, sab maaf.


Before election and after:


Hindustan Times editors exit preceded by meeting between Modi, newspaper owner:

Hindustan Times (HT) proprietor Shobhana Bhartia's decision to announce the abrupt exit of Bobby Ghosh as editor was preceded by a personal meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and objections raised by top-level government and Bharatiya Janata Party officials to editorial decisions taken during Ghosh's tenure. Read more
i dont hate modi as much as you, but i agree that he must go away. he is bad for india. the bhakts just cannot see that
What was the trigger buddy?
Was it the historic defeat at the hands of BJP?
Or the impending humiliation waiting for you people in Gujarat?

Those who are unhappy with BJP now were unhappy with BJP for a long time now. BJP does not really care what you lot think. You can join in and shout for aazadi at JNU. Won't make any difference.

Good try, but his post was better.

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