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2016 West Iran clashes - Kurdish Insurgency / Updates and Discussions

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oh, wow. Fatwa for genocide, Now that pure evil.

Did you even understand what he said? No you didn't. He is referring to the members of the terror groups of Komola and PDKI which launched tens of attacks on Iranian citizens and military in early years of revolution, beheading soldiers, targeting civilians and many more savage acts.

He says "these conspirators (members of terror groups) are in the group of Kuffars". Wow, that's indeed a call for genocide, NOT.

If killing terrorists is a genocide, then what a good genocide it is.
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Exactly, if they are just 5% as you claim, then give them their referendum to decide so we can all see. This way this conflict will be settled forever. Iran Should follow our lead and show the Muslim /Middle Eastern world it's at least the only real democratic country in the region. That will be a good example. :)

Well, many countries said the same thing, that way this conflict will continue for decades to come more to come, until maybe one day foreign powers might start taking an interests in it as well .
Every piece of Iran belongs to all Iranians. I agree with a referendum but one that includes every single Iranian and then let's see if anyone can take away even 1 cm2 of Iran's soil.
My persian friend is on the phone, I send him the video and he confirmed it. :tup:

Either your friend is a liar or you are hallucinating that you have an Iranian friend or better to say, you are lying.

Not only a single word about genocide or even killing someone is not told by any Iranian official in this video, but actually all its numbers, claims and pictures are pure garbage and typical terrorist groups' lies.

The said video will be edited now as it is terrorist propaganda which is not allowed here.
He said that
Either your friend is a liar or you are hallucinating that you have an Iranian friend or better to say, you are lying.

Not only a single word about genocide or even killing someone is not told by any Iranian official in this video, but actually all its numbers, claims and pictures are pure garbage and typical terrorist groups' lies.

The said video will be edited now as it is terrorist propaganda which is not allowed here.
I send him the video, he said, "idk what context is he talking about". I said read the title, he said "that exactly what he meant". He is still on viber with me, so I got a second conformation. " Talking about killing the Kurds".

Good enough for me. Just like the rest of the world.
First 'please respect your forefathers' and check your anatolis DNA then claim you anatoli inhabitants are mughuls or torks by any means. You are Turkified by your Turkish invaders and you don't have any common DNA with Turkish invaders. They were just 'Your Rulers' and transfered their Turkish culture, language, religion etc... to you anatoli people.

Read this:


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Turkification (Turkish: Türkleştirme) is the assimilation of individuals, entities, or cultures into the various historical Turkic states and cultures, such as the Ottoman Empire. As the Turkic states developed and grew, there were many instances of this assimilation, voluntary and involuntary, including the Anatolian, Balkan, Caucasianand Middle Eastern peoples from differentethnic origins, such as the Albanians, Arabs, Armenians, Assyrians, Circassians, Greeks, Jews, Romani, South Slavic peoples and East Slavic Ukrainians, Iranic peoples such as Kurds, as well as Lazs from all the regions of the Ottoman Empire and Iran. An early form of Turkification occurred in the time of the Seljuk Empire among the indigenous peoples of Anatolia, involving religious conversion, cultural andlinguistic assimilation, and interethnic relationships, reflected in the indigenous Anatolian background of most modernTurkish people.

Y-DNA haplogroup distributions in Turkish people

According to Cinnioglu et al., (2004)[151] there are many Y-DNA haplogroups present in Turkey. The majority haplogroups are shared with their "West Asian" and "Caucasian' neighbours. By contrast, "Central Asian" haplogroups are rarer, N and Q)- 5.7% (but it rises to 36% if K, R1a, R1b and L- which infrequently occur in Central Asia, but are notable in many other Western Turkic groups), India H, R2 – 1.5% and Africa A, E3*, E3a – 1%.

Some of the percentages identified were:[136]

  • J2=24% – J2 (M172)[136] Typical of the west Mediterranean, the northern Middle East and southern Central Asia (Iranian)
  • R1b=14.7%[136] Widespread in western Eurasia, with distinct 'west Asian' and 'west European' lineages.
  • G=10.9%[136] – Typical of people from the Caucasus and to a lesser extent the Middle East, southern parts of Central Asia, and Europe.
  • E3b-M35=10.7%[136] (E3b1-M78 and E3b3-M123 accounting for all E representatives in the sample, besides a single E3b2-M81 chromosome). E-M78 occurs commonly, and is found in northern and eastern Africa, western Asia[152] and the Balkans. Haplogroup E-M123 is found in both Africa and Eurasia.
  • J1=9%[136] – Typical amongst people from the Arabian Peninsula (Arab)
  • and Dagestan(ranging from 3% from Turks aroundKonya to 12% in Kurds).
  • R1a=6.9%[136] – Common in various Central Asian, North Indian, and Eastern European populations.
  • I=5.3%[136] – Common in Scandinavia, Sardinia, among Kurds and Eastern Europe.
  • K=4.5%[136] – Typical of Asian populations and Caucasian populations.
  • L=4.2%[136] – Typical of Indian Subcontinent and Khorasan populations. Found sporadically in the Middle East and the Caucasus.
  • N=3.8%[136] – Typical of Uralic, Siberian and Altaic populations.
  • T=2.5%[136] – Typical of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Northeast African and South Asian populations
  • Q=1.9%[136] – Typical of Northern Altaic populations.
  • C=1.3%[136] – Typical of Mongolic and Siberian populations
  • R2=0.96% [136] Typical of South Asian population
Others markers than occurs in less than 1% are H, A, E3a, O, R1*.

Today's sciences do not lie.

Please be a real anatoli and not followers Middle Asian Chinese, Turks and Mughuls. You have only became 'turkish speakers' because of your turkish invaders (Ottomans) and 'your race' isn't turkish at all.



Also all of 11 million Azaris (like many of you Anatolis) have Persian DNA and they used to speak Persian or Pahlavi until 17th century.


which one is iranian Y dna you idiot must say it ?



azerbaijani turks occured many turkic tribes like afshars bayats .. that you idiot your fake ideas or racist propaganda only idiots like you .. only 8 milions turks living in tehran .. so you idiot no one care you super idiot ideas .
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I send him the video, he said, "idk what context is he talking about". I said read the title, he said "that exactly what he meant". He is still on viber with me, so I got a second conformation. " Talking about killing the Kurds".

Good enough for me. Just like the rest of the world.
Good for you, you have an "Iranian" friend that not only doesn't know Persian obviously, but he is also lying and trolling you, of course if this "friend" even exists.
Good for you, you have an "Iranian" friend that not only doesn't know Persian obviously, but he is also lying and trolling you, of course if this "friend" even exists.
He simply don't care about Iran or Ayatollahs. Just like other 80% of Iranian Americans. So I don't see any reason for him to be lying or trolling me.
He said that

I send him the video, he said, "idk what context is he talking about". I said read the title, he said "that exactly what he meant". He is still on viber with me, so I got a second conformation. " Talking about killing the Kurds".

Good enough for me. Just like the rest of the world.

My mother tongue is Persian and I've talked and contacted with this language in my entire life therefore I am telling you he is not saying anything about genocide against Kurds or killing Kurds as you mentioned ....

He simply said:

These "subversive and troublemakers" in Kurdestan are like infidels at the beginning of Islam ...
He ain't addressing on people and civilians but whom took gun and fought central Gov. and capture police stations and villages throughout Kurdistan province back then ... in fact they were hands in hand with Iraq and indeed were receiving arms and money from Saddam ...
My mother tongue is Persian and I've talked and contacted with this language in my entire life therefore I am telling you he is not saying anything about genocide against Kurds or killing Kurds as you mentioned ....

He simply said:

These "subversive and troublemakers" in Kurdestan are like infidels at the beginning of Islam ...
He ain't addressing on people and civilians but whom took gun and fought central Gov. and capture police stations and villages throughout Kurdistan province back then ... in fact they were hands in hand with Iraq and indeed were receiving arms and money from Saddam ...
You are translating word by words but we are talking context in general.

... and I don't care what he said, Butchery of innocent is just wrong. It might be over exaggerated propaganda but you can't deny mass killing in Iran after Ayatollahs take over.
As if Persians live in a far and isolated iseland that have pure DNA and never mixed with any other races....
... Persian DNA have been mixed at least as much as Anatolians DNA...BC Persians had been mixed with Assurians, Babilions, Meds and Greeks...After Muslim conquired Iran Arabs ruled Persians for centuries..Later Turks and the last Mongolions ruled Iran for many long centuries...

After so long time passed if any one still claim and proud on his pure race like Sionists then he is pure ignorant/jaheel ..nothing else..
All of the dynasties that ruled Iran except Ilkhanite Mongols (74 years) and Umayyads during civil war [which Iranians and General Abu Muslim Khurasani defeated them hardly] were Iranian. Except them no one ever could rule Iran; but Iranians have ruled other nations for millenniums. Also people of Anatoli are ruled by Greeks, Persians and Torks for 3200 years.

Medes is an Iranian empire, Hamadanis are Iranian. Hamadan (Ecbatana) is an Iranian city and it's located in heart of Iran.





Babylonians never could defeat Elatimes.

Susa Kingdom Igehalkids Dynasty 13th Century BC Iran Map.jpg
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... and I don't care what he said, Butchery of innocent is just wrong. It might be over exaggerated propaganda but you can't deny mass killing in Iran after Ayatollahs take over.
Pakistani army should also stop butchering innocent TTP and LeJ civilians, it's just savage and unacceptable.
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