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2013 - 54th International Mathematical Olympiad

you are just silly trying to take cover from your people's miserable performances

you are anonymous to almost invisible. only your consistent braggings are heard as noise pollutions nowadays!

This is my last answer to your troll!

Who is trolling?... What is miserable performance? I hope not performing at all is the worst! Anyways you know that you created this thread just for the sake of attacking India... I could see that from your thanks to the post which meant to undermine India...

Sir I am working with more that 100 Chinese from Shanghai and Beijing daily.... I have seen many wise Chinese as well as many stupid Chinese... You are painting a picture which is completely false.... Thank God they are NOT like you 50 cent warriors.... They are more reasonable!
most of these corps are MNCs and they usually pay well

I know that corporations are international. But they were founded by Europeans or Americans. Why they should give their well paid positions to Asians?
I know that corporations are international. But they were founded by Europeans or Americans. Why they should give their well paid positions to Asians?

in MNCs the line of nationalities has a very thin definition. Profit is the prime concern
Since we Chinese are on the way to be No. 1 again, and there will be more and more international companies founded by Chinese as well, we should do the same to those europeans and americans???

I know that corporations are international. But they were founded by Europeans or Americans. Why they should give their well paid positions to Asians?
Yeah Iranians perform consistently well on these kinds of competitions. They have bright minds.

Iran has a university called - Sharif University of Technology (Iran) which ranks pretty high on the ACM-ICPC competitions here on post #1


This is how brilliantly Iranians have performed throughout the years at the International Math Olympiad:

IRN 10 8 10 16 15 5 12 8 4 9 17 11 18 10 8 1 3 9 8 8 6 14 8 14 14 20 26 31

International Mathematical Olympiad

Romanians are second most outstanding in Europe:

ROU 22 10 8 16 13 17 11 6 6 10 7 8 15 11 4 11 7 1 2 9 11 3 3 4 2 2 1 6 1 3 5 11 20 2 1 15 11 8 7 9 4 5 5 4 8 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
Since we Chinese are on the way to be No. 1 again, and there will be more and more international companies founded by Chinese as well, we should do the same to those europeans and americans???
I don't mind. It would be yours corporations. You might do all you want to do.
in MNCs the line of nationalities has a very thin definition. Profit is the prime concern
May be. But this conversation was started from
"In all pure cognitive test, the East Asians beat all tribe conclusively. But in all white man MNCs, East Asians are under represented not only in management positions, but down to engineers level. For example the world largest cellular chipset marker Qualcomm has 60% Indians.
The racism against East Asian is very real. White man and Indians now allied against East Asians. In Silicon valley, it is always the East Asians do the engineering jobs while the Indians talk and lorded over East Asians.

The Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese will soon realized that there won't be any future following USA. USA wanted to prevent the hegemony of China she is now guarding against East Asians. The only way for East Asian to go forward is to support a strong China.

In Singapore, I am in the hot spot of on going civilization war."
May be. But this conversation was started from
"In all pure cognitive test, the East Asians beat all tribe conclusively. But in all white man MNCs, East Asians are under represented not only in management positions, but down to engineers level. For example the world largest cellular chipset marker Qualcomm has 60% Indians.
The racism against East Asian is very real. White man and Indians now allied against East Asians. In Silicon valley, it is always the East Asians do the engineering jobs while the Indians talk and lorded over East Asians.

The Koreans, Japanese and Vietnamese will soon realized that there won't be any future following USA. USA wanted to prevent the hegemony of China she is now guarding against East Asians. The only way for East Asian to go forward is to support a strong China.

In Singapore, I am in the hot spot of on going civilization war."

well the poster was not mentioning Russian so to speak unless you are not Russian!:rolleyes:
Not bad China, congrat! Vietnam 7th place (3 gold and 3 silver medals) before Taiwan 8th :lol:
I wonder about the good place of N. Korea (5th)!

We used to be in the top 5. But Vietnamese teams have not done very well in last few years.
The ascension of Thai students in the decade (including 2013):

THA 13 5 5 5 7 6 14 15 23 35

No. I am not against Asians. But I am against asian racism, white rasicm or black or any kind of racism.

what ever your nationality you have your rants! I dont think the poster was targetting at you!
The ascension of Thai students in the decade (including 2013):

THA 13 5 5 5 7 6 14 15 23 35

what ever your nationality you have your rants! I dont think the poster was targetting at you!

I never seen he mentioned my name. But he called for the war of civilization - Asians against whites. It is in some way can relate to me. Hitler, too, began with the Jews, but he was mostly destroyed Russian.
I never seen he mentioned my name. But he called for the war of civilization - Asians against whites. It is in some way can relate to me. Hitler, too, began with the Jews, but he was mostly destroyed Russian.

You may settle your score with the poster.
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