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2 Syrian jets shot down by Turkey

I dont understand what the fight is about between Turkey and Syria? Is it about the Kurds?

Syria has very right to defend itself against aggressors and Turkey has every right to safeguard its security interests. Why could not two brotherly countries talk it out and resolve instead of fighting each other?

I hope peace prevails. Syria has suffered a lot through international sponsored terrorism.

Iranians trying to salvage anything they can from this pummelling, even a roasted jet with bits falling off that managed to limp home is a great victory:yahoo:

I would think alliance of Iran, Russia and Syria has done quite well against terrorists supported by West and rich Arabs of the Middle East.

To me the reason to oust Assad was to bring anarchy to the country and the objective of all this was to safeguard Israel. If you look at map of Middle East now. All of Israel's neighborhood is in chaos. This benefits Israel as it reduces a chance of lone or collective threat to the occupation of the Middle East. Now its has become an open ended war.
I dont understand what the fight is about between Turkey and Syria? Is it about the Kurds?

That was the call to action, but not the major cause. Turkey has been suffering the repercussions of this war imposed on the Syrian people by a tyrannical regime. The fact that US, Russians, Assad, Iran, Gulf Arabs all supported PKK made it imperative to de-fang the beast before a more severe problem presented itself.

Pakistan could have similarly prevented such a problem which we suffered throughout late 2000s if we took action against TTP and their safe havens in Afghanistan.

Syria has very right to defend itself against aggressors and Turkey has every right to safeguard its security interests. Why could not two brotherly countries talk it out and resolve instead of fighting each other?

I hope peace prevails. Syria has suffered a lot through international sponsored terrorism.

Syrian regime has gone rogue and begun slaughtering its own people. 90% of Syrians do not feel safe in their own country and half have become refugees.

I would think alliance of Iran, Russia and Syria has done quite well against terrorists supported by West and rich Arabs of the Middle East.

They are in it for themselves and do not have the interests of Syrian population at heart.

To me the reason to oust Assad was to bring anarchy to the country and the objective of all this was to safeguard Israel. If you look at map of Middle East now. All of Israel's neighborhood is in chaos. This benefits Israel as it reduces a chance of lone or collective threat to the occupation of the Middle East. Now its has become an open ended war.

Convenient excuse, no doubt that may be a long term goal of the US and others. However, the more immediate threat is to Turkey itself.
Why could not two brotherly countries talk it out and resolve instead of fighting each other?

Probably the bruised ego of Erdogan, He bit more than he could chew and now doesn't want to loose face in front of his electorate.. Syria has every right to defend it's territorial integrity, Legitimacy of Assad's regime is irrelevant in this equation, And this narrative about majority of Syrians oppose him is completely false, If they do he wont survive this long with or without Russians

Turkey can very well defend it's border and it's citizens within it's territory if it chooses, But i guess Erdogan blunder may well end up loosing more Turkish lives unnecessarily and make it unstable in the long run, Assad has nothing to loose while Turkey has a lot
Some site like ahvel said turkey cannot fly their f16 because purge etc and cannot use it but i see incredible turk used their f16 and bombing and shot down syrian aircraft
Hope you are aware that su-24 radar even weaker than f-5 when it come to air combat.
We are aware but these were testbeds for us and showcase for someone who thinks we dont have capable airforce. We hit them with network centric warfare systems . Do you aware how many countries have such capacity on the world?
You are aware that the Russian Air Base in Syria is within artillery range from Turkey?
With S-400 locations provided realtime by satellites, a salvo of GPS rounds will reduce the S-400 batteries to scrap metal.
If you are saying this on behalf of :

US- Sure, i agree
Turkey- Easier said than done.
If you are saying this on behalf of :

US- Sure, i agree
Turkey- Easier said than done.
Turkey does have the systems to attack from within its own territory, the only question is the political will as prior to this operation.
The Turks knew the army has the capabilities but many didnt expect an action, certainly not on this scale, so its actually easier done than said.
If you are saying this on behalf of :

US- Sure, i agree
Turkey- Easier said than done.

If Turkey wants to take out the Russian base, the US can supply what they need.
Satellite Information, and a nice order for Excalibur-like rounds or MRLS, and Turkey are in business.
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If Turkey wants to take out the Russian base, the US can supply what they need.
Satellite Information, and a nice order for Excaliburs, and Turkey are in business.
Being in "business" and having the motivation/guts to do the "business" are 2 separate things.

Turkey is afraid of how unpredictable Russia's military response will be to a provocation.
Being in "business" and having the motivation/guts to do the "business" are 2 separate things.

Turkey is afraid of how unpredictable Russia's military response will be to a provocation.

That scenario STARTs with Russia firing S-400s on Turkish Jets, so it is Russia which is the provoker.
Turkey might respond by taking out a single S-400 launcher.
So far, Russia has not responded to Turkey shooting down multiple Syrian jets,
simply because it would be defocusing, OR because the S-400 is overrated.
If Turkey wants to take out the Russian base, the US can supply what they need.
Satellite Information, and a nice order for Excalibur-like rounds or MRLS, and Turkey are in business.
I would like too see Turkey directly attack Russian .... In fact I like too see the aftermath of this

That scenario STARTs with Russia firing S-400s on Turkish Jets, so it is Russia which is the provoker.
Turkey might respond by taking out a single S-400 launcher.
So far, Russia has not responded to Turkey shooting down multiple Syrian jets,
simply because it would be defocusing, OR because the S-400 is overrated.

On the ground , things go well , maybe after Idlib , Syria should try too retake its iost land that turks currently are calling Hatay
I dont understand what the fight is about between Turkey and Syria? Is it about the Kurds?

Syria has very right to defend itself against aggressors and Turkey has every right to safeguard its security interests. Why could not two brotherly countries talk it out and resolve instead of fighting each other?

Turkey action in Syria right now has got no legal ground in int law & indeed is undermining Syria sovereignty as a country on the other hand Turkey security concerns over Syria is understandable for God sake they've got more than 800 km border, Kurds and so on ... but I think Erdogan has failed to establish a balanced view over his foreign policy objectives and his further goals esp since Davutoğlu left him ... since then Turkey has made more radical decisions without desirable feedback be it in Syria or Libya... beside Turkey under his rule has switched sides so fast which is not a good signal .... but at least the differences btw Turkey and Arabs is we both now we should co-exist and talk.
Moreover I have no idea why Erdogan thinks what he is doing would make him closer to his goals while it's made the entire equation more complex .. probably american would exploit the current situation even to make more trouble and put Iran and Turkey against each other.
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