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Only because they have TVC? :disagree:

Both, Rafale and EF have highly agile and maneuverable designs, with a much higher focus on close combats than the US counterparts, which they constantly beat as well. Not to forget that they have the better WVR missiles with MICA IR and IRIS-T as well.
In BVR they score with lower RCS, the better BVR missile, latest EWS jamming and passive detection features..., and even the Su 35 PESA will not be a big advantage compared to Rafale and EF with the AESA radars that were proposed in MMRCA.

The Su 35 will defenitely be a more serious opponent for Rafale or EF than a Mig 35, but it's not the TVC that makes it so deadly, but mainly the RCS reductions and new avionics.
Did i say that? But TVC has its share in maneuverability of the aircraft that increases Angle of attack . Mig35 has Maximum speed when compared to Rafale or Eurofighter and it can out maneuver Rafale or Eurofighter easily . It also has maximum climb rate . Mig35 can be fitted with best of Russian weapons that can prove more lethal than Western counter parts . By the time Rafale or Eurofighter gets its AESA radar , Russians can fix an AESA or Mig35/Su35 with out much trouble . Remember there were claims to put AESA on Super Su30 MKI and Mig35 was offered with AESA radar .
Plus High of-boresight missiles will soon make dogfights 'obsolete'.

That's the point, Iris-T, Asraam, or MICA IR have higher off-boresights that R73, because they were developed especially to counter the Russian missiles, after the Europeans evaluated it.

Did i say that? But TVC has its share in maneuverability of the aircraft that increases Angle of attack . Mig35 has Maximum speed when compared to Rafale or Eurofighter and it can out maneuver Rafale or Eurofighter easily . It also has maximum climb rate . Mig35 can be fitted with best of Russian weapons that can prove more lethal than Western counter parts . By the time Rafale or Eurofighter gets its AESA radar , Russians can fix an AESA or Mig35/Su35 with out much trouble . Remember there were claims to put AESA on Super Su30 MKI and Mig35 was offered with AESA radar .

:) Wikispecs? Dogfights are done at low speeds not at maximum speeds, not to forget that both Rafale and EF offers Supercruise capabilities with A2A loads, the Russian current weapon pack that was offered with Mig 35 were clearly inferior to what Rafale and EF offered, so no need to speculate here as well. Rafale has AESA ready and in service by next year, there is no AESA under development for Su 35, while the Mig 35 AESA is as far from operational service as EFs, since only early prototypes are tested currently, so that's just a claim as well.
That's the point, Iris-T, Asraam, or MICA IR have higher off-boresights that R73, because they were developed especially to counter the Russian missiles, after the Europeans evaluated it.

:) Wikispecs? Dogfights are done at low speeds not at maximum speeds, not to forget that both Rafale and EF offers Supercruise capabilities with A2A loads, the Russian current weapon pack that was offered with Mig 35 were clearly inferior to what Rafale and EF offered, so no need to speculate here as well. Rafale has AESA ready and in service by next year, there is no AESA under development for Su 35, while the Mig 35 AESA is as far from operational service as EFs, since only early prototypes are tested currently, so that's just a claim as well.
At low speeds by using TVC Mig35 can lock Rafale or Eurofighter . Remember it can do rare maneuvers like post stall etc.At high speeds it can out maneuver missile , of course other planes can also do this .The AESA developed/under development for Mig35/PAKFA can be installed on Su35 . Thats not be big deal . It can be possible in upgrade . And how can you say Western package is better? Russian package is equally lethal and it will have commonality with Mki's and Mig29's weapon . What made you think Russian weaponry package is inferior? I think even Mig35 can supercruise with A2A loads . Now time to think of two Mig35s , but un/fortunately its not possible as Rafale was selected .
Starting batches of Rafale will not come with AESA but i can bet that Rafale will be upgraded with AESA asap .

You are confusing it with EF here, which has no AESA yet, so please check your infos first before spreading baseless things, especially the ones from post 198. Rafales AESA is ready and will be in service by next year, when the first F3+ will be delivered to French forces.
You are confusing it with EF here, which has no AESA yet, so please check your infos first before spreading baseless things, especially the ones from post 198. Rafales AESA is ready and will be in service by next year, when the first F3+ will be delivered to French forces.
You will not get Rafales with any AESA unless you delay the delivery schedule and i would like to know the baseless things .
mig35 is not in service still it was made for india as a option
but Russia should have shown Indian the SU37 or Su 35 would have better
mig35 is not in service still it was made for india as a option
but Russia should have shown Indian the SU37 or Su 35 would have better
Instead it must have continued Mig 1.44 parallely just like how sukhoi developed Su37->Su47->PAKFA and must have offered us new 5th gen fighter . We could have have waited going for a few 4th gen aircrafts .
Answer one simple question...
Two bicycles >>> Hayabusa???!!!
Ofcourse NOT...!!!



Think about it this way..!!!
:tongue:... Dont take it too literally...
Bhawanao ko samajho..!! :smokin:
Rafale and Eurofighter might be technically ahead than others . But Mig35 might might prove equally lethal as them in any mission . An apt comparison would be Divide and Conquer strategy .
Rafale and Eurofighter might be technically ahead than others . But Mig35 might might prove equally lethal as them in any mission . An apt comparison would be Divide and Conquer strategy .
The people concerned with flying the jets i.e the IAF have taken their decision. They want either of the Eurocanards. Others failed to meet the challenge, due to several reasons. I think you should have faith on your Armed forces and let the matter die.
And also 2MiGs would be costlier than a Eurobird.
The people concerned with flying the jets i.e the IAF have taken their decision. They want either of the Eurocanards. Others failed to meet the challenge, due to several reasons. I think you should have faith on your Armed forces and let the matter die.
And also 2MiGs would be costlier than a Eurobird.
Not Really MOD and others might have influenced it . Of course when six dishes were kept in front of you you would choose your favorite and you will not bother about cost when iam paying for it . Iam not saying IAF's decision is wrong but certainly idea of not to have all the eggs in one basket is not IAF's .
I would like you to read the below quote
Let me tell you one story:

Two friends were walking thru a jungle. Suddenly they saw a lion. one of them started tieing his shoelace so that he can run. his friend told him that he can not outrun Lion. He replied "Who the hell want to outrun lion? I want to outrun you..."

Moral of the story: Do we really need *** to outrun our friend?
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