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2 consecutive days of Low intensity blasts in India

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Jana, seems like you are bent upon proving that pakistan is not behind the blast. even though no one has actually said that sentence so far.. guilty conscious?? truth hurts jana. its ok if u want to try and change the topic again..
Jana, seems like you are bent upon proving that pakistan is not behind the blast. even though no one has actually said that sentence so far.. guilty conscious?? truth hurts jana. its ok if u want to try and change the topic again..

:) my dear just go and check your media what is it saying.

And as far changing topics its the halmark of Indians on forum when they dont have solid logic they resort to hijacking the threads by posting off topics or they resort to trolling so that thread could be closed.

BTW did you prove that it Pakistan was behind it ???

Any proof??
The blasts are another pathatic try by RAW and Indian government to gain international attention. just look at
1. Timing of the blasts
The blasts took place just when Pakistani PM embarked upon the US visit.

Just a day back before Ahmadabad blasts, Banglor witnessed the same.
Its such a strange thing that 17 blasts took place in one city while the security was also alerted after Banglor blasts.

Its understandble India in the past has been doing such things in own country just to gain international attention.
India knows that Pakistan is already under US pressure these days mainly due to US/NATO, Karzai failure to convince Afghans that they were there to liberate them.
India knows well that Bush admin will pressurize Pakistani PM during the visit and India was quick to cash the occassion by planning such blasts and playing the victim card.

2. Pattern of these Blasts
These blasts were on the same patern which is usually used by RAW operators in Pakistan.
Its an old tactic of RAW to plant such firecrackers in bycycles, pushcarts, buses, taxis etc.
3. The Banglor blasts and Mukesh Ambani's business

:) i was thinking the day when balsts rocked Banglor why no one thought of losses to bussiness tycon Mukesh Ambani.At that day the stock exchange took a plung and the companies of Mukesh Ambani were the ones that were in trouble and immense loss.

here what i was talking about

Deskhmukh, Mukesh Ambani figure in Indian Mujahideen's e-mail

Press Trust Of India

New Delhi, July 27, 2008
First Published: 18:35 IST(27/7/2008)
Last Updated: 20:03 IST(27/7/2008)


The e-mail of Indian Mujahideen, which has claimed responsibility for the terror strikes in Ahmedabad, has warned of dire consequences to some politicians and business heads prompting authorities to increase their security.

In its 14-page email, the militant outfit, believed to be a shadow amalgam of the banned SIMI and Pakistan-based Lashker-e-Taiba (LeT), warned Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilas Rao Deshmukh and his deputy RR Patil of dire consequences over the alleged targeting of minority communities in that state.

"We wonder at your memory. Have you forgotten the evening of July 11, 2006 so quickly and so easily?" the e-mail warned.

Reliance Industries Limited head Mukesh Ambani also figured in the e-mail in which he was asked to "think-twice" before "usurping and building a citadel on a land in Mumbai that belongs to the Waqf board.

"...Lest it turns into horrifying memories for you which you will never ever forget."

There was a warning for the UP Bar Council too for their repeated stand of not taking up cases of Muslims.

For the high-profile VIPs and VVIPs on Central security list, preventive measures have already been placed and for those on state list, authorities concerned have been asked to take up necessary steps, sources in the Union Home Ministry said in New Delhi.

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Deskhmukh, Mukesh Ambani figure in Indian Mujahideen's e-mail- Hindustan Times
My condolences to those who died.

As Martin Luther King Jr said:

"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere"

Thanks mate. You are the real musalman.
My lord, the world is going to the dogs.

Deadly explosions hit Istanbul

Two explosions in Istanbul are reported to have left eight people dead and at least 24 wounded.

The cause of the blasts is not yet clear, but reports vary from a gas leak to bomb blasts.

Local police said the first small blast occurred in a telephone booth and the second happened as crowds gathered.

A local doctor said his hospital had taken in at least 30 people. TV footage showed the injured lying on the street and others being carried in blankets.

The explosions occurred in the Gungoren district of the city which the BBC's Sarah Rainsford says is popular with people taking a stroll on a warm evening.

Police, firefighters and natural gas teams are now in the area.

BBC NEWS | Europe | Deadly explosions hit Istanbul

Seems no one is safe nowadays.
Thanks mate. You are the real musalman.

Just my two cents and a failed bid to try to get back to the issue at hand instead of adding to nearly 20 pages of flaming.

I have a great disdain for terrorists causing innocents harm as I'm sure most people do.

I hope the criminals responsible are caught.
Just my two cents and a failed bid to try to get back to the issue at hand instead of adding to nearly 20 pages of flaming.

I have a great disdain for terrorists causing innocents harm as I'm sure most people do.

I hope the criminals responsible are caught.


Can we unite in condemning the perpetrators for not only executed such dastardly acts but also used religion to incite communal disharmony.

Can we unite in condemning the perpetrators for not only executed such dastardly acts but also used religion to incite communal disharmony.

the whole of humanity should unite in condemning these scum. Mujahideen my @ss! The true Mujahideen were formed to protect civilians, not to kill them to further their pathetic cause. if a hindu like me, who has never even read the qoran can understand that, how in the world do these so called 'muslims' fail grasp the concept? they are an insult to islam, and an insult to humanity.
The blasts are another pathatic try by RAW and Indian government to gain international attention. just look at
1. Timing of the blasts
The blasts took place just when Pakistani PM embarked upon the US visit.

Just a day back before Ahmadabad blasts, Banglor witnessed the same.
Its such a strange thing that 17 blasts took place in one city while the security was also alerted after Banglor blasts.

Its understandble India in the past has been doing such things in own country just to gain international attention.
India knows that Pakistan is already under US pressure these days mainly due to US/NATO, Karzai failure to convince Afghans that they were there to liberate them.
India knows well that Bush admin will pressurize Pakistani PM during the visit and India was quick to cash the occassion by planning such blasts and playing the victim card.

2. Pattern of these Blasts
These blasts were on the same patern which is usually used by RAW operators in Pakistan.
Its an old tactic of RAW to plant such firecrackers in bycycles, pushcarts, buses, taxis etc.
3. The Banglor blasts and Mukesh Ambani's business

:) i was thinking the day when balsts rocked Banglor why no one thought of losses to bussiness tycon Mukesh Ambani.

At that day the stock exchange took a plung and the companies of Mukesh Ambani were the ones that were in trouble and immense loss.

Jana please stop your inhuman talks.

Also I suspect your visit to India. First you really tried hard to meet me in India, even you blackmailed me emotionally. But when I got ready to meet you and asked if I can help you for your stay because its easy for me due my brother is an IAS and posted somewhere near Mumbai, you simply stopped the conversation.
Really, Kudos to the people of Gujarat. They have maintained calm so far and not gone at each others' throats.

After 16 bombs, some of which were placed outside hospitals (!!), the entire country is in a state of shock.
We dont not blam India for our PM's flue atleast ;)

what the heck so now you are resorting to nonsense, common make some sense while posting or you just trying to increase your post counts.
the whole of humanity should unite in condemning these scum. Mujahideen my @ss! The true Mujahideen were formed to protect civilians, not to kill them to further their pathetic cause. if a hindu like me, who has never even read the qoran can understand that, how in the world do these so called 'muslims' fail grasp the concept? they are an insult to islam, and an insult to humanity.

Killing on innocents is worthy of condemnation. However moving on to a different point, how do you know that this indeed was an act by a "Mujahid" (by this you are inferring a Muslim)? Just because someone called up the local newspaper and claimed it so?
Jihad Strikes Again: Sixteen Bomb Blasts in Ahmadabad, 29 Killed 100s Injured
Dated 26/7/2008

At least 29 people were killed and over 100 were injured as 16 serial bomb blasts rocked Ahmedabad on Saturday evening. Cycles were probably used to plant the bombs while some were placed on buses, G K Parmar, joint commissioner of Ahmedbad police, told reporters.

Parmar said that the police are on the lookout for more live bombs. The explosions occurred at Maninagar, Isanpur, Narol circle, Bapunagar, Hatkeshwar and Sarangpur bridge, Sarkej and Odhav and created a wave of panic. Crowded areas including market places were hit in the synchronised 'low-intensity' explosions in a space of 60 to 70 minutes after the first blast hit Maninagar at 6.45 pm. The bombs placed in tiffin boxes were strapped on to bicycles. Some of the blast sites were in sensitive areas in the old city but the situation was peaceful as the night wore on.

There were three blasts in Maninagar--the constituency of Chief Minister Narendra Modi--and two in Sarkhej targeting a state transport CNG bus and near the old Sangam theatre. "As per the latest information, 29 persons were killed," Modi told reporters late on Saturday night. Significantly, two blasts occurred in the premises of Civil and LG hospitals where several victims of the explosions in other areas were being rushed exacerbating the already tense situation. A nationwide alert has been sounded.

A shocked Modi said the Ahmedabad blasts was a 'war against India' and a handiwork of terror groups. Declaring there should be one voice against terrorism, Modi also said there is a 'mastermind group and a mastermind country' behind the blasts. The people behind the attack will be 'hounded out', said Modi, who also spoke to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. "The blasts were of low intensity and similar to those which hit Bangalore," Union Minister of State for Home Sriprakash Jaiswal told reporters in Kanpur.

A common feature seen at the blast sites was use of blue ballbearings in the explosions. The civic authorities have stopped plying of all the city transport buses. Gujarat has been put on high alert following the blast. Security has been beefed up across the state, particularly in Gandhinagar, and special police teams were deployed at vulnerable places, said Gujarat Home Minister Amit Shah. He said the government would take all measures to maintain law and order.

Sources said that minutes before the blasts, the Intelligence Bureau received a mail from the Indian Mujahideen, which stated, "Stop us if you can." A couple of bombs were reported to have been placed in tiffin boxes in a modus operandi similar to the explosions outside a Lucknow court last year. A high level meeting of state director general of police and home secretaries will be convened shortly, said Union Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta.

The Ahmedabad serial blasts come a day after two people were killed in nine serial blasts that shook Bengaluru. Bapunagar, Isranpur and Raipur, where the blasts have taken place, are considered to be communally sensitive areas. President Pratibha Patil and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh condemned the blasts and appealed for calm. Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil has convened a high-level meeting to review the security situation in the country.

"I do not wish to say anything other than this that a meeting will be held tomorrow at 11 am to review the security situation in the country," Patil told reporters. He added, "Anti-national elements have been trying to create panic among the people of our country. Today's blasts in Ahmedabad seem to be part of the same strategy."

Jihad Strikes Again: Sixteen Bomb Blasts in Ahmadabad, 29 Killed 100s Injured | India Defence

First of all we all should condem these acts of terrorism no matter where they happen.

However in this case the police were already on high alert after previous bomb blast. They have again being put on high alert. This is their incompetence isn't it.

Then the timing of the blasts indeed is suspect because of Pakistani PM visit to the US. In past too whenever some Pakistani leader went to US for visit or US president came to this region some thing like this happened. Not necessatily a bomb blast but some thing did happened. Remember when US president was in India there was killing in Kashmir. This is what makes these things suspect.

Then the planners were either stupid or did not wanted people to get killed. 16 bomb blasts and around 30 people dead. I do agree with Jana and Asim and believe conspiracy is at work.

Lets wait and see when Pakistan gets blamed.

Please don't take my words wrong but this has been India's trick. Hopefully the world has understood it by now.
Investigators say Indian Mujahideen is SIMI, V2.0
Text: Vicky Nanjappa
July 27, 2008

Investigators are pursuing the line that the Indian Mujahideen, which sent an e-mail alert about Saturday's Ahmedabad blasts and an e-mail after last year's Uttar Pradesh blasts, is the Students Islamic Movement of India in a new guise.

The reason for the new nomenclature is two fold, say Intelligence Bureau officials.

One, Pakistan's external intelligence agency, the Inter Services Intelligence, has been making consistent efforts to create new outfits to operate in the Indian heartland since Pakistan is usually accused of complicity in such attacks, which is turning up the heat on that country in international circles.

Two, SIMI, which has been on the run since the crackdown on it in Madhya Pradesh and elsewhere, realises that any terror attack under its aegis is self-defeating since its top leadership is in jail and freely accessible for interrogation.

Hence, the Indian Mujahideen.

:: Bharat-Rakshak.com - Indian Military News Headlines ::

Congratulations we have a suspect case solved. Every one relax, its the work of ISI as usual.
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