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2 Chinese choppers violate Indian airspace

As far as the true news is concerned, they came near the border and did not cross it. Do not be too much jingoistic. :no:
I can say the same of your govt that has money to hire the least creative low budget story makers for proofs to support their claims. Forget your witless government, your people and news channels do a better job at creativity and come up with "Mushraf the terrorist camel", at-least its funny.

We all know as well as your generals the repercussions of a war with Pakistan when they backed off the famous surgical strikes on "terror camps" in Pakistan. Forget Pakistan, hit the dragon and it will eat your nation alive and rid the world of many stupid and useless people like you who prefer to think with their nuts.

i can understand ur rage.... wot else u can do wen dere r terrorists who r blowing ur people everyday....n y should we attack china ? as i can say u r suffering from some mental disorder....n at least we indians r proud of our growing economy unlike u people who keep stand on US n chinas shoulder to bark....

Pick up a weapon, go to border, watch real blood and bodies then talk about war else stay at home bash on keyboard, and whine on forums.

advice from an immigrant... gr8....grow some balls n try living in ur own nation 1st which is being bombed everyday by US drones n suicide terrorists....
i can understand ur rage.... wot else u can do wen dere r terrorists who r blowing ur people everyday....n y should we attack china ? as i can say u r suffering from some mental disorder....n at least we indians r proud of our growing economy unlike u people who keep stand on US n chinas shoulder to bark....

There is no rage here buddy, u just feeling your humiliation in-front of everyone where all of your logic has flown into the gutter. Sure you are a growing economy, you are NOT the best economy. War with any of your neighbors, you wont be an economy at all. The sane people on higher levels are saving your pathetic arse with you even realizing it. You are a stain on every Indian on this forums and I am thoroughly enjoying it. :)

advice from an immigrant... gr8....grow some balls n try living in ur own nation 1st which is being bombed everyday by US drones n suicide terrorists....

Yet again you prove your stupidity, I have been anti war, you on the other hand, the "acting" general of your army has a lot of idea why Pakistan is not a threat. Talk about balls, stop using that instead of your brain.
Hardly any conflict,
They violate,we shout.
They violate again,we shout little bit louder.
Also, we violate, they don't shout.
We violate again, they still don't shout!

How many know that Indians finger the Chinese too? But they don't create a hue and cry in the media like we do. And thus we're always painted as the ones who are being 'violated' by those 'aggressive Hans'!! :cheesy:
Also, we violate, they don't shout.
We violate again, they still don't shout!

How many know that Indians finger the Chinese too? But they don't create a hue and cry in the media like we do. And thus we're always painted as the ones who are being 'violated' by those 'aggressive Hans'!! :cheesy:

So u Finally admit it.... remember when Pakistan team won an ODI against India... your soldiers violated the Line of control...
Yeah. And initiate a war between two nuclear-armed countries which also happen to be the 2nd and 3rd biggest economies of the world, the two most populated countries in the world, and possess the world's largest militaries. That makes sense. No catastrophic, world-changing consequences at all, are there?

Valid point there !! But dear u have to admit that either the Chinese military establishment is too amateur to understand this or they are out of their government's control .
It really makes me laugh at these incidents .
So u Finally admit it.... remember when Pakistan team won an ODI against India... your soldiers violated the Line of control...
Oh never mind! No one is a saint in this world. You do it, the Chinese do it, and the Indians do it! So what's the big deal? Only we don't cut heads off! :no: :D
We invade India whenever we want and India powerless to stop it. The like how Israel invades Arab countries and they are powerless to stop Israel.

Indians and Arabs are treated like dirt.

Easy there, buddy. You just insulted half of Asia, there. Also, no matter how strong the Chinese army is (and I admit, it is arguably the strongest in Asia) you can't just invade a nuclear armed country in the present age without sacrificing more than 70% of your own population and all your major cities. All statements like this do is create more enmity. Think rationally.

Also, invading a country just because of a small border trespassing dispute? That takes over-reacting to a whole new level.
Easy there, buddy. You just insulted half of Asia, there. Also, no matter how strong the Chinese army is (and I admit, it is arguably the strongest in Asia) you can't just invade a nuclear armed country in the present age without sacrificing more than 70% of your own population and all your major cities. All statements like this do is create more enmity. Think rationally.

Also, invading a country just because of a small border trespassing dispute? That takes over-reacting to a whole new level.

Bless you !
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