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2 Bomb Blasts reported in Parachanaar...

Thousands of people have been killed in terrorist attacks on mosques, shrines and other religious places/gatherings in Pakistan in last 15 years. But has any Wahhabi/Deobandi Mosque, Madrassa, Religious institution or gathering ever been attacked by terrorists? If not, then doesn't it point directly to the fact that there is a clear sectarian angle to the ongoing terrorism in Pakistan ? Closing your eyes doesn't change reality.

Ongoing Shia genocide in Pakistan is a reality ...


RIP to those innocent people who lost their lives. May the terrorists, their supporters and the terrorist sympathizers burn in hell
Of course shias fighting is in Syria and Iraq so its war between Iran and Arab shia Vs Sunni Arab not genocide don't forget Iran recruited youth from parachinar so plz don't blame Pakistan or say it's genocide yes it was persecution of shias earlier but not genocide and ask Iran don't involve Pakistani shia youth in its conflict
As long as madressahs are allowed free reign to corrupt the minds of our young ones, expect this sh!t to continue.
RIP and condolences to families and to pakistan

what is wrong with u???

but.. but... ur beloved khademein haramein call it holy! the same ones who have been supporting wahabis and salafis who have the blood of ur ppl on their hands..

keep calm and kill the infidel mister global jihadi

and u obvsly cant comprehend that he didnt say NOTHING abt sects but u go on with every nonsens u like. and if u like report urself cuz u seem pro sectarianism. and plz have a look at pakistani members i quoted

i never thought that someday i would see the ppl of pakistan who are victims of terrorism chanting for terrorism.. until i met PDF..
You have no idea what i wrote and what was the historical background of it please keep your lectures to yourself all senior members know my view on sectarianism

As long as madressahs are allowed free reign to corrupt the minds of our young ones, expect this sh!t to continue.
**** masrassahs the interior ministry allwed banned outfits to hold rallies in Islamabad and chant shia kafir when you have epic amount of non-seriousness being displayed by the authorities what were we expecting?
The terrorists are branches radicalism and extremism are the branches to this day i have seen only lip service in removal of the root cause
As soon as shia targeted in pakistan the holy media start discussing issue al saud vs iran shia vs sunni . yes thanks to syria its shia vs sunni in islamic world iraq syria pakistan or even afghanistan those are killed are also shia but it does not mean pakistani shia are specially targeted no its a global terrorism trend.its a war between ultra extremist mindset unfortunately citizens are paying the price belong to both shia and sunni side.Collective wisdom should be prevailed and joint efforts are need of the hour to curb terrorism in islamic lands.

Yes, it's a global issue this sectarianism. Despite the Shia killings, I would say that Pakistani Shias are much better off than Shias in other Sunni Muslim majority countries.

However, what shocks me is the apathy of the authorities in Pakistan towards minority killings, especially sectarian killings.

Again, I condemn all terrorist attacks against all communities equally because it brings a bad name to Pakistan.

But the lack of action taken against sectarian outfits truly baffles me. The state is not interested, they are waiting for time to pass and the anger to cool down, nothing else.

We support our Army and the actions they take against militants, their counter to India's naked aggression on the LOC, but we do not support this spineless Army leadership under COAS Bajwa. He is a total failure like Kiyani, and he is bringing the morale of the nation down.
Just because one doesn't cry or play the victim card doesn't mean they are not targeted.

I can understand your frustration and i am aware that the Shia community is at forefront of the war on terror but please do not make it sectarian issue.

Make it as what it is. A national issue.

Closing your eyes doesn't change reality. No one is denying that terrorism is a national (rather international) issue but there is a clear sectarian angle to the ongoing terrorism in Pakistan. International organizations like UN, Amnesty Int, Human Rights Watch etc. have all condemned and expressed concern over the ongoing Shia targeted killings and Shia Genocide in Pakistan. Now don't tell us that these organizations are pro-Iran/pro-Shia too ..... Also, our case on Kashmir is built entirely on Resolutions/reports by theses international organizations, why double standards ??

Of course shias fighting is in Syria and Iraq so its war between Iran and Arab shia Vs Sunni Arab not genocide don't forget Iran recruited youth from parachinar so plz don't blame Pakistan or say it's genocide yes it was persecution of shias earlier but not genocide and ask Iran don't involve Pakistani shia youth in its conflict

It didn't start with the Syrian Civil War. Shia targeted killings have been going on in Pakistan since 1960s, at that time Iran was ruled by the Shah and Arab secular Nationalism (not Political Islam) was the dominant ideology. Situation became worse after the Zia regime created and patronized anti-Shia sectarian outfits in 1980s.
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What proof is that?
You kidnap a retired officer from a 3rd country and then torture him into an "confession" , release a heavily edited and clearly tutored confession.

You do not give him, consular access fearing, he would spill the beans on his supposed confession and treatment.
No wonder ICJ in its initial hearing itself remarked that Pakistan should have given KY consular access.

You try him in absolute secrecy in a not transparent military court.

What other proof do you have of KY being a terrorist, except his supposed "confession video".

So who in this world would believe in such farce?
Terrorism in our neighbouring country, such as these blasts that killed close to 70 mostly shi'ites, has nothing to do with India.

Lashkar-i-Jhangvi al-Alami is one of many extremist terror organizations operating in Pakistan, their ideology comes from arabia, and their militants and suicide bombers are local muslims who have been indoctrinated by local fundamentalist molvis.

I agree with everything you wrote... except for one correction.. These extremist terrorists are use by india as canon folder.

This has been clearly identified by Indian Generals as their pro-terror strategy and Indian government officials and corroborated by captured Indian terrorist instigators in pakistan and almost every senior captured terrorist in Pakistan.
That's not a breaking news anymore!

and by the way the attacks on Parachinar and Quetta Hazara community are already known and have 100% success rate for years on year. there are some specific dates when these guys gather up for their processions and eid and our state is unable to safeguard its people.

age old trick.. plant a smaller bomb first and then take out more people who come to the rescue.. this tactic has been used by KGB/ KHAD against Pakistanis .back in the days of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and it still works

even the usual one liners from ISPR/ Chief and PM are well known and over used

we will "not let" terrorists destroy our peace
we will "not allow" terrorists from terrorizing us
(as if terrorists and their handlers seek GHQ and PM house permission before launching their attacks)

after that some token "raids" and airstrikes on some locations with claims of killing masterminds and their friends and job done.. and tomorrow is another day

Terrorism in our neighbouring country, such as these blasts that killed close to 70 mostly shi'ites, has nothing to do with India.

Lashkar-i-Jhangvi al-Alami is one of many extremist terror organizations operating in Pakistan, their ideology comes from arabia, and their militants and suicide bombers are local muslims who have been indoctrinated by local fundamentalist molvis.
Hazara community which is shia has been targetted by groups controlled by India. its not a baseless claim
it adds in the overall concerted effort to show Balochistan as a hopeless, ungovernable and unstable piece of land.. killing any specific groups plays in the bigger narrative specially when there are many other groups that can be blamed while the real culprits hide behind.. sometimes after such attacks many anti shia terrorists claimed responsibilities they are interested in killing shias .. that is agreed so they wont mind who pays them to do that job which disrupts peace as well. Saudis and Israelis dont mind working together when it comes to assassinating Iranian nuclear personnel .. just one example
Closing your eyes doesn't change reality. No one is denying that terrorism is a national (rather international) issue but there is a clear sectarian angle to the ongoing terrorism in Pakistan. International organizations like UN, Amnesty Int, Human Rights Watch etc. have all condemned and expressed concern over the ongoing Shia targeted killings and Shia Genocide in Pakistan. Now don't tell us that these organizations are pro-Iran/pro-Shia too ..... Also, our case on Kashmir is built entirely on Resolutions/reports by theses international organizations, why double standards ??

It didn't start with the Syrian Civil War. Shia targeted killings have been going on in Pakistan since 1960s, at that time Iran was ruled by the Shah and Arab secular Nationalism (not Political Islam) was the dominant ideology. Situation became worse after the Zia regime created and patronized anti-Shia sectarian outfits in 1980s.

Whatever you say or believe. To you your own.

But i refuse to politicize the blood of my fellow countrymen.

Sects are more or less a personal matter as far as state is concerned.
Whatever you say or believe. To you your own.

But i refuse to politicize the blood of my fellow countrymen.

Sects are more or less a personal matter as far as state is concerned.

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt..
Closing your eyes doesn't change reality. No one is denying that terrorism is a national (rather international) issue but there is a clear sectarian angle to the ongoing terrorism in Pakistan. International organizations like UN, Amnesty Int, Human Rights Watch etc. have all condemned and expressed concern over the ongoing Shia targeted killings and Shia Genocide in Pakistan. Now don't tell us that these organizations are pro-Iran/pro-Shia too ..... Also, our case on Kashmir is built entirely on Resolutions/reports by theses international organizations, why double standards ??

It didn't start with the Syrian Civil War. Shia targeted killings have been going on in Pakistan since 1960s, at that time Iran was ruled by the Shah and Arab secular Nationalism (not Political Islam) was the dominant ideology. Situation became worse after the Zia regime created and patronized anti-Shia sectarian outfits in 1980s.
Dear target killingvwas also happening in 1980 for both shia and Sunnis outfits araf Al husani to janghvi both were targeting each other leadership and followers but terrorism at this level started after Iraq invasion and reached peak in Syrian war

Dear target killingvwas also happening in 1980 for both shia and Sunnis outfits araf Al husani to janghvi both were targeting each other leadership and followers but terrorism at this level started after Iraq invasion and reached peak in Syrian war
The correct term I used for 80 and 90 clash was persecution not terrorism
Dear target killingvwas also happening in 1980 for both shia and Sunnis outfits araf Al husani to janghvi both were targeting each other leadership and followers but terrorism at this level started after Iraq invasion and reached peak in Syrian war

The correct term I used for 80 and 90 clash was persecution not terrorism

So, when in June 1963 over 100 Shias were killed in Tehri village (in Khairpur district of Sindh), it was not an act of terrorism ? What about the attacks on Tazia processions that took place in 1960s and 70s?, or the Gilgit massacre of 1988 ?

Sectarian outfits targeting and killing each other's leadership is a different thing .. But why attack innocent people ? why attack mosques and religious gatherings ? And why every time such terrorist attacks are carried out, 'the terrorists' belong to one particular sect, and the victims to the others ?

Again, please quote a few examples when Wahhabi/Deobandi mosques and religious gatherings were attacked by terrorists .... Why deny facts ?

And as you mentioned Arif Hussaini of Parachinar, the Shia leader of Turi Pashtuns and the founder of Tehrik-e-Jafaria Pakistan, he was killed in Peshawar in 1988 by a serving Army Officer. Also, the 'other' person on the motorcycle with the notorious terrorist Riaz Basra when he killed the Iranian Consul General Sadiq Ganji in Lahore in 1990, was reportedly an ISI official named Athar (Pakistan's drift into extremism: Allah, the army and America's War on Terror, 2005). It's not without reason that the Pakistani Establishment has been accused of patronizing and supporting anti-Shia sectarianism.
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