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2 Bomb Blasts reported in Parachanaar...

I am not sure if i can report a moderator for sectarian posts.

But Pakistan and Pakistanis only see them as Pakistani victims of terrorism and not Shia.

This is something you cannot comprehend. You can carry on with your agenda of dividing Muslims in sects and cults.

Surely, there is no difference between Shias and Sunnis if they are victims terrorism, but if you want to close your eyes on the fact that Parachinar is targeted much more frequently compared to other areas because of its Shia inhabitants, you are only supporting the perpetrators' mentality.

As long as you run from the truth, you will never achieve any solution, so it's time to man up and face the reality instead of playing the old 'oh look! sectarian bla bla' card.
First, RIP to the innocent civilians who are another victim of the virus spread across ME and Muslim world.

Second, I have a question from Pakistanis: despite various terror attacks in Parachinar where there is a Shia population, and knowing that this area is a primary target for bloodthirsty Salafi terrorists, why is it that Pakistan's govt has failed to increase security in this area to prevent more and more terror attacks? How many times have we heard of terror attacks hitting Parachinar, whose only crime apparently is being Shia?

Do you know more than 13 killed in Quetta the same day and all of them were sunnis..In all this terror attacks sunnis died more than any other fraction...Lets not make this division of sunni or shia...People are dying across the country belong to different views but they all are Pakistanis...
Lot of blasts in Quetta, peshawar, lahore and other areas of Pakistan..More than 100 died on attack in sufi shrine none of them shia..So there is no discrimination...
When the suicide bombers blow it does not see sunni or shia or sufi ...For your information if you see the statics these fanatics have no love for anyone...
They can kill anybody for there reasons be it Sunni, shia or somebody else..
There is a limitation of resources where all the country is on terrorist hit list..Shias, sufis, hazaras, sunnis, mosques ,christians, and you can continue to increase the list..Everybody is on the hit list they have not given any exception to any group..
Internal security of Pakistan is not up-to the mark due to several political and other factors and there is no shame to accept this..But this affects all..irrespective of who is who
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Do you know more than 13 killed in Quetta the same day and all of them were sunnis..In all this terror attacks sunnis died more than any other fraction...Lets not make this division of sunni or shia...People are dying across the country belong to different views but they all are Pakistanis...
Lot of blasts in Quetta, peshawar, lahore and other areas of Pakistan..More than 100 died on attack in sufi shrine ..So there is no discrimination...
When the suicide bombers blow it does not see sunni or shia or sufi ...For your information if you see the statics these fanatics have no love for anyone...
They can kill anybody for there reasons be it Sunni, shia or somebody else..

Do you not get the point? Did I say only Shias are victims of terrorism? Have I not condemned almost every single terror attack in Pakistan regardless of its targets on this forum? I don't understand this feeling of insecurity from a simple question. Let's act logical and address the issue.

I asked a simple question: We know Parachinar is an ideal target for terrorists (given the frequency of attacks in past years in this area) and the reason is obvious. I am asking, how come increased security precautions (if there is any) has failed to prevent terror attacks in this area?

this should be a time for introspection, not leveling wild accusations..

intel had been warning about these ISIS "night of power" attacks when jihadis are on heat/maximum motivation.

a couple of points to consider:

1. that it's very hard/impossible to effectively guard against a sneaky suicide bomber (just hope/pray for minimum casualties), spl when

2. they have robust support networks in the local communities.

blaming foreign powers for your woes will do you no good, or, do more than just dramatic propaganda meant for local consumption and take the case against India sponsoring ISIS and LEJ and TTP and all the rest of them inside Pakistan to an international court.

they should dismantle the infrastructure that allows extremist nodes to grow and flourish within local communities

if you don't cure yourself, don't blame others for taking advantage..

Jesus never lynched beef eaters, or preach pro rape, or conduct terrorism in neighbouring countries
Do you know more than 13 killed in Quetta the same day and all of them were sunnis..In all this terror attacks sunnis died more than any other fraction...Lets not make this division of sunni or shia...People are dying across the country belong to different views but they all are Pakistanis...
Lot of blasts in Quetta, peshawar, lahore and other areas of Pakistan..More than 100 died on attack in sufi shrine none of them shia..So there is no discrimination...
When the suicide bombers blow it does not see sunni or shia or sufi ...For your information if you see the statics these fanatics have no love for anyone...
They can kill anybody for there reasons be it Sunni, shia or somebody else..
There is a limitation of resources where all the country is on terrorist hit list..Shias, sufis, hazaras, sunnis, mosques ,christians, and you can continue to increase the list..Everybody is on the hit list they have not given any exception to any group..
Internal security of Pakistan is not up-to the mark due to several political and other factors and there is no shame to accept this..But this affects all..irrespective of who is who
Only solution expel allllllllllllllllll Afghan refugees from Baluchistan. Parachanar been under attack since 80s. Thanks to First Afghan war, where these extremist groups were armed and got free arm from Taliban.
My condolences. No citizen in any country wants to see innocent blood spilled. It's high time India, Pak, Afghan jointly get rid of all radical organizations for peace and forget about intangible notions like "strategic assets" and "strategic depth".
My condolences. No citizen in any country wants to see innocent blood spilled. It's high time India, Pak, Afghan jointly get rid of all radical organizations for peace and forget about intangible notions like "strategic assets" and "strategic depth".
Today Nawaz Shareef is paying the price of Dawn leak. It was all about this and frustrated Nawaz Shareef warn Pak army warnings from international community about continues unrest in Afghanistan. But, India is also taking full advantage of Afghan anarchy.
Surely, there is no difference between Shias and Sunnis if they are victims terrorism, but if you want to close your eyes on the fact that Parachinar is targeted much more frequently compared to other areas because of its Shia inhabitants, you are only supporting the perpetrators' mentality.

As long as you run from the truth, you will never achieve any solution, so it's time to man up and face the reality instead of playing the old 'oh look! sectarian bla bla' card.

Thanks for proving me right. You see blood spilled through the eyes of sectarianism.

For us its different.
Do you not get the point? Did I say only Shias are victims of terrorism? Have I not condemned almost every single terror attack in Pakistan regardless of its targets on this forum? I don't understand this feeling of insecurity from a simple question. Let's act logical and address the issue.

I asked a simple question: We know Parachinar is an ideal target for terrorists (given the frequency of attacks in past years in this area) and the reason is obvious. I am asking, how come increased security precautions (if there is any) has failed to prevent terror attacks in this area?
As i said weak internal security and open border policy with Afghanistan...
Let us admit that Radd al Fasaad has been a failure. I feel that Zarb e Azb was giving dividends, and was pressurizing the terrorists. We needed the new COAS to be on the offensive with the same zeal, but Radd al Fasaad has been to maintain the status quo, and that has been the biggest failure.
Let us admit that Radd al Fasaad has been a failure. I feel that Zarb e Azb was giving dividends, and was pressurizing the terrorists. We needed the new COAS to be on the offensive with the same zeal, but Radd al Fasaad has been to maintain the status quo, and that has been the biggest failure.
Radd al Fassad till date has been a failure..Major attacks has been occurred..New COAS has been quite failure in curbing terrorism....Look at Chaudary nissar statement attacks increase because of open border..Why don't they close it..We have such a fail internal security system
RIP and condolences to families and to pakistan
It has Iran written all over it. We shot down their drone and now they are taking revenge by killing innocent people. They did it twice today and ISI is sleeping.
downing of dron
what is wrong with u???
Iran has joined hands with the unholy alliance on our western borders. Iran is a little fishy fish.
but.. but... ur beloved khademein haramein call it holy! the same ones who have been supporting wahabis and salafis who have the blood of ur ppl on their hands..
When Shia kafir Shia Kafir clowns are given space to hold rallies in Islamabad what should we expect from them?
India and Afghanistan will use idiots we spare the real problem is why we spare them
keep calm and kill the infidel mister global jihadi
I am not sure if i can report a moderator for sectarian posts.
But Pakistan and Pakistanis only see them as Pakistani victims of terrorism and not Shia.
This is something you cannot comprehend. You can carry on with your agenda of dividing Muslims in sects and cults.
and u obvsly cant comprehend that he didnt say NOTHING abt sects but u go on with every nonsens u like. and if u like report urself cuz u seem pro sectarianism. and plz have a look at pakistani members i quoted

i never thought that someday i would see the ppl of pakistan who are victims of terrorism chanting for terrorism.. until i met PDF..
RIP and condolences to families and to pakistan

what is wrong with u???

but.. but... ur beloved khademein haramein call it holy! the same ones who have been supporting wahabis and salafis who have the blood of ur ppl on their hands..

keep calm and kill the infidel mister global jihadi

and u obvsly cant comprehend that he didnt say NOTHING abt sects but u go on with every nonsens u like. and if u like report urself cuz u seem pro sectarianism. and plz have a look at pakistani members i quoted

i never thought that someday i would see the ppl of pakistan who are victims of terrorism chanting for terrorism.. until i met PDF..

So you bought the same spectacles like him.
Specsavers got nice deals on bifocals. Smashing offer.
They can kill anybody for there reasons be it Sunni, shia or somebody else..
There is a limitation of resources where all the country is on terrorist hit list..Shias, sufis, hazaras, sunnis, mosques ,christians, and you can continue to increase the list..Everybody is on the hit list they have not given any exception to any group..
Internal security of Pakistan is not up-to the mark due to several political and other factors and there is no shame to accept this..But this affects all..irrespective of who is who

Thousands of people have been killed in terrorist attacks on mosques, shrines and other religious places/gatherings in Pakistan in last 15 years. But has any Wahhabi/Deobandi Mosque, Madrassa, Religious institution or gathering ever been attacked by terrorists? If not, then doesn't it point directly to the fact that there is a clear sectarian angle to the ongoing terrorism in Pakistan ? Closing your eyes doesn't change reality.

But Pakistan and Pakistanis only see them as Pakistani victims of terrorism and not Shia.

This is something you cannot comprehend. You can carry on with your agenda of dividing Muslims in sects and cults.

Ongoing Shia genocide in Pakistan is a reality ...


RIP to those innocent people who lost their lives. May the terrorists, their supporters and the terrorist sympathizers burn in hell
Thousands of people have been killed in terrorist attacks on mosques, shrines and other religious places/gatherings in Pakistan in last 15 years. But has any Wahhabi/Deobandi Mosque, Madrassa, Religious institution or gathering ever been attacked by terrorists? If not, then doesn't it point directly to the fact that there is a clear sectarian angle to the ongoing terrorism in Pakistan ? Closing your eyes doesn't change reality.

Ongoing Shia genocide in Pakistan is a reality ...


RIP to those innocent people who lost their lives. May the terrorists, their supporters and the terrorist sympathizers burn in hell

Just because one doesn't cry or play the victim card doesn't mean they are not targeted.

I can understand your frustration and i am aware that the Shia community is at forefront of the war on terror but please do not make it sectarian issue.

Make it as what it is. A national issue.
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