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2,500 people killed, 28,000 injured in riots in last decade in India

Dear @Areesh this report is baseless and false they do not even consider having a look on official data from Indian Government.....

@jbgt90, @danish_vij, @acid rain, @Brahmos_2, @INDIC would request you to visit the link given under to download the excel file from the official website of National Crime Records Bureau Ministry of Home Affair. use first section of Indian Penal Code (IPC) subsection 'K' to download complete report.

Pakistan still fare worse than India.
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Well naturally this will happen in a country where people of alien beliefs also continue to live as equal citizens. There is bound to be a bit of identity crises now and then and of course at a larger level, dirty politics also plays its part.

But on what basis is this alarming, considering that with 98% Muslim population and in a base population of less than a tenth, more than 40,000 people have died in your country in either sectarian violence, gang wars, terrorism etc And that too in 5 years (From 2008).... not even a decade!
Well naturally this will happen in a country where people of alien beliefs also continue to live as equal citizens. There is bound to be a bit of identity crises now and then, and of course at a larger level, dirty politics also plays its part.

I don't think after this comment of yours one need to say something else .......would you mind if I ask you to please elaborate your precious comments for mediocre people like me ..... :angel:
If India's solution to all these people killed in the last decade is to point out that Pakistan had more people killed, than the figure from India will certainly go up higher.

I have no solution to point out , just that opening a thread to score brownie points saying we lost so many people to riots in "secular" India is ridiculous . look towards your own back yard first.
but then i doubt you read what the OP wrote:)
thank god i was not born in pakistan !!
In Past 12 year 21 crimes per Hour were committed against women .......


source: National Crime Records Bureau Ministry of Home Affair
have you studied or its just an opinion ...... from Indian National ....??

You can compare the overall casualties figure and you can also study the rate/1 Lakh people.

In Past 12 year 21 crimes per day were committed against women .......


source: National Crime Records Bureau Ministry of Home Affair

Pakistan has 20% higher rate compared to India. :wacko:
In Past 12 year 21 crimes per Hour were committed against women .......


source: National Crime Records Bureau Ministry of Home Affair
forget women man .. wasn't here a thread this afternoon about how just one guy was accused of raping around 30 sheep?
We were discussing deaths due to communal violence. You guys shamelessly tried to hide behind casualties of WOT. I didn't talk about deaths due to Maoist violence or Kashmir violence or North east violence inside India. It is just deaths because of Indian hindus vs Indian muslims. Not because of terrorism. Totally different from Pakistan's scenario. Where one common Indian killed/ raped / slaughtered other common Indian because of his religion.

A large chunk of 45000 deaths being talked about in Pakistan are due to a worse form of communal violence where 1 muslim sect is slaughtering another muslim sect with an occasional massacre of a minority community like Christians or Hindus thrown in for good measure...So dont know why you find the comparison not correct

Where a CM of a state facilitated massacre of its own people. It is only in a country like India where people tear open pregnant women and kill there babies in front of the policemen. Where women belonging to a particular community are raped in open. Something that cannot be compared to anything in Pakistan.

Really? Do you want me to open up Pakistan's actions against it own citizens in East Pakistan ordered by none other than the President and Army chief of the nation? The 400,000 East Pakistani women raped by the uniformed goons of General Niazi who gave the famous quote of "Main iss haramzadi qaum ki nasal badal doon ga" (referring to Pakistani citizens of East Pakistan)

You guys failed to bring even a proper or a similar analogy. Such pathetic is your situation. :)
I am sorry, but what is Pathetic, is your ability to comprehend analogies.. :)
A large chunk of 45000 deaths being talked about in Pakistan are due to a worse form of communal violence where 1 muslim sect is slaughtering another muslim sect with an occasional massacre of a minority community like Christians or Hindus thrown in for good measure...So dont know why you find the comparison not correct

You comparison is bogus and a pure rubbish. Like always. A group declared as a terrorist organization by GOP attacking Shia population is far different from India where one community(India hindus) has committed worst kind of massacre and r@pes against another community. The same terror group which has attacked Pakistani non shias and soldiers of PA at the same time. You are trying too desperate to hide the f!lth of your country behind events inside Pakistan. I am not impressed by your desperation.

Really? Do you want me to open up Pakistan's actions against it own citizens in East Pakistan ordered by none other than the President and Army chief of the nation? The 400,000 East Pakistani women raped by the uniformed goons of General Niazi who gave the famous quote of "Main iss haramzadi qaum ki nasal badal doon ga" (referring to Pakistani citizens of East Pakistan)

Lol jumping from WOT to East Paikstan. Too much desperation. Should I start talking about Indian army crimes against Kashmiri Muslims from 1947 till date or against Muslims of Hyderabad in 1948? You can't always hide behind Pakistan. It doesn't work. You guys need to understand this.

I am sorry, but what is Pathetic, is your ability to comprehend analogies..

What is pathetic is your attempts to hide your shame behind my nation. :)

It is just a difference of 19-20. "Shining India" is too dark for women in many cases. :rolleyes:
numbers may be even less than Pakistan's suicide bombers!
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