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2,500 people killed, 28,000 injured in riots in last decade in India

Last 10 years.. Sectarian violence in Pakistan..... Specially considering population of Pakistan is 1/7 of that of India..

It is just a difference of 19-20. "Shining India" is too dark for women in many cases. :rolleyes:

I read some report that 75% Women languishing in Pakistani jail are the rape victims.
Last 10 years.. Sectarian violence in Pakistan..... Specially considering population of Pakistan is 1/7 of that of India..


Recently I saw PDF Pakistanis feeling glad about banning of Shia practices in Malaysia.
forget women man .. wasn't here a thread this afternoon about how just one guy was accused of raping around 30 sheep?

kill him if true .....

The link which you provide states ........

Indiaand Somalia ranked fourth and fifth, respectively, in the global perceptions survey by Trust Law, the Foundation’s legal news service.

Trust Law asked 213 gender experts from five continents to rank countries by overall perceptions of danger as well as by six risks: health threats, sexual violence, non-sexual violence, cultural or religious factors, lack of access to resources and trafficking.

BTW Dear same report states India Ranked 4th, but I would not emphasise on that as its a perception survey ....... noway near to pure statistical data from official source...... so its a useless link in our discussion ........ :coffee:

I can give more relevant reports from your own so patriotic main stream Indian Media about criminal prescription of India such as ........
Times of India published a perception survey mention under ......

Living in fear as crime rate rises
Ambika Pandit, TNN Sep 1, 2013, 06.05AM IST

The findings are based on a perception survey involving around 8,000 households across the city. The chapter on public safety reveals that nearly 38% of the respondents rated personal safety as unsatisfactory. The feeling is shared by rich and poor alike. In the New Delhi area, populated by the city's rich and powerful, 56.3% of the respondents rated personal safety as poor or very poor. South Delhi followed with 49.7%, Northwest District with 41.2%, Central District with 39.4% and West District with 38.6%.

Living in fear as crime rate rises - Times Of India

from Zee news

30 key crime facts about India

Here is a list of 30 key crime facts about India based on NCRB data

1. That India remains one of the most violent nations to live in has been further reinforced by NCRB’s ‘Crime in India’ report - 2012. The total incidence of violent crimes has increased by 65 percent in 2012 over the previous year.

2. Safety and security of women in India remains questionable as overall crime graph against women has witnessed 6.8 per cent rise in 2012.

3. Madhya Pradesh with 3,425 cases in 2012 is the new rape capital of India. Overall at the country level, incidence of rape has risen by 2.96 per cent in 2012 over the previous year.

4. Kidnapping& abduction of girls and women continues unabated. A 7.5 percent rise in cases of kidnapping &abduction of girls and women has been reported in 2012.

5. Good news for women as number of women police stations have increased from 455 in 2011 to 510 in 2012.

6. A major relief to Indian brides as dowry deaths have fallen by four per cent in 2012.

7. Crime against children has increased by 15.33 percent in 2012 over the previous year.

8. Incidence of murder and rape committed against children increased by 13 per cent and 55 per cent respectively in 2012 over the previous year.

20. The number of complaints registered against police personnel reduced from 61,765 in 2011 to 57,363 in 2012.

21. The gap between sanctioned and actual strength of civil police including district armed police have increased from 3, 79,636 in 2011 to 4, 03,346 in 2012.

24. Total number of cognisable crime (In a cognizable offense the police can take cognisance of the offense on its own, it need not wait for the court orders) under IPC dropped from 856,444 in 2011 to 845,495 in 2012.

29. Projecting growing insanity against innocence, Delhi (City) with 38.5 per cent contribution is marked as the most unsafe city for children in 2012.

30 key crime facts about India


from Economic and Political Weekly

“Crime in India 2012” Report: Some facts

A total of 1,07,82,638 oral, written, telephonic or suo-moto complaints were recorded by the police across the country in 2012. But 15 states and 3 union territories did not provide separate records for complaints and FIRs, and recorded only FIRs as complaints. The remaining states provided disaggregated data for the total number of complaints received as well as those converted into FIRs. 13 states and 4 UTs received a total of 71,47,332 complaints in 2012. Out of these only 24,06,253, that is 33.66% were converted into FIRs. Delhi has the worst record of converting only 2.49% complaints into FIRs.


so ........ my point is You people are enjoying a 'perception benefit' otherwise India is among the worst country to live, if its not the worst ......... how can any sane Indian justify 774,927 riots & 23,940,659 of the total reported crimes in just over a decade .......
Last 10 years.. Sectarian violence in Pakistan..... Specially considering population of Pakistan is 1/7 of that of India..


Would you care to provide the link so that we can discuss this matter as well in true gentlemen sprit .....

right now I can only say Pakistan is in sate of war from last 30+ years, even if this figures are true it is not that bad for a country like Pakistan blessed having Afghanistan as her neighbour & 2.5+ million Afghan as refugee ......

but what are your thoughts about 774,927 riots for a peaceful democratic country who have not faced a single war in last 40+ years ......
Would you care to provide the link so that we can discuss this matter as well in true gentlemen sprit .....

right now I can only say Pakistan is in sate of war from last 30+ years, even if this figures are true it is not that bad for a country like Pakistan blessed having Afghanistan as her neighbour & 2.5+ million Afghan as refugee ......

but what are your thoughts about 774,927 riots for a peaceful democratic country who have not faced a single war in last 40+ years ......

You have your problems,we have ours..
Would you care to provide the link so that we can discuss this matter as well in true gentlemen sprit .....

right now I can only say Pakistan is in sate of war from last 30+ years, even if this figures are true it is not that bad for a country like Pakistan blessed having Afghanistan as her neighbour & 2.5+ million Afghan as refugee ......

but what are your thoughts about 774,927 riots for a peaceful democratic country who have not faced a single war in last 40+ years ......

One important point we are missing is that it isn't Sunni population attacking Shia population inside Pakistan. It is banned terrorist organizations attacking Shia population which isn't the case with India. :)
The link says Pakistan ranks 3rd worst countries for women.

dear would request you to read whole of that article if you given that much credibility than the same article ranked ...... India at 4th position ..... but that is just a perception survey conducted from 213 expert ...... I have discuss about it in detail in my previous post ......

should I accept this just because it is said by Economist magazine without statistics or reliable data source ......with wordings quoted under ...... ???

"Some say" that three-quarters of women in Pakistan’s jails are rape victims.

or it is just another Perceptional Myth about Pakistan ......
One important point we are missing is that it isn't Sunni population attacking Shia population inside Pakistan. It is banned terrorist organizations attacking Shia population which isn't the case with India. :)

& the most surprising thing about that killing is 90% bullet used from "both side" were of the same make and 'serial number' imported to the country ....... this report was published by Jang group in its news papers ...... claimed source was forensic department of Sindh Police ......
& the most surprising thing about that killing is 90% bullet used from "both side" were of the same make and 'serial number' imported to the country ....... this report was published by Jang group in its news papers ...... claimed source was forensic department of Sindh Police ......

Not surprised really. :)
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