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2,450 expats embrace Islam in Saudi Arabia

Coming back to the topic, I don't see anything wrong with this conversion. I mean if it helps making the life of these expats any better then why not?

As far as the concern of forced conversion, coercing and enticing people into accepting Islam goes, well am sure Islam is very much against forced conversions. So if you believe in Prophet Mohammed and Allah, which am sure you do( since you are doing dawah), any forced and coerced conversion will not go down well with them, and you are most probably offending Allah and committing a sin.

If you can convince someone into believing and accepting in Islam, purely on the basis of its teachings, then kudos to you. But if you are not, and instead coercing and luring people with monetary and other benefits, then deep down you know you are committing a sin. You might get praise and pats on your back for converting a "non-believer", but thats just in this world. Those praise and pats won't count when the time for judgement comes, cause as far as Allah is concerned you have committed grave sin.

Remember you can't cheat God/Allah, for he knows it all.
Coming back to the topic, I don't see anything wrong with this conversion. I mean if it helps making the life of the expats any better then why not?

As far as the concern of forced conversion, coercing and enticing people into accepting Islam, well am sure Islam is very much against forced conversions. So if you believe in Prophet Mohammed and Allah, which am sure you do( since you are doing dawah), any forced and coerced conversion will not go down well with them, and you are most probably offending Allah and committing a sin.

If you can convince someone into believing and accepting in Islam, purely on the basis of its teachings, then kudos to you. But if you are not, and instead coercing and luring people with monetary and other benefits, then deep down you know you are committing a sin. You might get praise and pats on your back for converting a "non-believer", but thats just in this world. Those praise and pats won't count when the time for judgement comes, cause as far as Allah is concerned you have committed grave sin.

Remember you can't cheat God/Allah, for he knows it all.

Who talks about any forced conversions or encourages them? Those 2450 expatriate from across the world who converted to Islam did it out of their free will. Not at gun point! I don't understand how you can think otherwise or imply the opposite to be the case!

This is not about getting any points but enriching the life's of other people and for them to find the truth. We feel a great satisfaction when that happens but most of all we are happy for the new Muslims. We feel sad when people are not open for Islam due to ignorance.

Nobody lures people to convert to Islam on the premiss of money. Never heard about that! Christianity has been doing that for decades if not centuries. Hence the corrupt papacy. This is not the way of Islam. The message of Islam is powerful but simple and does not need earthly belongings (money) to convince a person with a open heart.

Sir, you should study Islam yourself from authentic sources with a open heart. You should leave polytheism.
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Who talks about any forced conversions or encourages them? Those 2450 expatriate from across the world who converted to Islam did it out of their free will. Not at gun point! I don't understand how you can think otherwise or imply the opposite to be the case!

This is not about getting any points but enriching the life's of other people and for them to find the truth. We feel a great satisfaction when that happens but most of all we are happy for the new Muslims. We feel sad when people are not open for Islam due to ignorance.

Am not talking about just this particular case mate. Whenever there is issue of conversion, be it to Islam, Christianity or any other religion, there is always the debate about forced conversion and luring people into converting in lieu of monetary and other benefits. Thats primarily because, its always the poor and the downtrodden people who convert enmasse. How often do we see well off people convert? I mean of course there are few examples, but they do not form the bulk of the new converts, its always the poor people who, whether it be to Christianity or to Islam.

The Quran as far as I know, and have been told, is very much against forced conversions.
Mr prove his one single point against Quran and Sunnah and even the scholars of Fiqh said when you get Hadees and any of my saying is going against that follow Sahih Hadees Mr you are running away from my question prove any point of Abdul Wahab against Quran and Sunnah this is his main book

Kitab At-Tauhid (Full Color Edition) - Dar-us-Salam.com
read this book and prove anything which is against Quran and Sunnah

Ok thanks for the reference! How will I communicate with you when I have reference to counter it? Will it be via email or PM .. please let me know
Ok thanks for the reference! How will I communicate with you when I have reference to counter it? Will it be via email or PM .. please let me know
Are you on facebook or Twitter
Am not talking about just this particular case mate. Whenever there is issue of conversion, be it to Islam, Christianity or any other religion, there is always the debate about forced conversion and luring people into converting in lieu of monetary and other benefits. Thats primarily because, its always the poor and the downtrodden people who convert enmasse. How often do we see well off countries convert? I mean of course there are few examples, but they do not form the bulk of new converts, whether it be to Christianity or to Islam.

The Quran as far as I know, and have been told, is very much against forced conversions.

I have never heard about such an phenomenon. For example this individual below:

Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

through his pious and Islamic acts and goodness helped convert millions of Africans to Islam. They did not receive anything for converting.

Many rich and famous people have converted to Islam just in USA.

Many famous Danish people have also converted to Islam.

A forced conversion implies a false conversion. So it would be invalid unless the one converted truly accepts the message.


Sahih International
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

Surat Al-Baqarah [2:256] - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

Sir, you should see Islam with a open heart and look at its teachings and not necessarily the Muslims.

In Islam you believe in one Almight God (Allah (swt) and believe that Prophet Muhammad (saws) was the last of Allah's (swt) messengers in a long line of messengers (Prophets).

The noble Qur'an is the word of Allah (swt) and a complete book.

Islam is monotheism.
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Than use this forum Use members club and create a thread their

@Farooq but first read this book which I have told you than come with the point

I can also give you direct contacts of Ulema in Pakistan who have refuted Abdul Wahab Najdi and they can give you several sources
I can also give you direct contacts of Ulema in Pakistan who have refuted Abdul Wahab Najdi and they can give you several sources
Mr I have talked to several and they have failed miserable because I counter check from Quran and sunnah and they fail every time
Than use this forum Use members club and create a thread their

@Farooq but first read this book which I have told you than come with the point

I have no interest in reading a book that is not in accordance to Quran and Hadees....

Ulema of Ahlesunnah have already done the work of reading and refuting the book in light of the Quran and Sunnah, hence there is no need for me to read it.

Mr I have talked to several and they have failed miserable because I counter check from Quran and sunnah and they fail every time

Brother, if you are talking about some shias then of course they will fail because they don't follow the righteous aqueedah themselves
I have no interest in reading a book that is not in accordance to Quran and Hadees....

Ulema of Ahlesunnah have already done the work of reading and refuting the book in light of the Quran and Sunnah, hence there is no need for me to read it.
Mr so sad go and read the book if you have balls and want to follow truth your posts only shows you are never interested in following truth you just want to abuse some one without even knowing what he wrote and said so sad this shows what you are and how much you are interested in finding real facts so sad @al-Hasani he exposed himself right now

I have no interest in reading a book that is not in accordance to Quran and Hadees....

Ulema of Ahlesunnah have already done the work of reading and refuting the book in light of the Quran and Sunnah, hence there is no need for me to read it.

Brother, if you are talking about some shias then of course they will fail because they don't follow the righteous aqueedah themselves
I am talking about Sunnis Mr not Shias those who follow Fiqah Hanafi and others too
Mr so sad go and read the book if you have balls and want to follow truth your posts only shows you are never interested in following truth you just want to abuse some one without even knowing what he wrote and said so sad this shows what you are and how much you are interested in finding real facts so sad @al-Hasani he exposed himself right now

I am talking about Sunnis Mr not Shias those who follow Fiqah Hanafi and others too

Exposed myself?! whats that supposed to mean? When I am Sunni Hanafi why the hell would I read a book of a Najdi Wahabi ... Its like asking a Sunni to read a book of shia lol!

When I wholeheartedly believe and expect what Ulema of AhleSunnah say then why should I be compelled to read his book?

I will give you the direct contacts of Sunni Ulema who will easily refute his book, but I already know I am wasting my time with you since you said that you cross reference.

You are no alim, so who has given you the authority to cross -reference and establish a point to disprove an Islamic scholar ?
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Exposed myself?! whats that supposed to mean? When I am Sunni Hanafi why the hell would I read a book of a Najdi Wahabi ... Its like asking a Sunni to read a book of shia lol!
Mr you are so scared of reading one book Man and you want to abuse a man without knowing the truth and reading what that person said you are doing something which Abu Juhal and others used to say without reading thing without knowing what the person said you are abusing a man pathetically shameful and disgusting and you want to abuse others you are in fact abusing your family and Islam Mr show gutts and read that book
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