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2,450 expats embrace Islam in Saudi Arabia

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Look, mr. toilet cleaner and cow piss drinking Hindu. Let me make this simple for you since it seems that you have a hard time understanding simple things:

Do you see the title of this thread and section? We don't react on your section when you insult Muslims daily there. You better do the same. There are too many of you Indian Hindus who are allowed to insult Muslims and Islam daily on this section and elsewhere when this is a majority Muslim forum. The day you stop doing that you can ask for respect. Until then keep your compatriots in order for us not to react to them in the same language they use.

The day you stop insulting Muslims and Islam we will not be hostile to you people.
But I hear that killing poor Indian Muslims is a favorite pastime in India so what am I expecting.

First of my dear simple minded beduin, there are people in earth who don't believe in fairy tales and call themselves agnostic, I'm that. You may google to find out the meaning, not sure if that would be blasphemous.

Secondly, wahhabi, could you please explain your post - who's the Indian here you were referring to?

You are obviously either a clueless dumb Indian Hindu or a frustrated Shia but you sure don't have a clue about history. So no need to explain that to a creature like you.

I see no Indian here only a clueless arab who hasn't been taught manners by his parents.
Don't care what what dumb anti-Muslims like you have to say. Understand? Now get lost. This thread is still not about you. Don't provoke Muslims here or find another forum.

@AhsanAmin dawah is obligatory in Islam. So you are wrong.

Muslims understand Islam by large. It is non-Muslims practices that are the problem.
Brother, can you take over from here?

The Indian/Hindu false flagger that can't spell to simple Islamic expressions, who takes the side of Hindus always, who is supporting al-Asshead (Child-Murderer) in Syria and who is a majoos seriously need help. Some Najdi must have beat the crap out of him.

99% of all his posts are about us Muslims and Saudi Arabians. That little creature suffers from seizures.

What an ignoramus your are! You labelled me a shia and a hindu in one sentence...

An oxymoron and a diseased brain of a najdi at its finest!!
Hey man! Watch it! Please don't insult Islam or Muslims because of this najdi dog... you very well know that he belongs of the cult of Wahabiism so insult his cult which has nothing to do with Islam .. Thanks!
I didn't intend to, I'm sorry if you find it offensive. I'll edit my posts just because you said it nicely and like a gentleman should unlike the ill-mannered kid who thinks his dads oil money will bestow him class as well.
What an ignoramus your are! You labelled me a shia and a hindu in one sentence...

An oxymoron and a diseased brain of a najdi at its finest!!

You are undoubtedly one of those things. You make your own pick majoos. It seems that you have still not taken a bath. Better do it.
Brother, Baghdad was only relevant when it was the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate for 400 years or so. But it heydays ended when the savage Mongols destroyed it in 1258.
The Ottomans did not exist during the Golden Age of Islam.
Siege of Baghdad (1258) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Islamic Golden Age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abbasid Caliphate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think I said the same thing you are saying. In their own times, they were model societies. Really long time ago.

Really religion portrayed to rest of the world is how its people practice it. If we claim Islam is a great religion and do not follow its teachings in the right spirit, we need not invite anybody in the rest of the world to follow it. We have to make ourselves better and if the rest of the people like us, this is the only way to propagate the religion.
Brother, can you take over from here?

The Indian/Hindu false flagger that can't spell to simple Islamic expressions, who takes the side of Hindus always, who is supporting al-Asshead (Child-Murderer) in Syria and who is a majoos seriously need help. Some Najdi must have beat the crap out of him.

99% of all his posts are about us Muslims and Saudi Arabians. That little creature suffers from seizures.

Which country give bases to US for attacks in Afganistan, Iraq? Which county host american fleet in her water. Even India has decline US request for one brigade to Afganistan/Iraq. So which country is insulting Islam ?
I didn't understand most of what you said due to your poor grammar, but like I said if you feel that the shaytaan british agent Abdul Wahab Najdi is above all the Ulema of the Muslim Ummah then continue to live in the dark pit of ignorance

Abdul Wahab Najdi turned against his own brother and father who were Sunni Ulema
Mr prove his one single point against Quran and Sunnah and even the scholars of Fiqh said when you get Hadees and any of my saying is going against that follow Sahih Hadees Mr you are running away from my question prove any point of Abdul Wahab against Quran and Sunnah this is his main book

Kitab At-Tauhid (Full Color Edition) - Dar-us-Salam.com
read this book and prove anything which is against Quran and Sunnah
I think I said the same thing you are saying. In their own times, they were model societies. Really long time ago.

Really religion portrayed to rest of the world is how its people practice it. If we claim Islam is a great religion and do not follow its teachings in the right spirit, we need not invite anybody in the rest of the world to follow it. We have to make ourselves better and if the rest of the people like us, this is the only way to propagate the religion.

You just said Ottomans which had nothing to do with the Golden Age of Islam, the Abbasids or Baghdad at its hight.

Why is Islam the fastest growing religion in terms of conversions then? People obviously feel attracted to it despite all the propaganda and people like @Farooq that is a false flagger who is more focused on supporting the enemies of Muslims than actual Muslims.

Muslims are better than most other people on average. They live a much more pious life. Go take an average Muslim family and compare it to an nominally Christian for instance and see it for yourself.

Which country give bases to US for attacks in Afganistan, Iraq? Which county host american fleet in her water. Even India has decline US request for one brigade to Afganistan/Iraq. So which country is insulting Islam ?

LOL, go educate yourself Indian. KSA did none of those things.

Listen let us Muslim discuss Muslim matters here.
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I think I said the same thing you are saying. In their own times, they were model societies. Really long time ago.

Really religion portrayed to rest of the world is how its people practice it. If we claim Islam is a great religion and do not follow its teachings in the right spirit, we need not invite anybody in the rest of the world to follow it. We have to make ourselves better and if the rest of the people like us, this is the only way to propagate the religion.

The problem of the Muslim world is not Islam (never was) but internal and external conflicts and cultural practices that have nothing to do with Islam and lastly internal rivalries (sects etc.)

Take a look at this @Farooq individual who hides his identity, always takes the side of non-Muslims in this case Indians, 90% of all his posts are insults towards Muslims and in particular Saudi Arabians that happen to be from Najd, who invents lies, who calls people names without any reason (see his first post in this thread that started this debate etc.), who supports a Child-Murderer and tyrant in Al-Assad that has killed thousands upon thousands of Muslims in Syria etc. He and his likes are one of the problems indeed.

Why is it that well-known anti-Muslim users (openly and proudly admit that) from India and other countries are cheering for Al-Asshead together with a so-called self-proclaimed Muslim like him who cannot even spell simple Islamic expressions but master all insulsts?
I didn't intend to, I'm sorry if you find it offensive. I'll edit my posts just because you said it nicely and like a gentleman should unlike the ill-mannered kid who thinks his dads oil money will bestow him class as well.

Brother, that piglet you are referring to is not only despised by non-Muslims, but also Muslims on every inch of this planet, but the piglet has been taught to live a delusional bubble and made to believe that he commands respect in the Muslim Ummah.

When in fact, the wahabi najdi cult he belongs to is part of every single terrorist act across the globe, so why wouldn't you expect the piglet to randomly insult non-Muslims?

Furthermore, what more do you expect from these swine when they openly support the terrorist killing innocent people in Syria and those who are entertained by beheading of people, or those who eat the hearts of humans with the support of their masters in the West?

They have nothing to with Islam or Muslims, virtually their every act is contrary to the teaching of Islam and the Sunnah of The Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ..

Lastly, look how stupid and delusional this piglet is! He is contradicting himself by calling me shia and hindu inthe same sentence and thinks that is perfectly normal.

Given the level of their intelligence no wonder how easily their white masters control them
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I think I said the same thing you are saying. In their own times, they were model societies. Really long time ago.

Really religion portrayed to rest of the world is how its people practice it. If we claim Islam is a great religion and do not follow its teachings in the right spirit, we need not invite anybody in the rest of the world to follow it. We have to make ourselves better and if the rest of the people like us, this is the only way to propagate the religion.

The problem of the Muslim world is not Islam (never was) but internal and external conflicts and cultural practices that have nothing to do with Islam and lastly internal rivalries (sects etc.)

Take a look at this @Farooq individual who hides his identity, always takes the side of non-Muslims in this case Indians, 90% of all his posts are insults towards Muslims and in particular Saudi Arabians that happen to be from Najd, who invents lies, who calls people names without any reason (see his first post in this thread that started this debate etc.), who supports a Child-Murderer and tyrant in Al-Assad that has killed thousands upon thousands of Muslims in Syria etc. He and his likes are one of the problems indeed.

Why is it that well-known anti-Muslim users (openly and proudly admit that) from India and other countries are cheering for Al-Asshead together with a so-called self-proclaimed Muslim like him who cannot even spell simple Islamic expressions but master all insulsts?
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