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2,450 expats embrace Islam in Saudi Arabia

Exposed myself?! whats that supposed to mean? When I am Sunni Hanafi why the hell would I read a book of a Najdi Wahabi ... Its like asking a Sunni to read a book of shia lol!

When I wholeheartedly believe and expect what Ulema of AhleSunnah say then why should I be compelled to read his book?

Do you even know what you are talking about? Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi was a Sunni himself. A Hanbali Sunni one of the 4 recognized madahib in Sunni Islam, the one you claim to belong to.


Here find anything that goes against the noble Qur'an or the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saws) in that book. Good luck with that.

Once again I state to you (whether you believe it or not I don't care about) that I am a Sunni of the Shafi'i fiqh (I can quickly give you the titles of the books I have read in Arabic on my own fiqh) but I do consider all 4 madahib of Sunnis Islam to be EQUAL.

Maybe it is time for you to do the same if you claim to be a Sunni? How about that?
Dumb replies like Najdi this and that (like there was anything wrong with being from NAJD (LOL) is not going to work. Especially since I am not Najdi or from Najd.
Mr you are so scared of reading one book Man and you want to abuse a man without knowing the truth and reading what that person said you are doing something which Abu Juhal and others used to say without reading thing without knowing what the person said you are abusing a man pathetically shameful and disgusting and you want to abuse others you are in fact abusing your family and Islam Mr show gutts and read that book

According to shari'ah it is not permissible to read the books deviant scholars wether they be shia, wahabi, etc, hence the reason I will not read the book

I will post the contacts of Sunni scholars so you can ask them

Do you even know what you are talking about? Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi was a Sunni himself. A Hanbali Sunni one of the 4 recognized madahib in Sunni Islam, the one you claim to belong to.


Here find anything that goes against the noble Qur'an or the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saws) in that book. Good luck with that.

Once again I state to you (whether you believe it or not I don't care about) that I am a Sunni of the Shafi'i fiqh (I can quickly give you the titles of the books I have read in Arabic on my own fiqh) but I do consider all 4 madahib of Sunnis Islam to be EQUAL.

Maybe it is time for you to do the same if you claim to be a Sunni? How about that?
Dumb replies like Najdi this and that (like there was anything wrong with being from NAJD (LOL) is not going to work. Especially since I am not Najdi or from Najd.

Why are you even replying to my posts? didn't you already label me hindu and shia in one sentence?! lol!
According to shari'ah it is not permissible to read the books deviant scholars wether they be shia, wahabi, etc, hence the reason I will not read the book

I will post the contacts of Sunni scholars so you can ask them

Why are you even replying to my posts? didn't you already label me hindu and shia in one sentence?! lol!

Now you are doing it again. Even fiercely anti-Muslim and Shia majoos sources consider the Hanbali fiqh as a conservative form of Sunni Islam which itself is considered the conservative branch of Islam.Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi (ra) himself was an Hanbali Muslim. He memorized the Qur'an by heart as a 10 year old and studied in Makkah, Iraq and under the best scholars in that contemporary age.

The fact that you do not even dare or bother to read a book tells a lot. If we had the same attitude like you we would allow Shias to spread their false beliefs among Muslims and insult us. But since we do not allow that we have many people, including myself, who are fairly well-read when it comes to Shia sources (Twelver in particular) and we can quickly pick their beliefs apart. Just like the Nusayri sects and others.

I said that judging from your actions that you are probably one of those two options since your rhetoric is a carbon copy of theirs.

Also how does that differ from your rhetoric and calling me falsely for an Najdi, despite me not being from Najd (ask any Saudi Arabian or Arab member on this forum) or a "Wahhabi".

Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you know who that person above is? A relative of my father and a former close friend of my family. He is my biggest contemporary inspiration in terms of Islamic scholars. He visited Pakistan on numerous occasions. Read his books.

Why can you not accept the fact that you as a Sunni Muslim should have no problems with gaining knowledge from scholars of all madahib? Whether Hanafi, Maiki, Shafi'i or Hanbali? As long as they do not contradict the Noble Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet then what is exactly the problem? Can you tell me that?
According to shari'ah it is not permissible to read the books deviant scholars wether they be shia, wahabi, etc, hence the reason I will not read the book

I will post the contacts of Sunni scholars so you can ask them

Why are you even replying to my posts? didn't you already label me hindu and shia in one sentence?! lol!
O Man you are amazing you are so scared of truth Mr you just want listen and without checking the truth you want to believe that only proves how big liar you are Mr show gutts and read that book than talk Mr you just like those enemies of Islam Abu Juhal and others their is no difference in you and them same excuses

Anyway you made a claim of being able to counter that book by using the Noble Qur'an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saws) so we are all waiting for that. I would never make any claim of any Sunni Muslim scholar being wrong just because he happens to belong to one of the 4 different madahib in Sunni Islam. Or one that I don't follow. I have used Hanafi sources and scholars myself. I have no problem with that. Now I am about to read more on the Maliki fiqh that I know the least about.
O Man you are amazing you are so scared of truth Mr you just want listen and without checking the truth you want to believe that only proves how big liar you are Mr show gutts and read that book than talk Mr you just like those enemies of Islam Abu Juhal and others their is no difference in you and them same excuses

All you are doing is parroting the same line over and over again like you do in your Tablighi Jamat chilas.

Do you have have the guts to ask a Sunni Alim to disprove Abdul Wahab Najdi ? or are you sold on the idea that Adbul Wahab Najdi is above all the Sunni scholars of the Muslim Ummah ? Answer the questions rather than going around in circles
For one there is no hell. And even if there is hell and fire how are you supposed to feel the fire when you are dead already? Stupid much? To me it seems like a bad parenting lesson.

Listen if you drink alcohol and be gay I will put you in fire :( But Mommy I am an adult and I can handle 2 beers. No No No HELL FIRE Okay Mommy :(

So if God who created everything says something to do it doesn't make any sense, but if Government tells you to follow rules, pay your taxes, don't steal, don't rob, don't rape otherwise you will be given tight punishment make sense to you? It's same like doing something against the rule, challenging State writ is problem, but challenging God Almighty is not a problem? It's just prospective, think! And you will Believe.

For the Blinds there is no color, no faces. But it doesn't make them non existing. And it will be amazing when someone close his eyes and stop watching colors.

I would suggest you to first read, understand then judge. This is how scientist work, Mathematicians work, how we logical being are to be.
Now you are doing it again. Even fiercely anti-Muslim and Shia majoos sources consider the Hanbali fiqh as a conservative form of Sunni Islam which itself is considered the conservative branch of Islam.

that is patently false..

no shia regards any of the four righteous madhabs of Ahle Sunnath to be correct... their false aqueedah is completely different from AhleSunnah

So for you to say that refuting Abdul Wahab Najdi makes me shia / hindu when I said I am Hanafi Sunni is plain idiotic and I think it's best you admit that
Sir Russia and Europe are coming to Islam and thousands convert to Islam every day and in an year it is really large numbers and to make things worse for Euorpeans and Russians Muslims who live in these countries they mostly go for three children at least and many of them go for none but those who have converted to Saudi Arabia I hope have converted from their free will just like those who convert in Europe @al-Hasani

Sir these are all your delusions. Unlike you, this topic (Islamic Theological Responses to Criticisms; and State of Dawah and future of world religions) is my actual 'research' topic for past 2.5 years now.

Let me just 'scratch the surface' of my (our) findings habibi..

Muslims generally tend to live in the "hype" that is created by Christian/Western World for their own political agenda(s) regarding immigration/right-wing politics etc but also for the the purpose of disillusioning Muslims into thinking "Oh man, we are gonna take over Europe blah blah..Muslims are spreading so fast..Islam is gonna be the largest religion..blah blah"..while at the same time, Christian missionaries have been KILLING Islam at home or its perspective markets (Like Africa, rural China, and Latin America) etc. Remember, Christianity and Islam are both 'organized' religions. In a neutral Area, the religion that spreads first effectively 'blocks off' the spread of other religion since it has already "ingrained" itself in the new region and organized itself ideologically. There, it was very easy to convert animists Africans to Christianity (while Muslims were sleeping as always)..and now, it is next to impossible to convert Christian Africans to Islam. Yes, conversions here and there are possible..but to make sub saharan Africa from Christian majority to Muslim majority..it is almost an impossible task, I'm afraid to say....

And regarding the Muslim birth rate and happiness that poor, clue-less Muslims get from it, guess what? Muslim birth rates have declined at unprecedented levels in history...Just for your info, today's average Muslim birth rate is at the same level of Europeans' birth rate when their per capita income was $25,000!!! With development, birth rates decline..but it is a DISASTER for Muslim World b/c our birth rates have declined already but WITHOUT the development levels that match with those birth rates (thanks to your sunni-shia bullshit wars, political instabilities, and khalifat bs dreams...Muslim World missed out on massive advancement of humanity after WW2!)

Look here

This is the summary of a research paper done on demographic change in the Islamic World. Read this!

I have read the whole report. If you want, I can give you that too.

And lastly, a certain land can hold certain amount of people..thats the law of nature. It is called "Population Pyramid" ...Now-a-days, Islamic World is going through what is called as 'population bulge'...You see alot of babies and young population...good...but do you know that during my research, we modeled population pyramids of OIC nations..all of them.

Guess what my typical delusional Muslim friend(s)?

According to the population model (which is VERY accurate scientifically), Islamic population of the world will reach at its peak around 2050-60..and from 2060-65, it will start to DECLINE! as Islamic World as a whole just doesn't have enough resources to just continue growing population wise, and with the continued development, children bearing among population goes down.

These two effects, no matter how resourceful a society is, are bound to happen. NO ESCAPING FROM IT! That is why you see even HYPER-ADVANCE nations like Japan or Germany facing this declining population problem
..why? because no matter how much tech you have, a certain amount of land can hold certain amount of people..thats it. For Japan, that number is 90 to 105 million people..and hence you see their population slowly and slowly coming towards this 'limit'...

United States (the largest christian country) will continue to grow upward even in 2100 hundred...since it has SO, SO much resources, water, land, and technology etc.

In such conditions, if we want Islam to continue to prosper well beyond 21st century, then we have to make steps NOW...instead of living in delusions of 'Islam this' and 'Islam that'....You see, whites are always successful b/c instead of living in delusions and getting distracted by present 'dreams', they think about the future. In our research, we found out that catholic church had detailllledddddd plans and preparations on African continent by 1948!!! They knew, with the help of experts, that the coming 'population explosion' is in Africa..so plant seeds of Christianity there..and the population will explode..and you'll have permanent explosion in Christian numbers at the same time!!!. And this is exactly what happened! You see, intelligence, planning, and far-sightedness always yield brilliant results.

Muslim World, as a whole, also needs to take similar approach..

Sub Saharan Africa, rural China, and Latin America are MASSIVE untapped markets for us. We have alot of space there to spread the message of Islam. We must act before it is too late (its already very late but better late than never)

My Arab mates @al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Knight might also find this post useful may be...

I wish I was an Arab with access to royal family..I'd have shared by research results with the King and tell him that sir, kindly look into this matter too, and don't spend all your time with shia-sunni, Iran-Arab issues only..lol
that is paternally false..

no shia regards any of the four righteous madhabs of Ahle Sunnath to be correct... their false aqueedah is completely different from AhleSunnah

So for you to say that refuting Abdul Wahab Najdi makes me shia / hindu when I said I am Hanafi Sunni is plain idiotic and I think it's best you admit that

I am not saying anything about Shia being right. I said that even they admit that the Hanbali fiqh which Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi belonged to and what most of the people whom you call "Wahhabis" belong to are the most conservative fiqh in Sunni Islam. That does not mean that they are not Sunni Muslims or that their believes are wrong. A serious question. Since you say that you were born as an Sunni Muslim of the Hanafi fiqh. How many of the other 3 madahib in Sunni Islam have you bothered to even remotely study just for a little? Do you only use the opinion of some local Sunni Hanafi scholars that are unknown to the Islamic world? Which famous scholar/ globally recognized scholar is your reference point?

Same as you calling a Sunni Muslim of the Shafi'i fiqh for a cult member and me for a Najdi or constantly insulting Najdis for no reason. Why are you insulting Najdis? Do you even know that most of the people of Najd are originally from Hijaz, Yemen, Iraq and elsewhere? Many from illustrious Arab tribes that played a great role in Islam?

Ever heard about the Banu Tamim tribe for instance and what Prophet Muhammad (saws) had to say about them? They lived and still live in Najd today aside from all the Arab countries due to migrations. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi was from that tribe.

Banu Tamim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you will apologize for your constant insults for the past months I will apologize and we will leave it at that and just agree to disagree. I have no problem with doing that.

@AUz , nobody here has any access to any royal families nor are we members a part of that family nor have we any influence. Sorry.
All you are doing is parroting the same line over and over again like you do in your Tablighi Jamat chilas.

Do you have have the guts to ask a Sunni Alim to disprove Abdul Wahab Najdi ? or are you sold on the idea that Adbul Wahab Najdi is above all the Sunni scholars of the Muslim Ummah ? Answer the questions rather than going around in circles
Mr I follow Quran and Sunnah and read that book if you have balls and than come you can't post one single thing against Quran and Sunnah Mr show gutts and read book your so called Ulemas always come up with lies

Sir these are all your delusions. Unlike you, this topic (Islamic Theological Responses to Criticisms; and State of Dawah and future of world religions) is my actual 'research' topic for past 2.5 years now.

Let me just 'scratch the surface' of my (our) findings habibi..

Muslims generally tend to live in the "hype" that is created by Christian/Western World for their own political agenda(s) regarding immigration/right-wing politics etc but also for the the purpose of disillusioning Muslims into thinking "Oh man, we are gonna take over Europe blah blah..Muslims are spreading so fast..Islam is gonna be the largest religion..blah blah"..while at the same time, Christian missionaries have been KILLING Islam at home or its perspective markets (Like Africa, rural China, and Latin America) etc. Remember, Christianity and Islam are both 'organized' religions. In a neutral Area, the religion that spreads first effectively 'blocks off' the spread of other religion since it has already "ingrained" itself in the new region and organized itself ideologically. There, it was very easy to convert animists Africans to Christianity (while Muslims were sleeping as always)..and now, it is next to impossible to convert Christian Africans to Islam. Yes, conversions here and there are possible..but to make sub saharan Africa from Christian majority to Muslim majority..it is almost an impossible task, I'm afraid to say....

And regarding the Muslim birth rate and happiness that poor, clue-less Muslims get from it, guess what? Muslim birth rates have declined at unprecedented levels in history...Just for your info, today's average Muslim birth rate is at the same level of Europeans' birth rate when their per capita income was $25,000!!! With development, birth rates decline..but it is a DISASTER for Muslim World b/c our birth rates have declined already but WITHOUT the development levels that match with those birth rates (thanks to your sunni-shia bullshit wars, political instabilities, and khalifat bs dreams...Muslim World missed out on massive advancement of humanity after WW2!)

Look here

This is the summary of a research paper done on demographic change in the Islamic World. Read this!

A demographic shift in the Muslim world - Washington Post
I have read the whole report. If you want, I can give you that too.

And lastly, a certain land can hold certain amount of people..thats the law of nature. It is called "Population Pyramid" ...Now-a-days, Islamic World is going through what is called as 'population bulge'...You see alot of babies and young population...good...but do you know that during my research, we modeled population pyramids of OIC nations..all of them.
Guess what my typical delusional Muslim friend(s)?

According to the population model (which is VERY accurate scientifically), Islamic population of the world will reach at its peak around 2050-60..and from 2060-65, it will start to DECLINE! as Islamic World as a whole just doesn't have enough resources to just continue growing population wise, and with the continued development, children bearing among population goes down.

These two effects, no matter how resourceful a society is, are bound to happen. NO ESCAPING FROM IT! That is why you see even HYPER-ADVANCE nations like Japan or Germany facing this declining population problem
..why? because no matter how much tech you have, a certain amount of land can hold certain amount of people..thats it. For Japan, that number is 90 to 105 million people..and hence you see their population slowly and slowly coming towards this 'limit'...

United States (the largest christian country) will continue to grow upward even in 2100 hundred...since it has SO, SO much resources, water, land, and technology etc.

In such conditions, if we want Islam to continue to prosper well beyond 21st century, then we have to make steps NOW...instead of living in delusions of 'Islam this' and 'Islam that'....You see, whites are always successful b/c instead of living in delusions and getting distracted by present 'dreams', they think about the future. In our research, we found out that catholic church had detailllledddddd plans and preparations on African continent by 1948!!! They knew, with the help of experts, that the coming 'population explosion' is in Africa..so plant seeds of Christianity there..and the population will explode..and you'll have permanent explosion in Christian numbers at the same time!!!. And this is exactly what happened! You see, intelligence, planning, and far-sightedness always yield brilliant results.

Muslim World, as a whole, also needs to take similar approach..

Sub Saharan Africa, rural China, and Latin America are MASSIVE untapped markets for us. We have alot of space there to spread the message of Islam. We must act before it is too late (its already very late but better late than never)

My Arab mates @al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Knight might also find this post useful may be...

I wish I was an Arab with access to royal family..I'd have shared by research results with the King and tell him that sir, kindly look into this matter too, and don't spend all your time with shia-sunni, Iran-Arab issues only..lol
Sir I know they are doing propaganda too but they are doing it because they can see its spread mr and they have to stop I my self is involved in dawah and my friends in Europe and I can tell Islam is growing both through thousands of converts and also birthrate what needed to be done is those who are born Muslims they have to come close to Islam as well as make organisations where we can help new Muslims in every way
I am not saying anything about Shia being right. I said that even they admit that the Hanbali fiqh which Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi belonged to and what most of the people whom you call "Wahhabis" belong to are the most conservative fiqh in Sunni Islam. That does not mean that they are not Sunni Muslims or that their believes are wrong. A serious question. Since you say that you were born as an Sunni Muslim of the Hanafi fiqh. How many of the other 3 madahib in Sunni Islam have you bothered to even remotely study just for a little? Do you only use the opinion of some local Sunni Hanafi scholars that are unknown to the Islamic world? Which famous scholar/ globally recognized scholar is your reference point?

Same as you calling a Sunni Muslim of the Shafi'i fiqh for a cult member and me for a Najdi or constantly insulting Najdis for no reason. Why are you insulting Najdis? Do you even know that most of the people of Najd are originally from Hijaz, Yemen, Iraq and elsewhere? Many from illustrious Arab tribes that played a great role in Islam?

Ever heard about the Banu Tamim tribe for instance and what Prophet Muhammad (saws) had to say about them? They lived and still live in Najd today aside from all the Arab countries due to migrations. Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi was from that tribe.

Banu Tamim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you will apologize for your constant insults for the past months I will apologize and we will leave it at that and just agree to disagree. I have no problem with doing that.

@AUz , nobody here has any access to any royal families nor are we members a part of that family nor have we any influence. Sorry.
I never said that you said that shias are right.

I am well aware of your correct views on shias.

However, my point is that no shia considers any of the four madhabs to be conservative because that will be an admission to their aqueedah being false.
Sir these are all your delusions. Unlike you, this topic (Islamic Theological Responses to Criticisms; and State of Dawah and future of world religions) is my actual 'research' topic for past 2.5 years now.

Let me just 'scratch the surface' of my (our) findings habibi..

Muslims generally tend to live in the "hype" that is created by Christian/Western World for their own political agenda(s) regarding immigration/right-wing politics etc but also for the the purpose of disillusioning Muslims into thinking "Oh man, we are gonna take over Europe blah blah..Muslims are spreading so fast..Islam is gonna be the largest religion..blah blah"..while at the same time, Christian missionaries have been KILLING Islam at home or its perspective markets (Like Africa, rural China, and Latin America) etc. Remember, Christianity and Islam are both 'organized' religions. In a neutral Area, the religion that spreads first effectively 'blocks off' the spread of other religion since it has already "ingrained" itself in the new region and organized itself ideologically. There, it was very easy to convert animists Africans to Christianity (while Muslims were sleeping as always)..and now, it is next to impossible to convert Christian Africans to Islam. Yes, conversions here and there are possible..but to make sub saharan Africa from Christian majority to Muslim majority..it is almost an impossible task, I'm afraid to say....

And regarding the Muslim birth rate and happiness that poor, clue-less Muslims get from it, guess what? Muslim birth rates have declined at unprecedented levels in history...Just for your info, today's average Muslim birth rate is at the same level of Europeans' birth rate when their per capita income was $25,000!!! With development, birth rates decline..but it is a DISASTER for Muslim World b/c our birth rates have declined already but WITHOUT the development levels that match with those birth rates (thanks to your sunni-shia bullshit wars, political instabilities, and khalifat bs dreams...Muslim World missed out on massive advancement of humanity after WW2!)

Look here

This is the summary of a research paper done on demographic change in the Islamic World. Read this!

A demographic shift in the Muslim world - Washington Post
I have read the whole report. If you want, I can give you that too.

And lastly, a certain land can hold certain amount of people..thats the law of nature. It is called "Population Pyramid" ...Now-a-days, Islamic World is going through what is called as 'population bulge'...You see alot of babies and young population...good...but do you know that during my research, we modeled population pyramids of OIC nations..all of them.
Guess what my typical delusional Muslim friend(s)?

According to the population model (which is VERY accurate scientifically), Islamic population of the world will reach at its peak around 2050-60..and from 2060-65, it will start to DECLINE! as Islamic World as a whole just doesn't have enough resources to just continue growing population wise, and with the continued development, children bearing among population goes down.
These two effects, no matter how resourceful a society is, are bound to happen. NO ESCAPING FROM IT! That is why you see even HYPER-ADVANCE nations like Japan or Germany facing this declining population problem..why? because no matter how much tech you have, a certain amount of land can hold certain amount of people..thats it. For Japan, that number is 90 to 105 million people..and hence you see their population slowly and slowly coming towards this 'limit'...

United States (the largest christian country) will continue to grow upward even in 2100 hundred...since it has SO, SO much resources, water, land, and technology etc.

In such conditions, if we want Islam to continue to prosper well beyond 21st century, then we have to make steps NOW...instead of living in delusions of 'Islam this' and 'Islam that'....You see, whites are always successful b/c instead of living in delusions and getting distracted by present 'dreams', they think about the future. In our research, we found out that catholic church had detailllledddddd plans and preparations on African continent by 1948!!! They knew, with the help of experts, that the coming 'population explosion' is in Africa..so plant seeds of Christianity there..and the population will explode..and you'll have permanent explosion in Christian numbers at the same time!!!. And this is exactly what happened! You see, intelligence, planning, and far-sightedness always yield brilliant results.

Muslim World, as a whole, also needs to take similar approach..

Sub Saharan Africa, rural China, and Latin America are MASSIVE untapped markets for us. We have alot of space there to spread the message of Islam. We must act before it is too late (its already very late but better late than never)

My Arab mates @al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Knight might also find this post useful may be...

I wish I was an Arab with access to royal family..I'd have shared by research results with the King and tell him that sir, kindly look into this matter too, and don't spend all your time with shia-sunni, Iran-Arab issues only..lol

I read your post @AUz and I largely agree. Well, we can see that most Muslims look up to Western ideals, societies, music, films, clothes, political views, leaders etc. so it is of little surprise that we lack behind when it comes to being united and promoting Islam compared to the Christians. It is of course a deliberate tactic from the West when they demonize Muslims since it serves them many favors.

Do you have any statistics that we can read from your claims on those posts. They seem interesting.

Nothing is impossible my friend.

China do not allow dawah so that market is closed.:D India on the other hand should be the aim IMO.
I read your post @AUz and I largely agree. Well, we can see that most Muslims look up to Western ideals, societies, music, films, clothes, political views, leaders etc. so it is of little surprise that we lack behind when it comes to being united and promoting Islam compared to the Christians. It is of course a deliberate tactic from the West when they demonize Muslims since it serves them many favors.

Do you have any statistics that we can read from your claims on those posts. They seem interesting.

Nothing is impossible my friend.

China do not allow dawah so that market is closed.:D India on the other hand should be the aim IMO.

never thought I'd I agree with anything you said, but you are spot in your assessment!

We are falling behind because we have left our deen and adopted the corrupt culture of Western ideals
never thought I'd I agree with anything you said, but you are spot in your assessment!

We are falling behind because we have left our deem and adopted the corrupt culture of Western ideals

I don't think that our views differ that much…… We disagree on Syria but as you might now then I don't support any group in Syria other than a future MUSLIM Syria free from Al-Asshead and the Nusayri minority rule. That is all. Let the Syrians rule. I don't true the Ba'athi propaganda of 99% of Syrians supporting that dictator and the nonsense we hear. Both sides have faults but in principal and from a Muslim viewpoint I consider the Syrian opposition to have a more just cause.

Well, I have lived in Europe for years and studied 1 year in the USA and I have observed Muslims in those regions closely and the conclusion is that many have simply abandoned their religion, culture and heritage in favor of the Western that they deem superior. The same things are happening in the Muslim world.

If we were in our old state there would be no need to that because when we would look at others we would always look down and today we look up…...
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