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2,450 expats embrace Islam in Saudi Arabia

So if God who created everything says something to do it doesn't make any sense, but if Government tells you to follow rules, pay your taxes, don't steal, don't rob, don't rape otherwise you will be given tight punishment make sense to you? It's same like doing something against the rule, challenging State writ is problem, but challenging God Almighty is not a problem? It's just prospective, think! And you will Believe.

For the Blinds there is no color, no faces. But it doesn't make them non existing. And it will be amazing when someone close his eyes and stop watching colors.

I would suggest you to first read, understand then judge. This is how scientist work, Mathematicians work, how we logical being are to be.

So god's idea of punishment is putting his own creation in fire for something as trivial as not dressing according to his norms/drink alcohol/homosexuality? Why does god even bother as to how his/her creation are living their lives? As far as hurting others goes we have our government/police/courts for that. So what is the need for a god? God created the world and everything? K thank you very much God now get on with your business we would like to live our lives our own way.
I have never heard about such an phenomenon. For example this individual below:

In Islam you believe in one Almight God (Allah (swt) and believe that Prophet Muhammad (saws) was the last of Allah's (swt) messengers in a long line of messengers (Prophets).

The noble Qur'an is the word of Allah (swt) and a complete book.

Islam is monotheism.

How do you explain this? If this is not luring people by money then I don't know what is. People can sugar coat it and try to justify it as much as they want, but the truth is people are being "paid" to convert, in majority of the cases. I personally don't see anything wrong with it, specially on the part of the converts.

If i was poor, and was offered good amount of cash, help for my family, scholarships and good future for my kids, I would convert to any xyz religion. However, if the person converting others by handing out money thinks he is spreading "God's message" and that doing so will get him in God's good books, then he is definitely mistaken.

ABU DHABI // One hundred new converts to Islam will each receive an equal share of Dh1 million donated by the Zakat Fund. Zakat, the third pillar of Islam, is a mandatory tax for every Muslim who is financially able to contribute. It is calculated at 2.5 per cent of financial assets, but has different rates for a variety of other sources of wealth, such as livestock and minerals.

New converts are one of eight broad categories defined as deserving recipients of zakat in Islam. "It is our duty as Muslims to encourage and support those who embrace Islam to help show them the right way of life and to encourage them [to] learn more about their religion and how to behave like real Muslims," said Abdullah al Muhairi, the fund's secretary general, in a statement yesterday. "Supporting those who have recently converted to Islam strengthens the feeling of brotherhood, justice and equality among Muslims," he added.

The Zakat Fund was established in 2003 by Sheikh Zayed, the late founder of the UAE. The fund recently set a record target of Dh72million for zakat revenues in the month of Ramadan, after announcing that its revenues in the first half of 2010 had doubled compared to the same period in 2009. The fund maintains that the increase in revenues is a result of greater transparency in the handling of zakat finances.

It recently approved scholarships for 59 students worth Dh14m for needy college students, as part of a separate programme called "Iqra" (Read). The project is one of several run by the fund, which include providing assistance for jailed debtors who defaulted on their loans, Emirati women married to foreigners and ill people who cannot afford treatment. @Email:kshaheen@thenational.ae

Read more: Zakat Fund to give Dh1 million for 100 converts | The National
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P.S: Am very much open minded towards Islam, infact my wife and her family are Muslims. Although some of you would say that she is not a Muslim because she married a "non-believer", but lets leave me out of this discussion.
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So god's idea of punishment is putting his own creation in fire for something as trivial as not dressing according to his norms/drink alcohol/homosexuality? Why does god even bother as to how his/her creation are living their lives? As far as hurting others goes we have our government/police/courts for that. So what is the need for a god? God created the world and everything? K thank you very much God now get on with your business we would like to live our lives our own way.

How exactly you favoring Alcohol ? I have seen people getting out of nervous and fighting just because of drunk too much. Many stories, where girls were too drunk to get away from Rape. So far dressing concern, I remember the wording of one of DSP in Mumbai (& He wasn't Muslim), when Rape was increase. He suggest to cover complete body till this things get controlled. HomoSexuality has many medical problems. Have you heard about warms in the ***. This allow Adult to start abusing kids. & one study suggest, most of the kids who was abused during childhood become Gay.

Each deed restricted has problems within. It's not like God is don't know his creation.

lol, you are speaking like sci-fiction story when Robots will start question, why wee need human.. unlike Robots, Humans are not good enough to take over God.

It's He who created us with the purpose. It is He who will inquiry us (after death). What we did, why even after listening the Message, still we were following same path. Choice is yours Only.
Good for them.

Anyway,as @AUz,cleverly pointed out the ideological battle nowadays is not for a few converts here and there in places where other Abrahamic religions are entrenched and therefore almost impossible to dislodge(despite some randome conversions to each side) but for "fertile","unexplored" lands.Sub Saharan Africa has been converted to Christianity,next.........China(Christianity growing fast) ! After we win this also (30-50 years) is game over .:-) :yahoo:

Still the question remains,did they convert to Islam because they believe its the right religion or just because its easier as a Muslim over there?
Islam is the will of God

It is the duty of us all to spread islam across europe, across africa and asia and the world

Islam in africa is fine its spreading naturally and communities across central and southern africa of muslims are appearing

It is Europe and south/north america where efforts should be made,

Various figures appear for China from 20 to 50 million muslims, but efforts should be made to spread islam in these lands and not let it increase naturally
Islam is the will of God

It is the duty of us all to spread islam across europe, across africa and asia and the world

Islam in africa is fine its spreading naturally and communities across central and southern africa of muslims are appearing

It is Europe and south/north america where efforts should be made,

Various figures appear for China from 20 to 50 million muslims, but efforts should be made to spread islam in these lands and not let it increase naturally

Europe,a highly advanced society can't be mass converted anymore.You're waisting your time here and you're risking antagonising the natives if you push to hard.When european natives get pushed to far,the minority goes extinct pretty fast.Reflect on that.

South America is Christian body and soul,you're 200 years late in here also .Tough luck.
How exactly you favoring Alcohol ? I have seen people getting out of nervous and fighting just because of drunk too much. Many stories, where girls were too drunk to get away from Rape. So far dressing concern, I remember the wording of one of DSP in Mumbai (& He wasn't Muslim), when Rape was increase. He suggest to cover complete body till this things get controlled. HomoSexuality has many medical problems. Have you heard about warms in the ***. This allow Adult to start abusing kids. & one study suggest, most of the kids who was abused during childhood become Gay.

Each deed restricted has problems within. It's not like God is don't know his creation.

lol, you are speaking like sci-fiction story when Robots will start question, why wee need human.. unlike Robots, Humans are not good enough to take over God.

It's He who created us with the purpose. It is He who will inquiry us (after death). What we did, why even after listening the Message, still we were following same path. Choice is yours Only.

there was so much wrong in this post I cant even
Look you little swarthy Hindu. Bedouins made up 1% of the Saudi Arabian population. I am a Hashemite while you are some Hindu. Know the difference?

Who cares if there is a country called Saudi Arabia or another name. Still the same native people whose descendants live in modern-day KSA today.

LOL, the Al-Saud family conquered what is now modern-day KSA by itself and unified KSA. The British had no role to play at all or any other outsider.

Get lost you idiot. Your posts hurt my eyes.

Don't try to derail my threads or start writing nonsense or I will make you cry. Understand?

Will you just shut up with your hindu nonsense.Check out his previous posts, he is clearly one of YOU. Just because you muslims dont agree with 90% of things, dont drag us in your nonsense.Now dont you feel stupid...lol
Yes, but the individual matters

Religion in Europe is collapsing, millions of people looking for answers

If someone converts to islam isnt that their business not for other europeans to go mental over

something like 100'000 women have converted to islam in the Uk over the last few years (I'll try to find the article) thats .100'000 souls that for a muslim are important because we beleive they will attain salvation.

Yes the main battle is africa and places like china

But so is russia
The Spread of Islam to Russia | ADAMITE

or central south africa
BBC NEWS | Africa | Rwanda's religious reflections

But everywhere matters
Yes, but the individual matters

Religion in Europe is collapsing, millions of people looking for answers

If someone converts to islam isnt that their business not for other europeans to go mental over

something like 100'000 women have converted to islam in the Uk over the last few years (I'll try to find the article) thats .100'000 souls that for a muslim are important because we beleive they will attain salvation.

Yes the main battle is africa and places like china

But so is russia
The Spread of Islam to Russia | ADAMITE

or central south africa
BBC NEWS | Africa | Rwanda's religious reflections

But everywhere matters

Europeans are looking for economical answers,not religious.
Yes,every individual has the right to choose,it is my belief that they won't choose Islam,nor Christianity.Europe it's on the atheist road and there's no turning back from that.Any perceived agressive interference with that road will be dealt harshly .

Orthodox Christianity in Russia is a heavy weight,a power in itself within the russian state.It won't be dislodged,russians are to nationalistic to allow that.You can comfort yourself with numbers all you want.

This "battle" term when refering to Islam and Christendom should be eradicated,this religious slugfest has caused enough harm over the centuries but let's be clear,i like my society the way it is and i don't want it to change.Keep your religion to yourself as i'll keep mine and all is good.

And pls,i've seen many posts in here about how Islam is the "truth" and i find them offensive.I have my "truth",you have yours,others have theirs,not one "truth" is more true than the other and all "truths" have to coexist not impose themselves on others.

If you were a wise man,you would know that these kind of articles (especially in the Daily Fail) are exactly the opposite of what you think,they exist as a propaganda tool against muslims as a scare tactic for the natives but,hey,you think what you want.
So god's idea of punishment is putting his own creation in fire for something as trivial as not dressing according to his norms/drink alcohol/homosexuality? Why does god even bother as to how his/her creation are living their lives? As far as hurting others goes we have our government/police/courts for that. So what is the need for a god? God created the world and everything? K thank you very much God now get on with your business we would like to live our lives our own way.
exactly...we need democracy among the gods......
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