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2,450 expats embrace Islam in Saudi Arabia

Nice suggestion though. I actually tried asking my friends. But what they have is a urdu version. I want a English one, which many of Muslims dont have :(

There were these muslims back home in my university handing out qurans to every one English/Hindi/urdu what ever you want for free. But I never took any it just felt really weird how much they wanted every one to read one.

How you define wrong n right?

All I am saying is personal freedom to eat/drink/dress/sleep should not be of religion's concern. Every thing else the concept of fast/Namaz/eid looks fine to me.
Does the 'list of idiots' include Hindus or are they 'immuned'?

Hinduism as well.

edit: In hindsight that was a bit rude, I take my diatribe back. But my point stands.
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There were these muslims back home in my university handing out qurans to every one English/Hindi/urdu what ever you want for free. But I never took any it just felt really weird how much they wanted every one to read one.

All I am saying is personal freedom to eat/drink/dress/sleep should not be of religion's concern. Every thing else the concept of fast/Namaz/eid looks fine to me.

Well in India , mostly, I have been offered Bible for free, here and there, to make one convert, I have felt very very weird.! Have never come across one muslim or any group offering me Koran , and seen them giving handouts to people in train or buses!
What these guys dont know is, by insulting other religion, these guys are giving reasons for other people to insult their own religion.. As they say, bigger punishment is not for those who committed the crime but for one who forced him to commit the crime..

Why do you choose to believe such people alone and not those who don't do any such thing?? I don't agree with you that anyone can force you to insult someone's religion. People have insulted my religion but it takes real guts to not do the same and maintain one's sanity otherwise there is no big difference between myself and that person. There are lots of people who don't insult under the pretext that since someone insulted their religion they have acquired the God given right to repay him in the same coin.
All I am saying is personal freedom to eat/drink/dress/sleep should not be of religion's concern. Every thing else the concept of fast/Namaz/eid looks fine to me.

Ok start with the fine part atleast. It might look weird to you, that someone ask you to become Muslim. But if you see a guy going to hit by car, and someone shout to save him. You might admire his that deed, isn't? This is why we(Muslims) feel Happy when some Non-Muslims reverts & become Muslim.

Have a funn :)
Embrace Islam!!!

This thread hasn't been locked down yet:police:
Pure entertainment:pdf:

Being an Atheist must be fun....where are our dear Chinese friends??:china:

There are some indications that most them leave the faith after a few years. The same trend has been observed in the US, where 75% of the converts leave Islam within three years.

Confessions of an ex-Muslim

Over 100,000 people in Britain converted to Islam between 2001-2011, yet it is believed that up to 75 per cent may have since lost their faith. Who are they - and how do they feel about the way of life they embraced then quickly abandoned?


75 per cent of all British converts to Islam are women. And, according to one study in Leicester, Between Isolation and Integration, a large percentage of female converts were attracted to the faith because of the status it affords them. Many believe the religion provides them with a high spiritual status and a type of dignity our modern, secular country can’t.

But, the majority of British women who convert report feeling confused due to the conflicting ways Islam is introduced to them. “The reason why some converts leave the faith or become confused is not only because of the narrow-mindedness of many Muslims. But also because of the dominance of culture: some Muslims will insist on Pakistani, Saudi or Iranian culture and say it is Islamic,” says Usama Hasan.

It is not just converts who are leaving the faith but also Muslims born into the faith. “I've noticed certainly after 9/11 that a growing number of young Muslims in the UK have lost their faith, and many have become Christian, Buddhist, agnostic or atheist,” Hasan says.

Coming back to the topic, I don't see anything wrong with this conversion. I mean if it helps making the life of these expats any better then why not?

As far as the concern of forced conversion, coercing and enticing people into accepting Islam goes, well am sure Islam is very much against forced conversions. So if you believe in Prophet Mohammed and Allah, which am sure you do( since you are doing dawah), any forced and coerced conversion will not go down well with them, and you are most probably offending Allah and committing a sin.

If you can convince someone into believing and accepting in Islam, purely on the basis of its teachings, then kudos to you. But if you are not, and instead coercing and luring people with monetary and other benefits, then deep down you know you are committing a sin. You might get praise and pats on your back for converting a "non-believer", but thats just in this world. Those praise and pats won't count when the time for judgement comes, cause as far as Allah is concerned you have committed grave sin.

Remember you can't cheat God/Allah, for he knows it all.

I have never heard of Muslim missionaries offering monetary incentive for conversions, Evangelicals are known for doing that abundantly in Africa and even in India. TBH Muslim missionaries do not have the funds to do something like that compared to evangelicals who are very well funded.

Lawlz. C'mon boy! Don't tell me you take no flips kiddo :lol:

I don't even know what that means, boyo. :undecided:
I have never heard of Muslim missionaries offering monetary incentive for conversions, Evangelicals are known for doing that abundantly in Africa and even in India. TBH Muslim missionaries do not have the funds to do something like that compared to evangelicals who are very well funded.

I don't even know what that means, boyo. :undecided:

Let me paraphrase it then, " you don't take jokes at all bro? Do you? "
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