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19th SAARC Conference in Islamabad 2016-News and Updates

You lost 18 soldiers because of your oppression of Kashmir.

Pakistan simply supports the people and asks for a referendum

You dont have restraint, restraint was forced upon you by your lack of military options

Why should any pressure be placed on Pakistan for Uri, when indian's cant even provide any actionable evidence?
  1. Perception
  2. Diplomacy
  3. Interests
These are the three reasons bcz if which folks may.or may not ask for the so-called actionable evidences.

Perhaps you should ask seasoned veteran like Sartaj Aziz if he says it out honestly off the quotes perhaps, you will realise what I am saying..

The world today is a lot different.. if we cry wolf, we won't cry alone bcz there are many who ready to cry wolf and point finger as well..that's the crux of those 3 points... Its the failure of foreign policy for GOP. The over reliance on China and OIC who alone can't change the 3 points world over..

Rest is a topic on J&K then the harshest fact remain both sides were never serious to solve it.. not in last 70 years nor in next 70 years.. representation of the actions from both sides will differ, but reality is a status quo which won't ever change.. again I am not saying as being a emotional patriotic but rather with cold hearted rational and logical feeling.. and I won't mind being proved wrong by GOP and GOI on what I said above.
India must not go to war with Pakistan unless It is 10+ trillion USD Economy and develops military muscle proportionately- I don't see that happening before 2035- Hope I will live to see the day-

India should never go to war.

The only war, IMO, should be over the socio-economic condition of the country. We must address that on an urgent basis.

We can afford the status quo in all fronts. Militarily, economically and diplomatically, we have the resources to manage and move ahead with our core program of development. One has to learn from China. There is no scope to get deviated.

Kashmir can be tackled if the politicians decide they want to settle it. And internal security, well we need to pull up our socks. There is nothing more to do or desirable also at this juncture at the cost of national development and upliftment of our 1.25 Billion people.
SAARC has been an abysmal failure because of India and Pakistan's pettiness and inability to work together. Now, Pakistan's terror backing and failure to look past the "K issue" has ensured it will be isolated regionally.

As one of the least economically integrated regions in the world S.Asia desperately needs a forum where there can be true cooperation, the fate of 1.5 billion people cannot be held back because of a few generals on Rawlpindi. Now the region will move forward without Pakistan, sure they'll have CPEC and any othe bones their masters see fit to throw at them.

BBIN has already proven to be a success and now BIMSTEC will be tried out, the difference being that these are groupings of the willing,SAARC could never get over its baggage and was destined to fail.

Check the language of this supa puwa resident indian

@waz @WAJsal
India does not gain ANYTHING by humiliating Pakistan - all it does is just make Islamabad's already shrill complaints even shriller. It makes sense to show Islamabad that there is no SAARC summit if India so decides but it is just a volley in a series - won't call it humiliation. Abbottbad was, this is not.
Right, humiliation is unneeded hyperbole.

Instead, this is some cold hard pragmatism and intelligent manoeuvring by the Indian side to turn a tragedy (Uri) into a very real gain as far as its interests are concerned. There is now a mandate to end the ineffective SAARC once and for all and explore a far more ambitious grouping (BIMSTEC) that will allow India to reap far more benefits.

Of the 8 members of SAARC 7 will be attending the BRICS summit in Goa next month. There is a very real opportunity for India to leverage its clout to achieve what it has been pushing for for a very long time (increased integration with the immediate region and access to the East).

With this effort India kills two birds with one stone:

1) kills off SAARC that, for whatever reason, was not delivering results for India
2) implements "act east"
  1. Perception
  2. Diplomacy
  3. Interests
These are the three reasons bcz if which folks may.or may not ask for the so-called actionable evidences.

Perhaps you should ask seasoned veteran like Sartaj Aziz if he says it out honestly off the quotes perhaps, you will realise what I am saying..

The world today is a lot different.. if we cry wolf, we won't cry alone bcz there are many who ready to cry wolf and point finger as well..that's the crux of those 3 points... Its the failure of foreign policy for GOP. The over reliance on China and OIC who alone can't change the 3 points world over..

Rest is a topic on J&K then the harshest fact remain both sides were never serious to solve it.. not in last 70 years nor in next 70 years.. representation of the actions from both sides will differ, but reality is a status quo which won't ever change.. again I am not saying as being a emotional patriotic but rather with cold hearted rational and logical feeling.. and I won't mind being proved wrong by GOP and GOI on what I said above.

But you cry wolf alone, what effect has Afghanistan or Bangladesh shouting wolf..

You have shouted wolf with no actionable evidence and instead have tried to rattle the cage by using IWT
Really??? so wat about Simla agreement violation by Pakistan??. jbgt U can argue in that way like Simla agreement is bilateral treaty but IWT brokered/mediated by world bank.
I believe if you read my post correctly you will see i said we(India) have not broken any treaty , its the way we are able to establish a slight moral ground when it come to international relations.
Really??? so wat about Simla agreement violation by Pakistan??. jbgt U can argue in that way like Simla agreement is bilateral treaty but IWT brokered/mediated by world bank.

What do you think the ramifications of hesitancy over Shimla Agreement are? Even the UN says bilateral and stops at 'we are willing to offer the services of our good offices to facilitate bilateral discussion'

What else is a diplomatic currency?
Instead, this is some cold hard pragmatism and intelligent manoeuvring by the Indian side to turn a tragedy (Uri) into a very real gain as far as its interests are concerned. There is now a mandate to end the ineffective SAARC once and for all and explore a far more ambitious grouping (BIMSTEC) that will allow India to reap far more benefits.

Of the 8 members of SAARC 7 will be attending the BRICS summit in Goa next month. There is a very real opportunity for India to leverage its clout to achieve what it has been pushing for for a very long time (increased integration with the immediate region and access to the East).

With this effort India kills two birds with one stone:

1) kills off SAARC that, for whatever reason, was not delivering results for India
2) implements "act east"

Very aptly summed up.

The pertinent aspect which a lot of members are failing to appreciate is the Asian Highway project ..... one needs to look at that too. With a greater connectivity to South-East Asia, we would be doing exactly what China also aims to do and in fact, I see an overlap of interests here between the two nations ..... hence the scope for a potential partnership in this .
I agree with you- Neeti says the best war is the one which is never fought and you still win- as I see we are doing good without fighting and this should continue-

Yes. That is why, we must declare war on our own ills and poor socio-economic indices. Rest all, we can overcome slowly.
But you cry wolf alone, what effect has Afghanistan or Bangladesh shouting wolf..

You have shouted wolf with no actionable evidence and instead have tried to rattle the cage by using IWT

Good question
Afghanistan you need to see via the eyes of USA and possibly via the fact that USA invested lot of time and money to see it stabilize enough to let go of it ..
BD from the eyes of ISIS and radicalization risk where fingers gets pointed again to Pakistan due to events in West.. again linking to USA.

In general if you want to talk about IWT, GOP panicked way too sooner.. first thing it withstood lot worse situations.. the third party here is World Bank. india still does not utilise it's full provisions allowed under IWT. And biggest thing is India won't like to be placed like what China has to face bcz of international ruling in favour of Philippines in SCS.

IWT was a media bomb and ppl panicked and reacted.. this is the pressure situation I had said.. it's bcz of such simple things, I said GOP foreign policy folks are appearing weak. You also know unilaterally withdrawing will lead to future world Bank funding as an issue for our country as well as hit our credibility. But even you fell for it..

What if I say inside the meeting we just talked about using our share effectively, had tea and cookies and did a photo op and we let our media hype it out..

It was a plain magic trick .. nothing complex nothing innovative.. GOP fell for it ..
Really??? so wat about Simla agreement violation by Pakistan??. jbgt U can argue in that way like Simla agreement is bilateral treaty but IWT brokered/mediated by world bank.

What should India do according to you- Does It have the resources to divert water- I saw Mehbooba's speech today she seem to be quiet alright even with Kashmirs loosing their water- Unless there is a strong movement in Kashmir for their land their water like Cavery issue in Karnataka- I don't think India presents enough moral obligation to cancel this treaty-

Let Kashmirs demand their water and then we are talking-

Yes. That is why, we must declare war on our own ills and poor socio-economic indices. Rest all, we can overcome slowly.

You are talking like Modi now- :lol:

Yes I agree-
Time to quit this defunct organization. Waste of time and resources for an "isolated" country such as Pakistan. Better focus on SCO.

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