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19th SAARC Conference in Islamabad 2016-News and Updates

The worlds most powerful organisation SAARC's summit has been canceled and its the same organization whom organisations like SCO, ASEAN, EU and Arab League envy.

@The Eagle @Areesh :D

So far a failed platform since day first is almost made valued that too atleast to have a thing to say about being isolated Pakistan???? Nah.....

Busy reading thread, seems like very interesting inputs to read and evaluate.
On a serious note a country of nearly 200 million, with nuclear weapons, with the geostrategic location, huge diaspora abroad, with strategic relations with a emerging hyperpower and one of the largest economies on earth - China is simply beyond being "isolated". It's simply not possibile. Even USA would have problems let alone India.

And those who entertain this "isolation" idea are really disconnected from reality.

Pakistan has harried, played, poked and smarted United States of America in Afghanistan. To top it all it was found hiding OBL in it's territory. If that difficult history with USA has not led Pakistan being isloted by a superpower that can and has the bite to isolate, then you guy's think India is going to be able to do it?

Yeh, tell me another one !
I hope you are right with estimations of what you believe.. bcz you may be correct as well..

But then again supposing if what I said also is correct by whatever percentage of confidence levels, then what?

Supposing our delusions actually turn out to be the real situation.. that's where mind like yours are needed to react, strategize and calmlynimplement course correction as well as carefully build a credible.image in front of world. With honesty you ask yourself don't you think this is one area where India is way ahead of Pakistan? Perhaps a complete rejig of FO and new aggressive younger folks is needed with much better innovative ways to build that image for Pakistan. You may say it's ok with present image as well.. but then again we both kn much more can be done ..

I am right

But you are correct Pakistan F.O and politics could improve immensely
Whichever way you put it, the fact remains that it is a diplomatic humiliation for Pakistan. It also separates anti-Pakistani countries (Bangla Desh, Afghanistan & Bhutan) from those that are at least neutral towards Pakistan (Nepal, Sri Lanka & Maldives). You may also say that it exposes the weakness of our foreign policy.

This may turn out to be a good thing in the long run. SAARC was founded in 1985 on the ASEAN model (founded in 1967) hoping to copy rapid economic progress of the ASEAN nations. However it never really got off the ground. No point of having an association for regional cooperation when there hasn't been any cooperation after 30 years!!!

In my view SAARC should be formally disbanded and Pakistan should negotiate bilateral trade agreements with the countries that freely desire it. I would shed no tears for something that has never been more than a debating club.

Personally, I am disappointed with Bangla Desh. I have travelled across the East Pakistan during my Esso days. Also had many East Pakistani friends during my stay at the New Hostel of Gov't College, Lahore and always considered East Pakistanis as my brothers. However that was 55 years ago, it was then East Pakistan and now it is Bangla Desh and people change with the time.
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On a serious note a country of nearly 200 million, with nuclear weapons, with the geostrategic location, huge diaspora abroad, with strategic relations with a emerging hyperpower and one of the largest economies on earth - China is simply beyond being "isolated". It's simply not possibile. Even USA would have problems let alone India.

And those who entertain this "isolation" idea are really disconnected from reality.

Pakistan has harried, played, poked and smarted United States of America in Afghanistan. To top it all it was found hiding OBL in it's territory. If that difficult history with USA has not led Pakistan being isloted by a superpower that can and has the bite to isolate, then you guy's think India is going to be able to do it?

Yeh, tell me another one !
Let me tell you how this works.

Do you really think you hold anything on the US? US needs you, he pays you and gets it done. In the blind hatred for India, Pakistan has been adopting a policy which would give them edge over India. At the end of the day Pakistan has been abused, used by the so called world powers for their own gains. Tell me genuinely which self respecting country lets another country bomb its own citizens? Tell me, in this forum itself, people were advocating sending armies to ME in return for dollars. I mean come on which self respecting nation does that?

At the end of the day, while the regime, generals and politicians of Pakistan kept on going richer and richer day by day, earning the hate money for the populace, while the population suffered.

Initially it was US, now is China, Pakistan keeps on looking for a godfather and hence it does not has independent foreign policy. Pakistan's foreign policy is not for the welfare of its people but for anti India sentiment.
Good question
Afghanistan you need to see via the eyes of USA and possibly via the fact that USA invested lot of time and money to see it stabilize enough to let go of it ..
BD from the eyes of ISIS and radicalization risk where fingers gets pointed again to Pakistan due to events in West.. again linking to USA.

In general if you want to talk about IWT, GOP panicked way too sooner.. first thing it withstood lot worse situations.. the third party here is World Bank. india still does not utilise it's full provisions allowed under IWT. And biggest thing is India won't like to be placed like what China has to face bcz of international ruling in favour of Philippines in SCS.

IWT was a media bomb and ppl panicked and reacted.. this is the pressure situation I had said.. it's bcz of such simple things, I said GOP foreign policy folks are appearing weak. You also know unilaterally withdrawing will lead to future world Bank funding as an issue for our country as well as hit our credibility. But even you fell for it..

What if I say inside the meeting we just talked about using our share effectively, had tea and cookies and did a photo op and we let our media hype it out..

It was a plain magic trick .. nothing complex nothing innovative.. GOP fell for it ..
Have you seen Trump vs Hillary debate? Mr. Trump demands money from allies like Germany, Japan, S Korea etc. What will he do to NA folks who folks who is burning US tax payers money and no way can pay a single cent back??
@Super Falcon I first became acquainted with SAARC in 1989 when I went to Pakistan. While in Islamabad there was big talk about SAF and then all these teams came to play. I remember being bemused by all this. To begin with the countries listed excelled in being zeros. It appeared to be competion that only brought all the misfits and zeros togather. On further discussion I became aware of SAARC.

It was amazing. The irrationality of it all. The British free of charge made SAARC for us. British India ring a bell? So if SAARC was so important why would you want to break up British India in 1947 and then join it together again? Was that done just for the fun of it?

SAARC is waste of time. Pakistan needs to leave it ASAP. Unless Pakistan is thiniking of reconstructing British India.

pakistan left the british commonwealth in 1972
they returned 20 years later

Whichever way you put it, the fact remains that it is a diplomatic humiliation for Pakistan. It also separates anti-Pakistani countries (Bangla Desh, Afghanistan & Bhutan) from those that are at least neutral towards Pakistan (Nepal, Sri Lanka & Maldives). You may also say that it exposes the weakness of our foreign policy.

This may turn out to be a good thing in the long run. SAARC was founded in 1985 on the ASEAN model (founded in 1967) hoping to copy rapid economic progress of the ASEAN nations. However it never really got off the ground. No point of having an association for regional cooperation when there hasn't been any cooperation after 30 years!!!

In my view SAARC should be formally disbanded and Pakistan should negotiate bilateral trade agreements with the countries that freely desire it. I would shed no tears for something that has never been more than a debating club.

Personally, I am disappointed with Bangla Desh. I have travelled across the East Pakistan during my Esso days. Also had many East Pakistani friends during my stay at the New Hostel of Gov't College, Lahore and always considered East Pakistanis as my brothers. However that was 55 years ago, it was then East Pakistan and now it is Bangla Desh and people change with the time.

pakistan has a long history of joining organizations that are useless - SEATO and CENTO
for that matter ASEAN is not too effective
Why SAARC boycott support by Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Bhutan is no victory for India at all. India can't even get Nepal, Maldives and Srilanka to support its Pakistan isolation project.

By an Indian: G pramoud Kumar

After all, All India managed to unite were its own biggest allies who always support India no matter what in every right and wrong and who are already against Pakistan for a long time.

Now Pakistan should Humilate entire SAARC by ending its membership..

Indian wet dreams...!

It has not happened..it will not happen!
Let india show some moral upper hand by taking 4 million afghani and 2 million bangalis from Pakistan...

I am pretty sure pakistan will not quit SAARC . I think now is the real test of pakistani diplomacy . Can pakistan get either the maldives or sri lanka officials to say that they have been dissapointed that india acted hastily by refusing to come to Pakistan ?

This is just another move by india to show to the world that the south asian region is with india on this India-Pakistan equation , especially to the western world
The real humiliation is the support India has managed to drum up for its "isolation" campaign. We were promised isolation from the Int'l community, but were only 'isolated' by the failing Afghan state, irrelevant Bhutan, and Bangladesh. That too, for an organizational meeting with no real substance.
The real humiliation is the support India has managed to drum up for its "isolation" campaign. We were promised isolation from the Int'l community, but were only 'isolated' by the failing Afghan state, irrelevant Bhutan, and Bangladesh. That too, for an organizational meeting with no real substance.
Rome wasnt built in day.

Dont worry this is just the start, slowly and gradually that phase will also come. We wont disappoint you.
Let me tell you how this works.

Do you really think you hold anything on the US? US needs you, he pays you and gets it done. In the blind hatred for India, Pakistan has been adopting a policy which would give them edge over India. At the end of the day Pakistan has been abused, used by the so called world powers for their own gains. Tell me genuinely which self respecting country lets another country bomb its own citizens? Tell me, in this forum itself, people were advocating sending armies to ME in return for dollars. I mean come on which self respecting nation does that?

At the end of the day, while the regime, generals and politicians of Pakistan kept on going richer and richer day by day, earning the hate money for the populace, while the population suffered.

Initially it was US, now is China, Pakistan keeps on looking for a godfather and hence it does not has independent foreign policy. Pakistan's foreign policy is not for the welfare of its people but for anti India sentiment.

Anti india and welfare of our people is the same thing

Rome wasnt built in day.

Dont worry this is just the start, slowly and gradually that phase will also come. We wont disappoint you.

You have been trying for years,,, you beat your chests about war and after Pathankot and Uri are too darpok to do anything, let the reality slap you in the face

This is your plan B and your aukaad was shown to you on day 1 when Russia turned up for exercises after all your crying
If we are done with the usual c'tiyapa as is common with desis; the SAARC boycott is an indication of where India's influence extends in the region. BD is a vassal state of India's so its opinion was already known; India could sign a peace treaty with Pakistan and Hasina would be dancing to reunification with Pakistan.. so their opinion is all but slaved onto India's.

The bigger issue is Afghanistan since besides some pretty temples Bhutan only offering is a unique flag to remember out of "flags of the world" sticker books and a reminder of Bhuttas (Yum!).

Afghanistan is essentially the territory that the Kabul government can influence so the effect of Hekmatyar and further Taliban negotiations will have to be seen. But that is the thorn that actually makes the Generals frown and the generally inept and apethic foreign office worry.

SAARC on its own was only good for trips to different countries and hosting schools kids. Beyond that its usefulness is pretty limited in trade. Its diplomatic impact rested only due to the importance the organization had; once it is disbanded then its value will be exactly what Bhutan has to Pakistan today.

Pakistan for all intents and purposes had pretty unrelated relations to SAARC with nations in the far east like Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The only place where it echoes(or rather says zip) China is in matters concerning Taiwan.

Moreover, unlike India; Pakistan has much less to gain from the far east and even Bangladesh besides ego. Its geography favors the central Asian and middle eastern markets and that is where the focus is being pushed. CPEC may be China's baby but the idea extends to bhutto and Zia ul Haq.
Central Asian trade and markets is what Pakistan wants, all the way to Russia. That is where CPEC starts the idea for it but it will not be the end of it as the selfish goal of CPEC is to get that route built from top to bottom. The entry point is not to remain the KKH; and that is where we return to Afghanistan and the reason why its the obsession to have it at the least a amicable state.
Indian opinion on facebook..

Indians are a funny bunch of people. The Government of Afghanistan is about to fall as the Taliban control 1/3 of the country. The recent peace deal with Hekmatyar ensures the outcome that Pakistan in te future will have a voice in the Afghan Government. Hekmatyar comes from a bigger tribe than Ghani and Karzai would be out of the picture. Therefore, in the long term, Pakistan has Afghanistan locked down, thus Ghani has been crying like a two dollar cheerleader.

Who the flying hoot is Bhutan...and when did Pakistan give a toss about Bangladesh...the country is almost on the brink of civil war. But please do continue the comedy:)
Let me tell you how this works.
Okay big boy. Teach us if you can.

Do you really think you hold anything on the US?
Where did I say that?

US needs you, he pays you and gets it done
US needs Pakistan. Pakistan needs US. It's simple business between two sovereign states both trying to extract the best deal. Its just plain Machiavellian international realpolitik at play.

In the blind hatred for India
Blind is subjective rendering being used by a Indian (you) with the mistaken notion that your assessment is objective fact. Clean your ears and hear this. It is not objective fact but merely your opinion. Pakistan can argue India has blind hatred for Pakistan.

At the end of the day Pakistan has been abused, used by the so called world powers for their own gains.
That is what is retarded Mullahs, their followers and other ignorants think. Pakistan has not been abused. For a start that word "abused" does not sit well when describing international relations between states which are NOT like person to person or between two private mates. The fact is Pakistan has extracted hugely from the West. The truth is Pakistan would have been gobbled by India within 5 years of 1947. It did not because Pakistan got sponsors which built up Pakistan. The army, airforce, navy, dams, roads, irrigation networks, industry, cantonments, education even a new capital all paid for by the West.

And then on top of this Pakistan milched USA but surreptitiously built up nuclear infrastrustrure eventually resulting in becoming a nuclear state. No other Muslim country has even managed to sneeze the word "A-Tom" before sanctions got slapped so hard that even a needle would not get in. This milching continues as we speak. Who paid for those F-16s? Who is paying Pakistan money to sort out something that it would have to do anyway?

while the population suffered.
No more, indeed I would say less so then India. You, a Indian have the bloody galls of talking about suffering of the poor? Kettle calling the pot black? India is and has been a byword for ribcage poverty. As we write India has over 2 million people pulling rickshaws. I suspect Indian's like most humans, do not like doing jobs that man long ago domesticated animals to do. I therefore surmize that poverty is so great or that there is such paucity of jobs in India the poor are forced to be draft animals. Just as comparison rickshaw pulling was banned in Pakistan in 1949 as being contrary to human dignity.


Be that as it may the fact is the poor in India are no more or less than Pakistan. Spare your sanctimonious lecture for Norweigans as they have right to preach. You don't. While your at it find the money to build some toilets in your country please.

Initially it was US, now is China
Ditto India. When Pak was in embrace of USA India was in with Russia. Now India has found USA. Countries do this. Nothing wrong with that. Germans and Japanese have tradition, history slightly more dignified then Pak or India. Both have anmd do have huge US military bases. You don't see anybody saying South Korea, Japan, Germans or even Britain have independant foreign policy?

And f*cking the USA in Afghanistan with support to Taliban. F*cking India in Mumbai despite US reservations is what exactly? Does that indicate to you Pakistan has proven to be "Yes Sir" country? You call that lack of independance? You need to consult the dictionary meaning of that word "Guru".

Go ask the frustrated Americans if Pakistan listens to them despite being paid handsomely .....
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