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19th SAARC Conference in Islamabad 2016-News and Updates

Wasnt the Pakistan only country to recognize Taliban rule in Afghanistan?
As soon as US stepped in Pakistan roped in greed for few dollars.
US senate has considered passing a bill to declare Pak a terror state. So much for allies. At the same time, while your US was raping the sovereignty , and killing your brethren on the name of collateral damage where was the idea for the equal partners. or was it part of the deal?

OK one example here. Your gov and your leaders are trying hard to campaign against India right now. And actually doing a good job around it.
when was the last time your government was doing so for the welfare for your people?
It is just the fear and boogey man of India which makes these people work.

well, most of the above mentioned part i have already answered above. Now coming to the nuclear infrastructure. US as well as so called world powers have been duplicit around it viz a viz with policies like NPT. Pakistan's nuclear tests were directed towards India as a knee jerk reaction. Where as India had a well calculated move around it securing its economy first. Diplomatically Pakistan lost on that front because as i said before, anti India sentiment. As a learned man, i do not need to tell you that Indian nuclear tests were not motivated by Pakistan.

Did i say India is a fairy land?
I never said that India aint poor. And india is poor but it is not because of bias for Pakistan. India is poor because of its own economic policies, corruption and fallacies.
Pakistan poverty can be summarized more with "we will eat grass but we will make atom bumb". It is a huge contributing factor for the poverty in Pakistan.

The whole Idea for the creation of Pakistan is based on "Hindus and Muslims cannot live together". If they did people will start questioning the existance of Pakistan. hence the reason you will find selective highlighting of communal tensions within India in pakistani media totally ignoring the fact that their are 1 billion people. For that matter of fact even muslims cannot live with muslims viz a viz Pakistan.

India Russia relationship was very different for US-Pakistan relationship
India was never fighting wars for Russia which was the whole difference. India never made the intelligence agencies of other countries run bezerk in our own land knowingly.

That is not about being unfaithful then being a "Yes Sir " country. Neither i advocate being "Yes Sir" country nor i advocate being unfaithful country. Pakistan on the other hand is either of two as per their diplomatic policies. In India's case it is either yes or no whatever suits our people.

Let me quote another example here just to make the discussion more juicy. Lets take example of CPEC. You would have known CPEC will change Pakistan blah blah. Now does any of those tv anchors tell you how? Apart from few jobs what is going to change? how the investment is going to come? All in all It will make Pakistan too much reliant on China, so much that if in future if China changes sides, Pakistan will be screwed. If you think long term, China is more aligned with Indian interests in long term viz a viz economy. Pakistan has totally ignored this equation. Its the same blind trust on the Chinese, which was once on the Americans. As far as India goes, we trust no one.
Hum to doby han sanam tum ko bi le doby ge :devil::devil::devil:
Going by the news 4 out of the seven original SAARC countries will take part.

3 countries plus Afghanistan will not participate.

Is it official now?
And @GurudevSingh I have to go now. We can resume our conversation another time. But rest assured I will grab that turban of yours and shove it up your posterior - allegorically speaking. I have had some interaction and indeed had some very good Sikh friends in my younger years.

But I will tell you this. I am least bothered about religion. But 1947 was the greatest fraud because it gave reason for four provinces to run away from India. For that I am eternally grateful. Why? Because we managed to break away from a ocean of humanity. I have no issues with your people even as enemies but major chunk of the 1.3 billion mass of humanity is profoundly hidious. What 200 million plus Dalits. Untouchables that would drown your Golden Temple in a instant. Jungles full of tribal primeval humans barely civilized. Poverty and filth of scale that you could sink countries into. Open defacation that would put african's to shame.

You, Guru from the Punjab are like tiny 2%. Think about that. Think of the rest of that 98% tidal wave of dirt that swamps the Ganga valley. Your never going to be free from that. Enjoy your India, my Sikh friend.

You need to look outside of your Punjab and you will see the humonguous filthh.
Still better story than twlight.
And @GurudevSingh I have to go now. We can resume our conversation another time. But rest assured I will grab that turban of yours and shove it up your posterior - allegorically speaking. I have had some interaction and indeed had some very good Sikh friends in my younger years.

But I will tell you this. I am least bothered about religion. But 1947 was the greatest fraud because it gave reason for four provinces to run away from India. For that I am eternally grateful. Why? Because we managed to break away from a ocean of humanity. I have no issues with your people even as enemies but major chunk of the 1.3 billion mass of humanity is profoundly hidious. What 200 million plus Dalits. Untouchables that would drown your Golden Temple in a instant. Jungles full of tribal primeval humans barely civilized. Poverty and filth of scale that you could sink countries into. Open defacation that would put african's to shame.

You, Guru from the Punjab are like tiny 2%. Think about that. Think of the rest of that 98% tidal wave of dirt that swamps the Ganga valley. Your never going to be free from that. Enjoy your India, my Sikh friend.

You need to look outside of your Punjab and you will see the humonguous filthh.
Let it take it from here. Let me tell you what Pakistan has done for me. Let me tell you what Pakistan is.

My family lost 17 members at the time of partition at the hands of Pakistanis. So cut your sympathy crap and shove it. We as sikhs very well know the nefarious designs.

Regarding the rest of India, it is way more beautiful than what is left of Pakistan with exploding mullahs every third day. Pakistan has a habit of showcasing itself as shining light of humanity which would devour humanity at the first sight of few dollars.

Go and read the sikh history, how sikhs came into existence, and when we side with Pakistan it will be slap on the face of Sikhs themselves.

I come from a place where i was taught by christian teachers and a hindu family helped during 1984 riots. Today after the same plight of 1984, i have enough hindus working for me while i myself report to a hindu. Dynamics of India is hard to understand for Pakistan.

Sikhs have a homeland which is called India, the day we would want independent homeland we will go out and claim whole of Pakistani punjab for it.

So please keep this farzi sympathy for Sikhs to yourself.
And @GurudevSingh I have to go now. We can resume our conversation another time. But rest assured I will grab that turban of yours and shove it up your posterior - allegorically speaking. I have had some interaction and indeed had some very good Sikh friends in my younger years.

But I will tell you this. I am least bothered about religion. But 1947 was the greatest fraud because it gave reason for four provinces to run away from India. For that I am eternally grateful. Why? Because we managed to break away from a ocean of humanity. I have no issues with your people even as enemies but major chunk of the 1.3 billion mass of humanity is profoundly hidious. What 200 million plus Dalits. Untouchables that would drown your Golden Temple in a instant. Jungles full of tribal primeval humans barely civilized. Poverty and filth of scale that you could sink countries into. Open defacation that would put african's to shame.

You, Guru from the Punjab are like tiny 2%. Think about that. Think of the rest of that 98% tidal wave of dirt that swamps the Ganga valley. Your never going to be free from that. Enjoy your India, my Sikh friend.

You need to look outside of your Punjab and you will see the humonguous filthh.
You sir, are a disgusting racist.

FYI...the most developed, most modern and cleanest parts of India are in southern and north east India where the darkest people and in the north east the tribal people live.

It is indeed a relief that people like you were partitioned off.

your mentality belongs to the Middle Ages not to the 21st century. Shame on you!

BTW...just in case you are not aware....skin color is basically a way to absorb vitamin d and protect from uv radiation...nothing more ..nothing less.

People in less sunny climes have lighter skin to help absorb vitamin d and those in sunnier climates have more melanin to protect against uv radiation...it does not have any connection to modernity, scientific knowledge, cleanliness or poverty.

Your skin color has obviously not made you anything but a bigot and a racist.
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pushing the veto button.

Hence proven who is more humiliated and running away. I must say say, Pakistan should not, never leave the SAARC but Everytime needs to press that Button, as you said, to see more of humiliation and fun indeed.

Seriously, we had enough of sad and formal type of forums in the world and considering the growing war hysteria, there is a need of fun and laughs and we offer our services. Let's press the button again and again and have some smiles. Sardar ji, we have been serious and enough tensed so have some fun don't take all this serious as well.
Pakistan Humiliated by south Asian countries' boycott of summit

India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Bhutan cite regional interference as they pull out of what was set to be a historic meeting

Jon Boone in Islamabad and Michael Safi in Delhi

Wednesday 28 September 2016 14.59 BST Last modified on Wednesday 28 September 2016 16.19 BST

Four south Asian countries are to boycott what was set to be a historic regional summit in Islamadad in November, dealing a humiliating blow to Pakistan and isolating it diplomatically.

India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Bhutan all said they would pull out of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) meeting following a collapse in relations between Pakistan and India, the subcontinent’s nuclear-armed rivals.

Statements by the region’s foreign ministries echoed India’s criticism on Tuesday night, which blamed “increasing cross-border terrorist attacks and growing interference of the internal affairs of member states” for Delhi’s decision to boycott the conference.

Until recently, the prospect of the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Islamabad had been seen as a potentially highly symbolic step towards reconciliation between Pakistan and India.

The two countries, however, have been engaged interse exchanges following an attack on an Indian army base on 18 September that killed 19 soldiers, which Delhi has blamed on jihadis based in Pakistan. The raid took place in town of Uri near the line of control that divides the contested Himalayan territory of Kashmir.

Four days later, India denounced Pakistan at the UN as the host of the “Ivy League of terrorism”.

Islamabad says India has provided no evidence linking the attack either to militants based in Pakistan or to the country’s intelligence agencies, which have long been accused of complicity with anti-India jihadi groups.

Pakistan’s defence minister has even suggested that India itself carried out the attack to deflect attention from its ongoing struggle to quell popular disturbances in the Indian part of Kashmir.

Indian soldiers patrol near the line of control in Kashmir following the 18 September attack. Photograph: Mukhtar Khan/AP
Tensions have been fuelled by television networks and social media on both sides of the border, with some pundits appearing to relish the prospect of all-out nuclear war.

Some Indian hawks have demanded retaliatory attacks against suspected militant camps in Pakistan, but Modi has sought to punish Islamabad with steps that fall short of military means.

His strategy is, however, far tougher than the relative restraint shown by previous Indian governments during earlier crises, such as that prompted by the four-day assault on Mumbai by Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba in 2008.

In recent weeks, Modi has publicly backed separatist rebels in the restive Pakistani province of Balochistan, a move that has infuriated Islamabad. He has also questioned a key cross-border river treaty and vowed to orchestrate Pakistan’s diplomatic isolation.

That promise became reality on Wednesday when it became clear four out of SAARC’s eight members would not attend the summit, which it is Pakistan’s turn to host.

Afghanistan’s foreign ministry, which has long accused Pakistan of supporting the Taliban-led insurgency, was most stinging in its criticism, denouncing “the increased level of violence and fighting as a result of imposed terrorism on Afghanistan”.

Nine months ago, hopes were high for a rapprochement between India and Pakistan following Modi’s surprise visit to Lahore on Christmas day, the first time an Indian leader had set foot in Pakistan since 2004.

Pakistan’s prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, welcomes his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi to Lahore in December 2015. Photograph: PIB/AFP/Getty Images
His Pakistani counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, won a landslide election victory in 2013, determined to end the decades’ long standoff and open up trade.

“But Pakistan has a tremendous capacity to withstand coercion and a mindset that wants eternal confrontation with India that is too deeply entrenched,” he said.

On Monday, Modi ordered water officials to step up efforts to divert a greater share of the three rivers the countries share under the Indus treaty, a 1960 agreement that has survived their subsequent conflicts.

“Blood and water cannot flow together,” Modi said, a rare invocation of India’s power to meddle with the Indus river system, which flows downstream into Pakistan and provides water to 65% of the country’s landmass.

Himanshu Thakkar, the coordinator of the South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People, said it would take up to a decade to build dams capable of reducing the flow to Pakistan.

“But it sends a signal, and that signal will have an impact,” he said. “If India builds projects to store water from its entitlement, it will provide a means for India to control water flow to Pakistan, even temporarily.”

On Tuesday, Pakistan complained to the World Bank, which brokered the original treaty, urging it to prevent India from starting construction work on the Neelum and Chenab rivers.


@nair @Joe Shearer @MilSpec

I think this is the end of SAARC as we know it.

Click bait title...
Pakistan's veto is connected to kashmir, and the recent IWT issue is at the core of it. Tomorrow if India hands over ONLY the areas with the waterworks to Pakistan; the Kashmir issue will be solved within India and Pakistan overnight.

Pakistan will not leave SAARC, but it wont try to save it either.

Kashmir and IWT has never been brought in SAARC . Although SAAC gets effected by bilateral relations in practice, but there has a long standing practice of only discussing multilateral treaties in SAARC.

Anyways, yes i also think that will be that will be the Pakistani response.
Afghanistan, Bhutan or Bangladesh may be small countries, but they are the neighborhood, and .this is where we live.

Pakistan has a way of making enemies everywhere! Near and far!

the dysfunctional three...
Hence proven who is more humiliated and running away. I must say say, Pakistan should not, never leave the SAARC but Everytime needs to press that Button, as you said, to see more of humiliation and fun indeed.

Seriously, we had enough of sad and formal type of forums in the world and considering the growing war hysteria, there is a need of fun and laughs and we offer our services. Let's press the button again and again and have some smiles. Sardar ji, we have been serious and enough tensed so have some fun don't take all this serious as well.
Please do, in no time you will be a pariah state. Har cheez khilona nahi hoti. Existence of your country is based on paranoia of India, but same is not the case with other countries. They need infra and dev projects, Pakistan keeps on being the hurdle in them, they will take the blunt for it.
I doubt it. They are small keys. Their status in the world are equivalent of monkey. In short, they have no voice. What could possibly be more embarrassing than big leagues of nations aka Turkey, Iran, Russia, Arab nations, USA, China together rejecting the leader of Namak haraam country aka chai wala? hehehe!!! :D
Heads of all these countries had visited our country and greeted chai wala :D

But I really wonder what kind of a snub will be considered as embarrassment by you :lol:
So cut your sympathy crap and shove it. We as sikhs very well know the nefarious designs.
I would show sympathy to even a dog that slowly drowns in sh*te. You are a human being. And for every Sikh who died there is a dead person on the other side of Radcliffe Line. And while your croaking on about 1947 do tell me have you fixed the bullet holes in your Holy of Holy Shrines - The Golden Temple?

At any rate enjoy swimming in sea of sh*te. 2% in 98%. Think about that. Adios Sant Bindranwale .....
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