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Ps. A country with 1.3 billion insects could drown Pakistan if they al spat at once. Yet tiny Pakistan stole right under the noses of these misfits called Indian's 1/3 of Kashmir. 70 years later it still is holding it. And the only so called defeat of Pakistan was when they got 70 million Mukto Banglas to fight for them faraway in that swamp called the Bangla delta. This is so called victory of theirs. 1.3 billion of these things plus 60 million Mukhtos to defeat 55k Pak soldiers. Wow. what bravery.

Of course when they faced a enemy as large as them. That is when India did not have 10:1 odds (against Pak) but faced 1:1 against Chinese in 1962 we all know what happened,. They ran faster then Usain Bolt down the Himalyas to the safety of their women.

But then this is what you expect out of a people that the British starved 3 milliion of them in 1943 and they did not even make "meeow, meeow" sound. Okay "Saardaar" me talk later.

Link > http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/soutikbiswas/2010/10/how_churchill_starved_india.html
Please do, in no time you will be a pariah state. Har cheez khilona nahi hoti. Existence of your country is based on paranoia of India, but same is not the case with other countries. They need infra and dev projects, Pakistan keeps on being the hurdle in them, they will take the blunt for it.

Till the last post, it was all on lighter note but you are repeating the same thing so a last submission from my side.

First of sll, we are not into such pariah thing nor we believe into such at all in Pakistan so it is never going to happen. I hope you understand.

Ham be yahi keh rahay hain k har cheez khelona nahi hoti.

Rest about development and infrastructure for the SAARC countries, India shouldn't have boycotted the forum and those countries as well if were needed of such but it is more like an attempt of bullying so you know the results, we will be keep pressing the button until & unless the true development of SAARC countries. Boycott by India is real enmity with those countries who need help but afraid of bullying, having no other choice, have to part with India. We will also play with diplomatic means when the time arrives for SAARC.
Again this is not the Middle Ages. Most sane countries no longer fight wars for land or booty any more.

Nowadays nation states trade and worry about their economies not about more land.

In 70 years other than holding on to one third of Kashmir and of course the big bumb, .what has Pakistan achieved?

Why are Pakistanis pretending to be Syrians to flow into refugee camps in Europe? Why Are there no dams build across your only major river to store water? Why do you flood and drought in alternate years? Why are you still struggling to manufacture a safety pin? Why are you more worried about Kashmiris than your own people drying out in prisons in the Middle East? Why is there no diplomatic effort to save those in gulf prisons? Why are you number 122 out of 140 countries in the competitiveness index?
Bangladesh under Hasina.
Afghanistan? o_O
Bhutan, India's all weather mate.
Ps. A country with 1.3 billion insects could drown Pakistan if they al spat at once. Yet tiny Pakistan stole right under the noses of these misfits called Indian's 1/3 of Kashmir. 70 years later it still is holding it. And the only so called defeat of Pakistan was when they got 70 million Mukto Banglas to fight for them faraway in that swamp called the Bangla delta. This is so called victory of theirs. 1.3 billion of these things plus 60 million Mukhtos to defeat 55k Pak soldiers. Wow. what bravery.

Of course when they faced a enemy as large as them. That is when India did not have 10:1 odds (against Pak) but faced 1:1 against Chinese in 1962 we all know what happened,. They ran faster then Usain Bolt down the Himalyas to the safety of their women.

But then this is what you expect out of a people that the British starved 3 milliion of them in 1943 and they did not even make "meeow, meeow" sound. Okay "Saardaar" me talk later.

Ahhh another delusional think tank. Its party tonight i guess.
Pakistan holds only that part of Kashmir which they captured BEFORE the sikh regiment was brought in. Post which your advancement was Zilch, Nada, 0, jero bate sannata.

Secondly, when shown the mirror you have nothing else to show apart from racist comments, lol typical of a Pakistani. You are one of those kids who picks up a fight with a kid which 4 times stronger on pretext of bravado. And when it gets a$$ whooped by the bigger kid cries in the end saying that i got beaten by a 4 times stronger kid.

Those glorifying British totally forget they were also the part of British India. They did not pop up out of thin air when Jinnah rubbed aladin ka chirag
Let it take it from here. Let me tell you what Pakistan has done for me. Let me tell you what Pakistan is.

My family lost 17 members at the time of partition at the hands of Pakistanis. So cut your sympathy crap and shove it. We as sikhs very well know the nefarious designs.

Regarding the rest of India, it is way more beautiful than what is left of Pakistan with exploding mullahs every third day. Pakistan has a habit of showcasing itself as shining light of humanity which would devour humanity at the first sight of few dollars.

Go and read the sikh history, how sikhs came into existence, and when we side with Pakistan it will be slap on the face of Sikhs themselves.

I come from a place where i was taught by christian teachers and a hindu family helped during 1984 riots. Today after the same plight of 1984, i have enough hindus working for me while i myself report to a hindu. Dynamics of India is hard to understand for Pakistan.

Sikhs have a homeland which is called India, the day we would want independent homeland we will go out and claim whole of Pakistani punjab for it.

So please keep this farzi sympathy for Sikhs to yourself.

Close minded people like you can never understand the complexity of Pakistan. Fact is most Pakistanis could care less about India. I have never once registered for an India defence forum. Why? I really don't care.

Meanwhile, Indiots like you always find their way to PDF so you can tell us about your childhood. Not interested, bro.
Till the last post, it was all on lighter note but you are repeating the same thing so a last submission from my side.

First of sll, we are not into such pariah thing nor we believe into such at all in Pakistan so it is never going to happen. I hope you understand.

Ham be yahi keh rahay hain k har cheez khelona nahi hoti.

Rest about development and infrastructure for the SAARC countries, India shouldn't have boycotted the forum and those countries as well if were needed of such but it is more like an attempt of bullying so you know the results, we will be keep pressing the button until & unless the true development of SAARC countries. Boycott by India is real enmity with those countries who need help but afraid of bullying, having no other choice, have to part with India. We will also play with diplomatic means when the time arrives for SAARC.

There is nothing called humanity nor ahsaan in international politics bade bhai.
Pehle to Pakistan does not hold influence on these nations. You had a chance but your foreign office (i mean it not out of any animosity) fcked up big time. I have no idea though how do you hire people in your foreign office.(i really want to know cuz your foreign policies are outright idiotic. again not saying it with arrogance or animosity)

Secondly, India will press for its own interest even if it is helping other states. International politics is based on give and take. If we would give them access to sats and other tech we would want something in return. There are no free lunches. Same goes for BD and SL and AF, they want infra from India, they will have to stand upto India's aspirations too. Hence these are called bilateral relations. while in case of Pakistan it has more to do with paranoia via India. For Pakistan everything is neferious design (though some really are). This is all because of the political atmosphere of Pakistan which has only one unity point - INDIA. Nothing unites Pakistan apart from INDIA. but this has made whole country delusional of a boogeyman which is going to come to get their kitty..

Close minded people like you can never understand the complexity of Pakistan. Fact is most Pakistanis could care less about India. I have never once registered for an India defence forum. Why? I really don't care.

Meanwhile, Indiots like you always find their way to PDF so you can tell us about your childhood. Not interested, bro.
Lol Stop discussing India, Indians will not be on the forums of Pakistan. You expect to b!tch about India and believe Indians would be playing ludo.

Imagine your brethren complain about the amont of Indians on a Pakistani forum, now imagine what would happen if you were on an Indian forum. 1 Pakistani = 10 Indians theory works only in theology.
Why are Pakistanis pretending to be Syrians to flow into refugee camps in Europe?

They make up a tiny number, and out of a country of 200 million, that's nothing.


Why did you bring this in for?
Plz attack :bounce::bounce::bounce:
Nopes, do we need to. we just have to "push".

We have seen history of Pakistan. When the days are dark, you people eat your own people. We just have to make sure that days are dark, rest you guys will do for us.
Lol Stop discussing India, Indians will not be on the forums of Pakistan. You expect to b!tch about India and believe Indians would be playing ludo.

Imagine your brethren complain about the amont of Indians on a Pakistani forum, now imagine what would happen if you were on an Indian forum. 1 Pakistani = 10 Indians theory works only in theology.

Typical Deluded Indiot.

Why should we restrict speech? We talk about everything. Your obsession about Pakistan is on display for all to see.

Do explain your theory of why hate crimes against "Dalits" are so high in India. :rolleyes:
The level of hostility and the refusal for cooperation in facilitating trade and commercial activities by itself was creating a problem even when summits were being held.

What is relevant, is the question, is SAARC over?

SAARC has been on death bed for sometime now. BIMSTEC has already taken the baton from it and has been sprinting ahead...
Why did you bring this in for?

I wanted to emphasize what should be a modern nations priorities...it was in response to that medieval rant from our tta on the "black skinned insects of the gangetic valley etc etc".

a modern nation should be more concerned about the fact that the country has been declared 'water endangered" than about the skin color of its neighbors!

.,of course Pakistanis seeking asylum are not high in number in comparison with the population.. I agree with you..but it should really be zero ...same goes for all south Asian countries...our priorities are misplaced!
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