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19th SAARC Conference in Islamabad 2016-News and Updates

  • India is planned to invite leaders of the Bay of Bengal Initiative—a select group of Asian nations—for an outreach session with the leaders of Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa at the eighth Brics summit in October in Goa. This was done in July itself.
  • Brics brings together Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
  • The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (Bimstec) groups seven nations of South and South-East Asia—Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
  • In addition to all these leaders of Afghanistan and Maldives is also invited.

In short all the members were basically shifted from one group to a bigger group and giving them a much bigger space and market.

It's not about winning or isolating. Trade and economic cooperation plays a vital role in today's world. By giving everyone a bigger platform and a better chance of mutually arriving at similar interest considerations, this will only make SAARC redundant and also make India a much more important partner for regional countries. It is important to understand BRICS has China as well implying China who was just an observer gains much more via this route of engagement.

A little timing the steps is now showing multiple effects.. nothing else..
Well thats the right thing to do. World is moving towards economic integration. Even hard nosed enemies in SCS region are trading inspite of conflict. Pakistan was blocking the SAARC several key agendas and India had no choice but to move away.

Irony is that they not only scuttle the SAARC initiatives but also agreed to host it! Says a lot about their intentions.
Oh !!! Please do elaborate you have my undivided attention. :)
Well current situation of Pakistan might make you took my comment amusingly but our current situation is doomed to change .. .we are coming out of a decade long insurgency... peace has just returned to us after a long time ... Things will change.... India's Influence in region gained momentum because Pakistan left the space... But as we are getting back to normality you will see more uprising like kashmir in your country ... Peace with Pakistan is India's only bet... even if it looks like you have some petty gains... on longer run Modi's current Pakistan Policy will haunt India for too long ..
But as we are getting back to normality you will see more uprising like kashmir in your country ... Peace with Pakistan is India's only bet... even if it looks like you have some petty gains... on longer run Modi's current Pakistan Policy will haunt India for too long ..

Now you have my attention too .... please do elaborate. I am keen on this aspect of yours.

You see this is a domain @jbgt90 and I very keenly want to understand.
Please elaborate.

:lol: Afghanistan? who was brought to SAARC by Pakistan.

Bangladesh ? Ohhh Sorry I mean Hassina, wellll nothing to explain.

Bhutan hmmmm a small country that is blackmailed by India but wait the real humiliation was when even Bhutan despite a colony of India showed eyes to India sometime back.

SAARC also include Sri Lanka and Nepal

LOL India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Bhutan... We feel very very humiliated.

Fvck SAARC. We should not be part of this insignificant bloc. It represents nothing and has no meaning. They can all fvck off and hold their little therapy sessions elsewhere.
Afghanistan - does not have even existence as a fully functional country today and its stooge regime exercise its control over just part of Kabul.
Bangladesh- indian stooge regime which has no election mandate but survive on gun point.
Bhutan - is thoroughly controlled and occupied by india.

indian "world", as it stands, evolves around 3 countries hijacked by indian stooges. That is how much indian foreign policy accomplishment with 1.2 billion people, has to show for. That is not only pathetic but utterly shameless.
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India does not gain ANYTHING by humiliating Pakistan - all it does is just make Islamabad's already shrill complaints even shriller. It makes sense to show Islamabad that there is no SAARC summit if India so decides but it is just a volley in a series - won't call it humiliation. Abbottbad was, this is not.

It is NOT a humiliation for Pakistan by Indian action. But it is a diplomatic 'loss of face' of some measure in International Comity of nations, that is all.

However, what is pertinent is that SAARC is dead. And the world has moved on. That is all
Pakistan Humiliated by south Asian countries' boycott of summit

India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Bhutan cite regional interference as they pull out of what was set to be a historic meeting

Jon Boone in Islamabad and Michael Safi in Delhi

Wednesday 28 September 2016 14.59 BST Last modified on Wednesday 28 September 2016 16.19 BST

Four south Asian countries are to boycott what was set to be a historic regional summit in Islamadad in November, dealing a humiliating blow to Pakistan and isolating it diplomatically.

India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Bhutan all said they would pull out of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) meeting following a collapse in relations between Pakistan and India, the subcontinent’s nuclear-armed rivals.

Statements by the region’s foreign ministries echoed India’s criticism on Tuesday night, which blamed “increasing cross-border terrorist attacks and growing interference of the internal affairs of member states” for Delhi’s decision to boycott the conference.

Until recently, the prospect of the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Islamabad had been seen as a potentially highly symbolic step towards reconciliation between Pakistan and India.

The two countries, however, have been engaged interse exchanges following an attack on an Indian army base on 18 September that killed 19 soldiers, which Delhi has blamed on jihadis based in Pakistan. The raid took place in town of Uri near the line of control that divides the contested Himalayan territory of Kashmir.

Four days later, India denounced Pakistan at the UN as the host of the “Ivy League of terrorism”.

Islamabad says India has provided no evidence linking the attack either to militants based in Pakistan or to the country’s intelligence agencies, which have long been accused of complicity with anti-India jihadi groups.

Pakistan’s defence minister has even suggested that India itself carried out the attack to deflect attention from its ongoing struggle to quell popular disturbances in the Indian part of Kashmir.

Indian soldiers patrol near the line of control in Kashmir following the 18 September attack. Photograph: Mukhtar Khan/AP
Tensions have been fuelled by television networks and social media on both sides of the border, with some pundits appearing to relish the prospect of all-out nuclear war.

Some Indian hawks have demanded retaliatory attacks against suspected militant camps in Pakistan, but Modi has sought to punish Islamabad with steps that fall short of military means.

His strategy is, however, far tougher than the relative restraint shown by previous Indian governments during earlier crises, such as that prompted by the four-day assault on Mumbai by Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba in 2008.

In recent weeks, Modi has publicly backed separatist rebels in the restive Pakistani province of Balochistan, a move that has infuriated Islamabad. He has also questioned a key cross-border river treaty and vowed to orchestrate Pakistan’s diplomatic isolation.

That promise became reality on Wednesday when it became clear four out of SAARC’s eight members would not attend the summit, which it is Pakistan’s turn to host.

Afghanistan’s foreign ministry, which has long accused Pakistan of supporting the Taliban-led insurgency, was most stinging in its criticism, denouncing “the increased level of violence and fighting as a result of imposed terrorism on Afghanistan”.

Nine months ago, hopes were high for a rapprochement between India and Pakistan following Modi’s surprise visit to Lahore on Christmas day, the first time an Indian leader had set foot in Pakistan since 2004.

Pakistan’s prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, welcomes his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi to Lahore in December 2015. Photograph: PIB/AFP/Getty Images
His Pakistani counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, won a landslide election victory in 2013, determined to end the decades’ long standoff and open up trade.

“But Pakistan has a tremendous capacity to withstand coercion and a mindset that wants eternal confrontation with India that is too deeply entrenched,” he said.

On Monday, Modi ordered water officials to step up efforts to divert a greater share of the three rivers the countries share under the Indus treaty, a 1960 agreement that has survived their subsequent conflicts.

“Blood and water cannot flow together,” Modi said, a rare invocation of India’s power to meddle with the Indus river system, which flows downstream into Pakistan and provides water to 65% of the country’s landmass.

Himanshu Thakkar, the coordinator of the South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People, said it would take up to a decade to build dams capable of reducing the flow to Pakistan.

“But it sends a signal, and that signal will have an impact,” he said. “If India builds projects to store water from its entitlement, it will provide a means for India to control water flow to Pakistan, even temporarily.”

On Tuesday, Pakistan complained to the World Bank, which brokered the original treaty, urging it to prevent India from starting construction work on the Neelum and Chenab rivers.


@nair @Joe Shearer @MilSpec

I think this is the end of SAARC as we know it.
Pakistan humiliated by the boycott of SAARC summit by a rogue state, India? Indians need to feel disgraced by their rogue behavior and shameless brinkmanship. Indians had pain in their neck and wanted to attack Pakistan after freedom fighters' deadly attack at the Uri Army HQ. After spitting a lot of venom against Pakistan and continued war mongering, spineless Indians found themselves biting the dust because these cowards were hell scared by mighty counter punch by Pakistan. They were furious but helpless. The only thing that could manage to do was arm-twist their smaller neighbor states to boycott the summit. It is indeed utterly disgraceful that the biggest country in the region fell so low. Did we lose anything by canceling the summit? Not really. We rather have a peace of mind. Had the summit not cancelled, we would have seen continuous shit-spinning by Indians for Modi going or not going to attend the summit just like dead donkey lying in a well for indefinitely long. At least we now have time to do useful stuff rather than wasting time, effort, and energy for useless SAARC summit.
Pakistan have always tried to support the smaller states (like we supported Sri Lankans to crush Indian terrorism in their country) to protect them from Indian blackmail and coercive tactics. But these states seem to be willing to act for Indians like leashed monkeys and get humiliated, it's their own choice.
Pakistan humiliated by the boycott of SAARC summit by a rogue state, India? Indians need to feel disgraced by their rogue behavior and shameless brinkmanship. Indians had pain in their neck and wanted to attack Pakistan after freedom fighters' deadly attack at the Uri Army HQ. After spitting a lot of venom against Pakistan and continued war mongering, spineless Indians found themselves biting the dust because these cowards were hell scared by mighty counter punch by Pakistan. They were furious but helpless. The only thing that could manage to do was arm-twist their smaller neighbor states to boycott the summit. It is indeed utterly disgraceful that the biggest country in the region fell so low. Did we lose anything by canceling the summit? Not really. We rather have a peace of mind. Had the summit not cancelled, we would have seen continuous shit-spinning by Indians for Modi going or not going to attend the summit just like dead donkey lying in a well for indefinitely long. At least we now have time to do useful stuff rather than wasting time, effort, and energy for useless SAARC summit.
Pakistan have always tried to support the smaller states (like we supported Sri Lankans to crush Indian terrorism in their country) to protect them from Indian blackmail and coercive tactics. But these states seem to be willing to act for Indians like leashed monkeys and get humiliated, it's their own choice.

Your point of any useful contribution to the topic here?
Unfortunately, you underestimate the diplomatic goodwill.

You will see it come in very good use in future.
diplomatic good will with countries which return the favor like russia , yes thats good. But with pakistan which always takes India for granted, serves us no good. Forget about India even US does not want to have conference on Afghanistan with pakistan thats how low they have hit. The issue is pakistan is overplaying its hand for quite a long time that it has lost its credibility. Simply pandering to pakistan not only emboldens it but also makes us look like idiots in International fora.
What ppl in PDF consider as cowardness and scores of folks do chest thumping, in fact restraint helps us achieve a much better avenues.. since the day URI happened, track 2 communication with multiple countries will see the price of this restraint. On one side groups like SAARC will be made irrelevant, on other side pressure will build up upon the same Pakistani government to show some response with which the so called powers will again ask Modi to drop by Lahore and start peace process..

In doing so , India for this part will get right from investments to market to accolodaes.. and to force Pakistan the same powers will make the situation tougher with China also slowly but steadily agreeing to this situation for its interests and benefits..

Ultimately it's a written script already.. one just needs to see the larger picture to understand what is going on really.. yes we lost soldiers and we will get the perpetrators one day.. at the time and place we choose.. but the path we have chosen to achieve it will only make life a lot more difficult for GOP, especially bcz the cost of India's restraint is pretty high..
This is proof of India's rising influence. We should not discount countries like Bhutan with which we have nothing against standing beside the Indian government. No matter what we portray Pakistan's foreign policy has failed utterly. India has constantly been portraying us as a pariah state and they are succeeding.
Well current situation of Pakistan might make you took my comment amusingly but our current situation is doomed to change .. .we are coming out of a decade long insurgency... peace has just returned to us after a long time ... Things will change.... India's Influence in region gained momentum because Pakistan left the space... But as we are getting back to normality you will see more uprising like kashmir in your country ... Peace with Pakistan is India's only bet... even if it looks like you have some petty gains... on longer run Modi's current Pakistan Policy will haunt India for too long ..
You really feel your country is going back to normal? normal when ?
the 70s ?
the 80s?
do inform us how we are doomed unless we sue for peace .
diplomatic good will with countries which return the favor like russia , yes thats good. But with pakistan which always takes India for granted, serves us no good. Forget about India even US does not want to have conference on Afghanistan with pakistan thats how low they have hit. The issue is pakistan is overplaying its hand for quite a long time that it has lost its credibility. Simply pandering to pakistan not only emboldens it but always makes us look like idiots in International fora.

Ah, you are looking only at Pakistan. I am talking about the rest of the world. That is what counts. The diplomatic goodwill is something import of which even Pakistan understands.

Why do you think that Pakistan has decided to approach World Bank before India did anything, merely a day after India decided to suspend IWT?

You need to ponder over that aspect.

Bravado notwithstanding (you do not expect any country to say that they erred, heck even US defends it intervention in Iraq in 2003, when it was clearly a misstep that has led to the whole of Middle East being de-stabilised till date) Pakistan also realises the import of this event.
SAARC has been failure right from day one because of traditional rivalry between india and pakistan. Its better to disband it and work with countries where at least some sort of common economic goals can be achieved

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