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1999: UAE to contract 200 PAF pilots to fly latest F-16s block 60


Mar 17, 2008
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United States
So this shatters the myth that PAF pilots have no BVR traning at all and requires 5-10 years to get their hands on BVR missiles. So as we speak 200 PAF pilots have flown or still flying block 60 F-16s with AESA radars.

1999: UAE to contract 200 PAF pilots to fly latest F-16s block 60

Pakistani pilot deal linked to US block on UAE technology release

Plans by the United Arab Emirates air force to contract up to 200 Pakistan air force fighter pilots to fly F-16D Block 60 fighters it has ordered from Lockheed Martin are at the heart of the US Government's decision to block the release of sensitive technology to the Gulf state, say sources close to the deal.

The UAE needs experienced pilots for training and operation of 80 new fighters it plans to buy from Lockheed Martin and 63 new Dassault Mirage 2000-9 fighters purchased from France.

The USA and the UAE have been in protracted talks over the acquisition of the advanced Block 60 version of the F-16 since May last year, when the UAE selected the US-built fighter over the Dassault Rafale (below). Negotiations have stalled over Washington's refusal to release software source coding for the new generation Northrop Grumman APG-68 ABR radar for the Block 60, despite a UAE commitment to fund the radar's development as launch customer for the latest variant of the fighter.

Earlier this month, it appeared that the radar issue had been resolved, but that the transfer of source codes for the electronic warfare system were under the USA's export controls spotlight (Flight International, 10-17 March).

Further problems have emerged over US reluctance to allow Pakistani pilots to fly the aircraft and so gain access to its latest generation active array radar and electronic warfare technology.

The US Government has been at odds with Pakistan since Congress slapped an arms ban on Islamabad for its moves to develop nuclear weapons. The action resulted in the USA blocking delivery of 28 F-16A/Bs.

If the technology is not released under the Block 60 purchase, the UAE has said it will be forced to reopen the fighter competition.

Sources close to the Gulf state say a UAE delegation will hold up to two months of detailed talks with the US Department of Defense in Washington DC, starting on 15 April, to resolve the issue. "We are still studying the deal with our [US] friends," says Lt Gen Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, chief of staff of the UAE armed forces. "We have asked for certain requirements. If they are not met, then the UAE can go for other options."

Partly because of such statements, speculation was growing at the show that the UAE wants to evaluate the Eurofighter Typhoon and look again at the Dassault Rafale. British Aerospace originally provided the UAE with information on the Eurofighter but says it did not bid formally.
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welll what is the pain in usa we already have F 16 if we helped in some way to our sincere friend uae what is a big fuss on other hand israel is leaking american drone tech they keep blind on that issue
Great find, man. So now we have confirmation that the UAEAF did want the PAF to help it absorb F-16s. The Indians would definitely be concerned about this, it certainly damages the F-16IN's bid for the MMRCA.

That leaves the MiG-35 as the only platform in the MMRCA contest the PAF hasn't had any experience with. No wonder it's taking them this long to decide which one to select.
welll what is the pain in usa we already have F 16 if we helped in some way to our sincere friend uae what is a big fuss on other hand israel is leaking american drone tech they keep blind on that issue
They don't want us to be able to learn about their AESA radar technology without paying for the privilege. It's a reasonable concern that they have with Pakistan. They didn't even let the UAE access to the source code, despite the fact that UAE co-sponsored the development of the Block 60.

Oh, and I remember a thread titled "Pakistan vs UAE" where you advocated waging a diplomatic war against UAE for their treatment of Pakistani nationals. Now you're referring to the same country as a "sincere friend". Which is it?
it certainly damages the F-16IN's bid for the MMRCA.

I think this was one aircraft though best of all, by price-techonlogy ratio, yet was never acepted as a serious contendor as the existing F16 inventory was enought to rule out any possibility for the F16s. The LM's F-35 ,a premature offer was perhaps the acknowledgment of this fact.

That leaves the MiG-35 as the only platform in the MMRCA contest the PAF hasn't had any experience with.

What Kind/level of experience do PAF have with F18 Hornet and EF Typhoon ?

They don't want us to be able to learn about their AESA radar technology

This is surely Alarming for F18 Fans,as its the Most Probable MMRCA winner and similar "strings" could be attached to the same.
I think this was one aircraft though best of all, by price-techonlogy ratio, yet was never acepted as a serious contendor as the existing F16 inventory was enought to rule out any possibility for the F16s. The LM's F-35 ,a premature offer was perhaps the acknowledgment of this fact.
True, the F-16 was never really considered a serious contender by Indians, I don't know why. It does, like you said, offer considerable bang-for-buck so to speak. However, if this deal between the UAEAF and PAF went through, it would hurt the F-16s chances even more. If I remember correctly, this issue was voiced by some people quite high up in the rank in India during the Airshow.

Also, India was offered an investment in the F-35 program when the program needed it desperately. The deal offered to India, and two or three other countries, offered very little ToT and was rejected by ever country it was offered to. And it was a good decision too, because even the United Kingdom, the only Level I partner in the program, is unhappy with the amount of sensitive technology that will be made available to them (hence the massive Eurofighter acquisition plans). Point being, the F-35 deal had quite a lot to do with desperation on the part of the JSF program, so I wouldn't say the F-35 offer reflects too much on the F-16 MMRCA offer.

What Kind/level of experience do PAF have with F18 Hornet and EF Typhoon ?
Evaluated both. The F/A-18 Hornet (Air Force variant) was evaluated quite some time ago. The Eurofighter was evaluated more recently by a team of PAF pilots. This was all around the time when Pakistan was looking to Europe for a high-tech solution; the Gripen, Eurofighter, Mirage-2000 and Rafale were all looked at (to varying degrees). Even the Flanker was evaluated, but your lobbies in Russia absolutely creamed our lobbyists, and the deal didn't go through.

This is surely Alarming for F18 Fans,as its the Most Probable MMRCA winner and similar "strings" could be attached to the same.
The United States' reluctance to share technology, even the stuff that is "outdated" by their standards, is infamous. Even the F-4s in service in some Arab countries are monitored to ensure the embedded technologies are not reverse-engineered without consent. If I remember correctly, the F-16 and the F/A-18 deals offer the lowest level of Transfer of Technology of all the MMRCA aircraft, with the MiG-35 offering the most. This issue has made India uncomfortable with the US offers, which is why I don't think the F/A-18 is the front-runner. However, like I said, I am not aware of the inside negotiations between the decision-makers, so the F/A-18 may well be the leading contender.
can somebody provide a link to a report that stats 100 PAF pilots will be contracted every year to middle eastern air forces.
can somebody provide a link to a report that stats 100 PAF pilots will be contracted every year to middle eastern air forces.

Judging from the US insecurities and reservations about PAF pilots in this report, any contracts b/w Mideast airforces and PAF would have to be kept as secret as possible so I doubt such kind of contracs would be publicized
Judging from the US insecurities and reservations about PAF pilots in this report, any contracts b/w Mideast airforces and PAF would have to be kept as secret as possible so I doubt such kind of contracs would be publicized

what are u talking about man. lol
US has monitoring system for its military hardware used by foreigner forces. I highly highly dough PAF pilots will go undetected.
what are u talking about man. lol
US has monitoring system for its military hardware used by foreigner forces. I highly highly dough PAF pilots will go undetected.

Well they can't trace em if they aren't registered per say with PAF ? Fake id's ? I know it's a stretch but eh so many of our pilots are working in Mideast, still we don't hear much about it in the news do we ? Maybe someone like Sir Muradk will be able to shed better light on our pilots flying for UAE and other Muslim countries
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